Pancakes Recipes


Recipe: plantain,floor, milk,sugar,water and egg.

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Video Transcription

hello yeah welcome to my youtube channel
I’m going to show you how to prepare
ripe plantain pancake so ripe plantain
pancake is a very good breakfast or
lunch for your children is very very
simple and is very very delicious so I
have here flour 1/2 yeah powdered milk
have a fresh egg 1/2 here out of sugar
and also ripe one thing so without
wasting your time let’s jump into the
video so first of all you pay the plants
in and remove the back so you have to
blend this plantain smoothie fun add
little water
so upland
a pipe blender you put it then let’s
show this make sure the egg mix together
all the ingredients very very very very
nutritious plants in pancake is very
good so so before you put the pie cake
let me show you have to rub butter on
the fry pan then immediately you pour
the mixture of oil ingredients list we
hope we are watching
after she keep that balance
well the pancake is done so look at it
so want to add another one you have to
knock over that water so the same
process so that’s how you consume
trainings on the Baltic Sea once the
number of pancake you needed for service
so watch out so see how he’s rolling on
the fried pan does he committed to
brandish once very like this so my
pancake is ready raises for sir
so if you like roll it you like you can
roll it this way like leave it flat so
you see a funky do you see not so it’s
ready for service so thank you I hope
you understand the video I hope gap how
to the fire up pancake is very simple
and very easy so thank you for watching
this video please I need the a thumbs up
I need a comment and also need you to
share this image we have friends also is
if you I need this channel please kindly
subscribe we see aegospotami teens
subscribe below the video please and
turns up the education bed so that will
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thank you for stopping by
see you on my next video

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