Pancakes Recipes

Sienna’s Station – HOW TO MAKE PANCAKES!!!

Hi everybody! It’s Sienna. And welcome to another episode of SIENNA’S STATION…with me, Sienna and my little brother MATTHEW!

Today we are giving you a how-to video for all the kids out there to make YUMMY pancakes…with your parent’s permission of course.

I love to cook, and my favorite thing to eat is pancakes….with LOTS of Maple Syrup. I think I could be a chef and start a pancake restaurant. Matthew seems to like them.

Do you like to cook and create fun pancakes? Mathew is always thinking about toys and Power Rangers so it’s hard to get him to help…but wait until you see what he does with the egg!

Thank you for watching and please subscribe!

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi everyone welcome to see Anastasia andtoday we’ll be making some healthyprotein pancakes was nephew and nieceAnna and so the first ingredient youwill need some pancake mix some watersome eggs and a bowl for mixing oh boy abowl yeah pour it in the bowl thatpoured on the table silly yeahfirst we’re gonna pour in all of thebatter and all of it we just just add alittle bit of water undefined that’sgood for now okay and then you’re justgonna start to mix yeah and then onceyour batter gets smooth smooth ours isnot you got it add a little more water[Music]good job Matthew okay so once you startstirring and it’s a little bit doughyyour water which means your pancake mixis coming together so once you haveenough warm water and start to serveover until until it’s like even enough[Music]now that we’ve mixed all the ingredientsand except the eggs we will be puttingthe exit so and your batter supposed tolearn a little bit watery but light soI’m gonna crack itbe very gentle just crack that littleegg now we are going to start mixing itmay look a little bit yellow whileyou’re mixing but why we put it on thestove and we just start to mix in withthe pinking because eggs and pink youcan basically the same thing as you putit together okay so now that we’ve gotour batter um we will need a stove butmake sure you have your parentspermission a pan like a big pink likethis put some oil and join me this isjust like scoop up the pancakes and putit in then you’ll need this so firstwe’re going to turn on the oven and makesure you have your parents permission sonow we have to turn on the oven makesure you have your parents permissionand if you have an oven like this makesure to push and wait with the clip[Music]I’m a balloon and now maybe get like ateaspoon of the oil that’s all okay sonow that we’ve got our oil all mixed inyou’re gonna get this thing and thenwe’re gonna scoop some of your battersince I have a big pan I’m gonna makethree pancakes and then usually when Ihave like a little more batter I juiceit to make the joint on this pancake[Music][Music][Music]so now that the pancakes start start totumble up they will start to like reallybubble and then it means that it’s timeto flip by accident and it may be howmuch you and it may have to if it getsstuck to a part like there then you canjust cut it off with your spatula somaybe if it does that meanand then just wait for them to cook alittle on the other side to just startto bubble okay so now they you will hearthe sizzling down here so when youthings are done flip them over one moretime and see if they are so now that Ihave a little bit more pancake batterI’m just gonna pour the whole thing infor my ginormous pancake now we’re gonnamake our ginormous pancakeso just take this out so we don’t haveto just scoop it it I’m gonna put itright here now I’m gonna get the wholething I’m gonna pour it onto the pan youcan get your daddy to do this because itlike mine is all over the pan look howbig that isoh my gosh it’s falling apartnow that we’re done we’re gonna turn offthe stoveokay so now we got our beautiful hey Kixhere and we’re gonna eat it now we’rewaiting for everything to be cut up byyour parents and we got some maple syruphere from all these let’s do that andnow we have milk for drink because itjust freshens up around a little[Music][Music]favorite part with me cute my favoriteartists need them and Boyd soon upon[Music][Music]and producer mummy[Music]

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