Hey guys!
So today I’m gonna be showing you how to make these delicious banana oat chocolate chip pancakes, they are so good you will thank me for making them. And not only are they delicious, they are also nutritious. So give these a try and thank me later.
2 bananas
2 eggs
1 cup of oats
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of baking powder
A pinch of salt
1/2 cup of chocolate chips
Combine everything until you have a nice, evenly incorporated batter.
In a pan, pour out small to medium sized pancakes.
Cook for about 2 minutes or until small bubbles form.
Flip until golden brown.
Repeat until all the batter is gone.
Wild Flower by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/AQWSIi1QU-o
Music by: Epidemic Sound
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to curious foodiethis is Marty here and today I’m gonnashow you how to make this preciousdelicious pink and it’s not just anypancake it’s a bananaoat chocolate chip pancakes you heardthat well you heard it right and I’mgonna show you right now how to make itif you’re new here go ahead andsubscribe hit that notification barleave me a comment and they should haveliked this video let’s jump right intothis video[Music]alright guys so here are the ingredientswe’re gonna use two eggs as you can seehere you can use some olive oil if you’dlike I did not use any I used a nonstickpan some baking powder[Music]some baking sodasome folksa blender[Music]some honeya little bit of salt and two bananas theexact description and amounts are in thedescription box check that out and let’sgo ahead and start blending everythingwe’re gonna go ahead and open up theblender we’re gonna start with the oatsfirst and then we’re gonna go ahead andadd the bananasI like to peel them from the bottom butyou can feel them whichever way you want[Music]you want to break the bananas intochunks so that it blends easiest and youcan get it all in therecan I add the second bananaI’m gonna crackboth eggs one at a time into the blenderI’m gonna add a little bit of honey justa little bit[Music]I’m gonna throw in the cinnamon[Music]and the baking powderand then you will sprinkle just a littlebit of saltyou want to close your blender and blendaway[Music]super simple just a couple ofingredients and you got some deliciouspancakes look at that[Music]you want to blend it all until it’sevenly combinedand there you go now that you’ve gotyour batter we’re gonna go ahead andstart cooking them you want to get yourpan[Music][Music]all right before we start touring let’sgo ahead and do some chocolate chipsright in there I got some Hershey’schocolate bars super easy just break itup right in the package and then throwit right in the batter and then grab aspoon and mix it all up all right so nowwe’re gonna go ahead and pour in thebatter you want to go ahead and get aladle pour it in and then just kind ofmess around with it just to get thatnice shape that we want and then let itcook for about two minutes on each sideor until you see those little bubblesstartingall righty look at that so we’re gonnago ahead and let it cook a little bitlonger[Music]all right so they’re ready to be flippedyou see those little tiny bubbles inthere that tells you that they are readywe’re gonna go ahead and slide thespatula underneath nice and gentle letme show you a close-up yeah and thenflip it yeah look at that look at thatflip look at a flip look at it look atthe wrist yes mamayou see those golden-brown deliciousness[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]alright guys let me give you a close-upof the next batch so you can see what Imean when I say the little bubbles doyou see those they’re forming in therethat means it’s time to flip them yousee the edges are browning look at thatso good alright guys I’m gonna show youagain the flick of the wrist and showyou how to flip them and the littlebubbles that I keep referring toso we’re gonna do another batchthis is the last batchyou want to get all the batter out ofthe blender we’re not wasting better inthis kitchenyou want to use the bottom of the spoonto spread it around and get that shapethat you want it’s not going to beperfectly circular but we can certainlytry[Music]alright here’s a close-up of the littlebubbles that means it’s time to flip itagain alright let’s go ahead and flip itand give you a close-up you see thatit’s all the signals of hey let me I’mreadyoh my god do you guys see thisdeliciousness oh you have to try it andwhen you try it make sure you leave acomment to let me know how good it isbecause I promise you you won’t regretit and if you new here once again don’tforget to subscribe hit the notificationbell and like this video guys have ablessed day[Music]