Pancakes Recipes

How To Make OKONOMIYAKI お好み焼き (Japanese Savory Pancakes) Home Quarantine | MNL Food and Travel


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Music: Fun Day – Bensound

#Okonomiyaki #JapaneseFood #HomeRecipes

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[Music][Music]what’s up guys it’s your boy LBJ and 40day old quarantine date number 36 wewill be hooking up some autonomy opticor Japanese savory pancakesnow whatever this meal is quite easy butit’s really the preparation of theingredients that’s consuming some timeso I have chopped up some ingredientsfor the actual pancake I’ve chopped someham mushrooms cabbage and carrots it’sreally up to you what to add thereforethat spam it’s up to you when addoctopus cheese it’s really up to you andthese are so the ingredients for thesauce that we’ll be making oyster saucebutter saucewe also have ketchup on the side havealso jumped up to some Mari and thatbonito flakes here course for thepresentation if there are they help someJapanese mayonnaise as well this is farworse for the rapper so let’s start okaylet’s make the batter so I have someflour over here I’ll put some salt forextra flavor now not really much thatinto the measurements but the key hereis just good mix this with egg and a bitof water so that is going have mediumconsistency not to want to me but to thesame I am not too thick just enough tobe the binding ingredient of everythingof these ingredients right here so let’sput our egg and some water we’re just afew things a few tablespoonsI said let’s start listing[Music]right now we are done whisking so we arejust going to put off these ingredientsinside this bowl mix it together untilit feels sticky if you have a tougheryuki maker at home then this isbasically also the foundation of itexcept that you’ll add your me it’sprobably like quite a bit later wellit’s already developing into a ballalright let’s just mix everythingtogether make sure it’s coated by ourbatter[Music]the right so we’re done mixingeverything and just take a look at thisthis is the kind of appearance ortexture that it has so far very thicksticky now we are going to focus here anonstick pan as the grill and I’m goingto do is to get a scoop from here andthen shape it to something circular ofcoursethank youso right now what it’s doing isobviously developing that sort of acrust underneath hopefully after a fewminutes when I flick it it’s going to beintact okay this is it moment of truthpractice already apart that jointofE looks good definitely too early butstill what’s holding as what’s important[Music]we’ll give me just another day of eachside and still that burn plusmaterializes[Music][Music]now let’s solid look solid right hereyou see those it’s brown spots right nowthat’s the crispy crust if you want aswellall right let’s see all right yeah looksgood for the hanami Aki sauce we will beneeding four ingredients first is sugarit’s already here one part sugar threeparts of ketchup[Applause]one part soy sauce or oyster sauce butfor this video i’ll be using oystersauce there you go[Music]so let’s first let’s episode thateconomy on sauce[Music]Japanese mayonnaise AKA peopie i meandried seaweed or nori which I justchopped earlier so this is not superfiber gathers like confetti[Music]and lastly some bonito flakes that youcan buy basically anywhere[Music]and there you have it humming the optihomemade style see if this tastes good[Music]that sounds uh coffee well they’realmost similar but there’s a slightdifferenceI say come on to me I will show you goahead with Japanese or maybe they usedifferent ingredients this all in a badway something like young for the doorwhen you come out they they that createsthat melts in your mouth not thanks to59 whether we’re asking Alex really justflour and water is guessing yeah yeahyeah first up we have a maker so itbecomes a ball the face twice yeah it’snice I think I hit the storeItalian sesame oil haha toyou know us tohave that further balance anddifference-maker televator Japanesemanuals and as well as the force noriand eggs nice flat topography[Music]

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