Pancakes Recipes

SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off (Gameplay) – Pancakes/Krusty Krab [Android, IOS] – Free To Play!!!

SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off (Gameplay) – Pancakes/Krusty Krab [Android, IOS] – Free To Play!!!

Spongebob gets a new mobile game 2020 that may be worth your time. For fans of SpongeBob TV show or movies this game is a must have addicting casual game. In “SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off” you will cook many different foods and help various characters from the SpongeBob TV show in an intense yet relaxing cook off.

In the beginning of SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off you will be working a pancake stand for Mr.Krabs while Squidward cooks at the Krusty Krab. Eventually after 50 levels of cooking pancakes and leveling up your pancake stand you will be awarded a funny cut scene then your position back as fry cook back.

Cooking in SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off is simple and fun. Each new area on the map unlocked starts off slow however to beat the later levels of each cook off challenge you will need to level up and be patient. Without leveling up your kitchen correctly some levels will be impossible to win. At points in your adventure SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off will make your brain turn off and work at speeds you dont expect.

Animation in SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off is basic yet feels good enough to please most fans of the show. Art style of SpongeBob is all intact and those bright colours look great on Android and IOS. Sound is simple yet not in the way of the experience. While many mobile games go for to much music or sound effects SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off keeps things simple.

Spongebob Krusty Cook Off could be called Crook Off however with its heavy focus on ads and in game purchases. Be aware parents your kids will be hit with many attempts to get inside your wallets. Without leveling up and patience at times the game will limit the player to the point of not being able to play the game. The idea of you ran out of lives watch an ad get a life back or wait extended period of time is annoying. Most players facing the situation will watch the ad only to die and watch another ad and spend real world money to beat the level rather than learn the leveling up mechanics. However the game does make recommendations to what you need to buy to beat each level. Yet due be aware patience is needed to really beat the later levels as gems and coins are hard to come by in SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off.

Overall SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off is a fun game when you learn how not to spend real world money in it but regardless ads will be a constant reminder of how money hungry mobile devs are. If you can deal with the ads and hustle anr bustle of the game its a good time.

Original of the video here

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