Pancakes Recipes

Making pancakes for my animals😆(I’m not surprised how Layla reacted😂)

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Video Transcription

hello everyone and welcome to this videoas you can see right in my kitchen andI’m holding a pinky pho extremely obeseare pointing it out and today I’ll bemaking guinea pig pancakes now we havewe’re making the battle today did theBattle of the better today’s we just gotout from this door and you know just getinto the video so you’re flying pan ispreheated do you just have to pull alittle tiny bit into the pan I know whatyou’re thinking isn’t it okay we’regetting pigs to have pancakes well it itactually is if I came for them to have alittle bit and that was a very bigamount but I can have that up a littlebit so it’ll be okayguinea pigs can have anything exceptwith Darian then this only has you knowflour egg but I’m so it is okay plus thesome blueberries in well I think sorryit’s part of a blueberries but I guessI’ll find outbut be way if you’re going to give yourguinea pig some pancakes do not put anytoppings on them otherwise they can getthem sick so just have them plainI’ll have the blueberries in them okaylike eggs like little sponges oops Imade you away okay you can lovely threecrispy little pancakes look like thirstlooks like poop and mushrooms but youknow what it’s okaythat’s a forgot those pancakes now mymom decided to taste test them and ateone Wowit looks like I’m making another one themost are making another tooth my dogsoh sorry clear oh this is a pet and thenI made my step and then I made mystepdad a really big pancakethat’s literally on the size of thefrying pan which is okay but it’s gonnabe really hard for me to flip becauseit’s just so much better out of myself Iflip this really big pancake reallyeasily when I say better than theirs Iknow it’s really different and thisone’s big that book yeah that’s it dadwill be okay and here are my animalsreactions to eating the pancakes[Music]I didn’t record a video of clear andRaven because Raven you roll up thepancakes too much and today I kind ofran away with it and like her littlearea in the backyardwhen I gave it to her so subscribe andlike bye

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