Pancakes Recipes

Homemade Pancakes – Cast Iron Cooking with the Iron Maiden

If you like this recipe – like/subscribe to this channel for more. Recipe for Pancakes below:
    2 cups all purpose | plain flour
    1/4 cup granulated sugar or sweetener
    4 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 cups milk (plus up to 1 to 4 TBSP extra if needed)
    1/4 cup butter , melted
    1 large egg
Optional –
1/4 tsp vanilla
chocolate chips 

    Combine together the flour, sugar (or sweetener), baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large-sized bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the milk, slightly cooled melted butter, egg and (optional) vanilla.
    Use a wire whisk to whisk the wet ingredients together first before slowly folding them into the dry ingredients. Mix together until smooth (there may be a couple of lumps but that’s okay).
If adding nuts, chips, blueberries, etc. – mix one TBSP of flour (take this out of your 2 cups of flour) – this will help keep them evenly dispersed. After batter is mixed gently stir in nuts, chips or blueberries.
You can also just sprinkle a few berries, chips, etc, on your pancakes after the batter is poured on the griddle.
    (The batter will be thick and creamy in consistency. If you find the batter too thick — doesn’t pour off the ladle or out of the measuring cup smoothly — fold a couple tablespoons of extra milk into the batter at a time until reaching desired consistency).
    Set the batter aside and allow to rest while heating up your pan or griddle.
    Heat a nonstick pan or griddle over low-medium heat and wipe over with a little butter to lightly grease pan. Pour ¼ cup of batter onto the pan and spread out gently into a round shape with the back of your ladle or measuring cup.
    When the underside is golden and bubbles begin to appear on the surface, flip with a spatula and cook until golden. Repeat with remaining batter.
    Serve with honey, maple syrup, fruit, ice cream or frozen yoghurt, eggs, or enjoy plain!

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[Music]hello it’s almost pancake Tuesday so Ithought I’d show you how easy it is tomake homemade pancakes there is simpleto make as from the box and much tastierso let’s go over our ingredients we’llhave a quarter cup of sugar 2 cups offlour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1/4teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt1/4 cup of butter which I’ve melted 1and 1/2 cups plus a couple extratablespoons of milk 1 egg and if youwant you can add up to 1/4 teaspoon ofvanilla you could also add chocolatechips cinnamon blueberries whatever elseyou’d like so let’s start by adding ourflour to the bowl as always make surethat your flour hasn’t packed down tossit up a little bit and this is a 1/2 cupscoop so we’ll need 1 2 3 4 of thoseI’ve got my quarter cup of sugar hereI’ll put in 4 teaspoons of baking powderalways make sure your baking powder isfresh if you haven’t bought it in a wallit might be a good idea to go get a newpackage 2 3 4 a quarter teaspoon of thebaking soda 1/2 teaspoon of saltand I’m just going to combine my dryingredients before I mix in the liquidsmake sure the leavening is mixed evenlyin there and then I’ve got my milk andone egg I’m not a big fan of vanilla inmy pancakes I like to put an egg on mypancakes so I usually skip the vanillabut like I said you can add that if youwant now if you’re going to addchocolate chips or blueberries to yourmix you want to take out about atablespoon of the flour and toss that onthe blueberries and the nuts and you’llstir them and last and that flour willkeep them from sinking it’ll make surethey’re evenly distributed I’m justmixing up my liquids here before I pourthem in so I’ll pour those in and we’llgive that a stir and I’m going to whileI’m stirring it just pour in my butternow if your mixture is a little thickyou can add some extra milk usuallyyou’re going to add need to add an extratablespoon or two but it’s always bestto kind of see how thick it is how easyit pours off of the spoon now you canexpect a few small lumps and your batterthat is okay and normal you actuallydon’t want to over mix your batter itwill make it tough to add just a littlebit of this milk hereso I’ve added two tablespoons you canadd up to an extra quarter cup or fourtablespoons of milk if needed and thatlooks like it’s it’s pouring off of thespoon pretty nicely so now I’m going totake my skillet here and I’m going toturn that on there we go and I’m goingto let my batter set for about fiveminutes while my skillet is heatingyou’re gonna heat the skillet up toabout 375 degrees a couple drops ofwater should sizzle nicely at thattemperature so I’ll see you back here inabout five minutes all right our skilletshould be hot enough I’m just going toput a little bit of bacon grease I havehere and read that around okay we’reready to start making the pancakes thebatter seems to have thickened a littlebit so I’m going to pour in a littlemore milk here another coupletablespoons and just stir that in andit’ll make it a little easier to pourand manage these guys so you put about1/4 cup of batter on the stove or on thepan and the batter will start to bubbleand cook around the edges and once thathappens you’re ready for flippingso you can see the batter starting tobubble there a little bit get somebubbles going on the top so we’ll giveit just a minute to cook you cook thembasically like you would nor any otherpancakes and like I said once you startto see those bubbles on the top we canthat’s definitely not done readyso we’ve got some bubbles on the top youcan start to see the edges or looking alittle done there now you do not want tosmush these down that’ll take all theair out of them but if when you thinkthey’re done you can gently press to seeif they’re done wait let me Flip theseother two here you can gently press andif it springs back they’re probablyabout done we’ll give them one moreminute another 30 seconds actually Ithink that was just about done so one totwo minutes per side is about whatthey’ll take you usually don’t need toflip them multiple times just one flipis usually good so I think that one’sdone you can see they’re cooked rice onboth sides so we’ll go ahead and takethem off now another trick you can dowith these is you can make a letter onthem or you can do something like thisso I’m going to put one dot two dots anda smile and I’m gonna let that cook forjust a few seconds and then I’m gonnatake some more batter and I’m gonna putthe regular batter over it and justcover it with the batter and wait for itto cook and then once it’s done I’mgoing to flip it over and we’ll get thatsmiley face effect in thereyou could also if you wanted to add somechocolate chips or blueberries right atthis point just put them on the back andthen flip them over and cook them rightin there if you didn’t add them to yourmixture or if some people likeblueberries and other people don’t againwe’ll just wait for it to get somebubbles on the top and to be cookedaround the edges before we flip themover you can also put initials orletters there but if you’re doingletters you need to make sure you makeyour letters backwards otherwise whenyou flip them over they’ll come outbackwards so he’s starting to get somebubbles give those edges just anothersecond to cook if your pancakes arecoming out to brown or browning tooquick or they’re really dark you knowbefore they’re cooked and ready to flipturn your heat down a little bit ifthey’re coming out too pale then turnyour heat up a little bit sometimes ittakes a batch or two to get thetemperature right this quantity ofmixture will make about two dozenpancakes let’s go ahead and flip thatand you can see our smiley face turn thepan around so you can see we got oureyes and our smile there so the kidsalways like that you can also add someextra ears or legs and a head make aturtle or a bunny or whatever you wantyou know just work with the mixture tomake the different shapes and that’s allthere is to making homemade pancakesquick and easy to do no more difficultthan the box mix pancakes and they’lltaste much much better I hope you’veenjoyed today’s cooking with the ironmaiden if so please like and subscribeto this channel for more good cookingwith the iron maiden happy baking[Music]

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