Follow this simple recipe and video tutorial for the best all butter pie crust. It will make you a pie expert immediately! Complete with all my tips and troubleshooting, this pie crust recipe is buttery, flaky, and tender with the most incredible flavor.
2 and 1/2 cups (315g) all-purpose flour, plus more as needed (spoon & leveled)
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (230g; 16 Tbsp) unsalted butter, chilled and cubed
1/2 cup (120ml) ice water, plus more as needed
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Welcome to my kitchen! I’m Sally, a cookbook author, photographer, and blogger. My goal is to give you the confidence and knowledge to cook and bake from scratch while providing quality recipes and plenty of pictures. Grab a cookie, take a seat, and have fun exploring!
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Video Transcription
hi I’m Sally from Sally’s bakingaddiction and today I’m showing you howto make the best buttery pie crustit’s made with all butter and it’s so soflaky I’m also showing you how tolattice the pie dough topping you canget the full recipe and tutorial on myblog Sally’s baking addiction calm[Music]mix the dry ingredients together add thecubed butter using a pastry cutter orfood processor cut the butter into thedry ingredients until all the flour iscoated you’re looking for pea-sized fitsof flour coated butter a few larger bitsis OK drizzle the cold water in twotablespoons at a time and stir aftereach addition stop adding water when thedough begins to form large clumps youusually need around half a cup of icewater the dough will feel moist and alittle sticky but not overly wet manypie crust recipes don’t call for enoughice water giving you a dry pie doughthat cracks when you roll it out when indoubt add a little more ice water cutthe dough in half flatten into disks andwrap up tightly this recipe yields two9-inch pie crusts refrigerate the doughfor at least two hours and up to fivedays or freeze for up to three months[Music]when rolling pie dough out always startfrom the center and work your way out inall directions turning the dough as yougokeep your hands rolling pin and worksurface lightly floured and smooth outany cracks around the edges I’m making achive slice apple pie with a lattice piecrust top carefully place your pie doughinto your pie dish tucking it in tightlyspoon the filling into the crust[Music]use 12 1-inch strips to make thebeautiful lattice decoration carefullythread the pie dough strips over andunder one another pulling back strips asnecessary to leavetrim and flute the edges[Music][Music]brush the dough with egg wash andsprinkle with a little coarse sugar[Music]Bakke per your recipes instructions[Music]thank you so much for watching I lovesharing my recipe videos on this channelso make sure you subscribe and turn onnotifications so you never miss a newone if you have any questions orcomments hop on over to my blog and I’llbe happy to help answer them