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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music][Music][Music]you should put your butter or or honeybut I’m the weird one I love peanutbutter so my jam is peanut butter jellytime you sit for the flutter all rightand I can’t eat honeywithout these rashes around me and mommysaid maybe it’ll be honey so yeah let’sjust get our plate[Music]okay[Music][Music]done done and drinkin Oh bananas[Music]normally I’m gonna tell you how a lot oftaste this one has more taste yeahtry bananas it tastes differentjust a little mm-hmmJeremy doesn’t like bananas but maybethis thing it’s really sweet so yeah yesdon’t believe that helps me the neck putpeanut butter and jelly[Music]they dance pretty good laughing I gottajam all yellow I have to strawberry jambut Johnny do you know those actualrestaurants it doesn’t look[Music][Music]so I’m gonna try it nowthe different taste company soya milkalright so this is how you cook pancakes[Music]