Final Project: NFS 3114
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
scallion pancakes known in China as Congyou Bing are a staple dish from bothstreet vendors and restaurants alikescallion pancakes are made from a Jorather than a batter which along withtheir savory flavor profile sets themapart from what Americans typicallythink of when they think pancakes tomake the pancakes you will need two cupsof all-purpose flour 1/2 cup of hotboiling water 1/3 cup of cold water 1tablespoon of oil for the dough anothertablespoon of oil for cooking I’vechosen to use toasted sesame oil forboth because of its flavor 1/2 ateaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon ofChinese five-spice to begin mix the saltand all-purpose flour in a large mixingbowl create a well in the center of themixed all-purpose flour and salt and addthe 1/2 cup of hot water do not mix letthis sit for 10 minutes as is then stirin the cold water plus 1 tablespoon ofthe oil stir the mixture and continueforming the dough by hand form a ballwith the dough and let it rest for 5minutes[Music]after it is rested take the dough outand knead it until very smooth and sawit should take about 3 to 5 minutescover the dough and allow it to restanother 20 to 30 minutes in the meantimechop your scallions after the dough isrested cut it into four equal sizedpieces and roll them into balls roll theballs into flat large circles and thenbrush oil over the top of each sprinkleeach with the Chinese five-spice powderand chopped scallions leaving a littlebit of space around the edges roll upthe flattened dough like you’re gonnamake a cinnamon roll then swirl thedough around itself[Music]roll the swirled dough flat with arolling pin until it’s about a quarterof an inch thick to cook the pancakesheat a large nonstick skillet on mediumheat and then add some of the remainingoil to the pan trying to coat it evenlyonce the oil is heated place a pancakein the pan and cook for one to threeminutes on each side until lightly Brownoccasionally press down the pancake tomake sure that it cooks evenlycut the pancakes into equal triangles toprepare for serving serve with a dippingsauce of your choice and enjoy[Music]