I’ve decided to teach you how to make the best pancakes ever! Follow the recipe in the video 🙂
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi students I hope everybody is well Ihave decided to teach you how to makepancakes we are going to use my familyrecipe so anyway what you want and lemonjuice sugar baking powder and you need avanilla but I did not buy vanillaI bought this it looks like vanilla butI didn’t need it anywayyou just need a little bit so that’sokay alright let’s started these arecalledbutter milk pancakes what do you thinkis in butter milk if you think it’sbutter and milk you are wrong to makebuttermilk you need milk and lemon juiceor you need two cups of milk okayso first I’m gonna pour to come out Ineed totablespoons of lemon juice so now inhere can you see there I have the milkand the lemon juice I’m going to let itsit for five minutes while I prepareeverything else okay see in five minutesin a big bowl mix together two cups offlour three and a half tablespoons ofsugar a teaspoon and a half of bakingpowder and an ingredient I forgot tomention in the beginning so you need two[Music][Music]eggs be careful with theseand now you can add the two cups ofbutter okay now I am stirring it to mixall of the ingredients together this isgoing to form a batter pancake and thisis what you use to make the pancakesokay I’ll be here for a little while I’mstill stirring but the batter is lookingvery smooth now so I think I am done andready to make this is so now I’m goingto use it to make the pancakes on thesnow with a pan now that you have thebatter mom and dad should know how tomake it on the stove in a pan with somebutter