Pancakes Recipes

Frugal Healthy Banana Pancakes | Cook with Me!


Today I am cooking homemade banana protein pancakes. When I decided to live frugally, I stumbled upon this recipe. I love pancakes, but I needed a flour-free option.

Check out the recipe below!!

Barely Banana Protein Pancakes
3 eggs
1 cup of oats
1 1/3 cup of cottage cheese
1 small banana

Oil or butter for greasing skillet
Blueberries for topping, optional

1. Combine eggs, oats, cottage cheese, and banana in a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Pour into a greased skillet and cook like regular pancakes.
3. Makes 18 silver dollar sized pancakes.
4. ENJOY!!!!!!

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Video Transcription

happy Sunday team chick it’s your girlNikisha paint me back again with anothervideo today I want to cook homemadepancakes without using flour stay tunedif you want to see how it turns out oklet’s check out the recipe now about ayear ago I decided that I want to be aminimal listen cut things out of coursethat starts with making things fromscratch so I stumbled upon this recipecalled barely banana protein pancakesand as you can see it’s very simple weneed 3 eggs 1 cup of oatsI want 2/3 cup of cottage cheese onesmall ripe bananayou need oil or blueberries for toppingbut because I’m going to batch cook themtoday I’m going to double the recipe soI need double everything so here and Iwrote down the measurements over here onthe right and I hope they are accuratecuz you know I’m an English person Ialways tell my kids I teach English andnot man so I can’t count but hopefullythis paid off I hope that everything iscorrect it seems to be ok so we’re gonnacombine the eggsoh it’s cottage cheese and banana in ablender and blend until smooth ok now sothat is that so let’s jump in to getstarted[Music]all right check this out this nicebatter flour free yeah I’m gonna makesome yummy pancakes all right uh I meana griddle then I got your Christmas timeyou know how to have it for 10 15dollars yay and I have my thumb tip justset to 400 and now I need to cook like 2to 6 minutes and of course when you putthem out I’m going to try to do silverdollar sized pancakes and she’s going tolet them cook until they start bubblingup and then you of course to flip off sohere we go and I don’t like degrees mygriddleI prefer even though it calls for someoil but I don’t like to grease it theseare a little bigger than still good Ilikelook at it can’t even tell thedifferenceso it’s healthy open when your kid ohyeah my kids level and I like the bestcook them so I’ll probably cook all thisI’m eating cooked half you half and therest in the frigerator finish it latermaybe in the morning I don’t know[Music][Music]I don’t know if these will do thisenough but my momma used it just mashingdown homemade barely banana proteinpancakes I look forward to munching themin a few minutes with the kiddos courseI want to make bad system please makesure that you put a comment what do youthink about this recipe are youinterested in trying it if you have anyother recipes to make pancakes withoutusing flour just let me know in thecomments and please make sure that yousubscribe and hit the like button andyou all have a great Sunday until nexttime I love you guys[Music]

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