Pancakes Recipes

How To Make Scallion Pancakes!

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today we’re gonna make scallion pancakesyou’re gonna need all purpose flourtoasted sesame oil scallions and boilingwater which is not pictured here in oneof these helpsso now we need two cups of flour whichour dear friend Rachel will be puttingin the mixer see in a second while I’mwaiting for the water to boil to putinto our dough I like to tell the floursecretsin cooking thesis my sorrow the water isready 3/4 cup boiling water goes intothe batterget it going a little bit and thenthey’re gonna slowly pour the boiling[Music]and beat it in your bowl until it lookssomething like this but in there I’mgonna take it up so then you put yourdough into a bowl covered with a damppeekaboo covered with a damp towel andwhile I’m waiting I like to chop up myscallions and I like to think about allthe things that I’m grateful for okay sothe dough has been sitting I cut it intofour pieceswhich I forgot to show you but then youtake one piece and you roll it out flatand then what you’re gonna do is you’regonna take your sesame oil just a littlebit put it in here and it’s if you havea pastry brush that works great but Idon’t so many’s my hands and then youroll it up like this I need both myhands for this so I’ll just show you thefinished version so when it’s rolled uplike this we’re gonna take a little endand twist it[Music]snail shape and you put some more sesameoil rub it around and then this is whenyou put the scallions in it’s a scallionpancake like a pizza pie scallionpancake and then you roll up thescallion and sesame oil stuff up intothe same shape into the same littlesnail sheet and then roll it out flatsee that beautiful scallion pancakehere’s one cooking you just put it in apan with a little bit of oil and do bothsides for two to three minutes on eachside there’s also a dipping saucethat you make with ricevinegar and soy sauce and a little bitof sugar and I put some little bit ofscallion and red chili pepper in it toodelicious and then put them on a plateand serve them up for your middle age tojoin no not the teas

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