Pancakes Recipes

BEST PANCAKE RECIPE – How to make delicious British pancakes with a simple and foolproof recipe

I have used this pancake recipe for years to treat my children, nephews and nieces, in fact they are all in their twenties and still enjoy them. A foolproof and easy recipe to make English/British pancakes any time of year, including Shrove Tuesday – you can’t go wrong.

– 300ml (10 fl oz) Semi Skimmed Milk
– 110g (4oz) plain flour or 140g (5oz) Gluten free flour
– 2 medium eggs

– Place flour in a bowl
– Add the eggs
– Blend with a whisk to a paste
– Slowly add the milk to create consistency of un whipped double cream
– Heat frying pan
– Add a knob of butter (or oil) to the pan, swirl around
– Quickly add enough batter mix to flow cover about ¾ of the base of the pan, and then quickly swirl the liquid to cover the remainder of the base and some of the sides of the pan
– Wait till the pancake starts to bubble and juggle the pan to loosen
– Toss pancake and cook until patches of brown appear on the bottom
– Serve (The 1st one is always looks rubbish, I always have that one as the cooks treat)

What is Shrove Tuesday:

“shrove” is from “shrive”, an old English word meaning to obtain absolution for your sins at Confession and doing penance. Shrove Tuesday was coined by the custom of Christians to be “shriven” before the start of Lent on Ask Wednesday.

Therefore, the day before Ask Wednesday was the last day to use up all of the eggs and fats before fasting through lent and pancakes were a perfect recipe to use those ingredients.

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi welcome to my channel well todaywe’re going to do something a little bitdifferent it’s almost over Tuesday inthe UK and that means pancakes Englishpancakes so not only do I likephotography but I also like flyingthat’s a story for another daybut today I’m going to show you how tomake English pancakes a really simpleeasy recipe that wins every time theingredients from English pancakes arereally simple and I’ve written therecipe down below and also someinstructions as well they’re in metricand imperial for our European colleaguesor our American colleagues so first ofall the flour plain flour 110 grams ofplain flour if you’re using gluten-freeflour I suggest about 130 140 grams milkI use 300 millilitres and I use semiskim milk but if you want full fat nonsemi skimmed milk that’s also okay andalso to medium-sized chickens eggs nowonce the pancakes are cooked to top thepancakes classic English is lemon juiceand sugar fantastic flavor but you puton these pancakes what you like peanutbutter chocolate spread maple syrup oreven honey whatever takes your fancy andof course you just need a little bit ofbutter to cook the pancakes in thefrying pan first up measure the flour[Music][Music][Music]and measure out the milk[Music]now the mixing part first of all withthe eggs in there you just gently rollit around to make a sort of a paste withthe flour and the eggs nice and gentlyso it forms a paste and this also takesout a lot of the lumps as well what youthen do is you add a very small amountof milk like that and then wicks a bitmore until you make a paste and it allstarts to bind together and this takesout all the lumps and the flour so wherethe Shrove Tuesday come from well Shroveis from the word Shrive and this is anold english word meaning to obtainabsolution for your sins at confessionand doing penance so Tuesday wasconceived by the custom of Christians tobe shriven before the start of Lent onAsh Wednesdaytherefore the day before Ash Wednesdaywhich of course is Shrove Tuesday wasthe last day to use up all of the eggsand facts before feasting through Lentand the pancakes were a perfect recipeto use up these ingredients so now wegot something that’s quite thick we justadd about another half of the milk abeat upand the rest of the milk and there youhave the mixture it’s very thin it’sabout the consistency of single creamand the best thing to do is leave thisfor at least half an hour now to let theflour soak up the liquids having let thebatter mix down for about 30 minutes nowit’s time to make the pancakes you getthe pan nice and hot this happens to bea 23 centimeter frying pan but take thistake your pick any size you like anotherbutter in the pan sprinkle it around anda little bit of pancake batter so we’relooking for it to spread out for aboutthree-quarters of the win we then dowith all the liquid we let the liquid goround like that and you get a nicecovering of the base that needs to standfor about a minute while the bottom goesBrown it starts to bubble and you’llknow when it’s ready to flip because ifyou do that the pancake moves in the panyou can just see it there so here’s theflip[Music]nice and brown on the top we’ll leave itthere for about another 30 seconds to aminute before you take the most gorgeouspancake off the stove there we have aperfect pancake[Music]there we have it and gorgeous Englishpancake with lemon juice the classic way[Music]mmmabsolutely wonderful well if you enjoyedthat click the like subscribe in theBell thank you very much for watchingit’s been a pleasure to teach my familysecret thank you and goodbye

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