Pancakes Recipes

Easy Pancakes at Home – 3 Ingredient Pancakes in Under 5 Minutes!

In this video, we show you how to make super easy Pancakes at Home using just 3 ingredients! You can whip up these delicious fluffy pancakes in under 5 minutes! They are super soft and fluffy and a perfect tea time treat!

To make these easy Pancakes at home, you will need:
1 cup self-raising flour
1 cup milk
1 egg

Top the pancakes with your favourite toppings. We made a fruit compote using frozen blueberries, strawberries and cherries. We also added a knob of butter, sprinkled some cinnamon powder and drizzled the pancakes with maple syrup!

This is such a quick and easy way to make Pancakes at Home using just 3 ingredients. It took us just a few minutes to make these super delicious pancakes at home. We hope you give them a try and let us know in the comments how they turned out!

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Video Transcription

welcome to the Donovan family kitchentoday’s recipe is made by yours truly meand today’s video will show you how tomake easy pancakes at homesuper fluffy pancakessuper soft and fluffy pancakes well topwith a fruit compote and to totaldrizzled with delightfully lusciousmaple syrup this is your perfect teatimerecipe which you can whip up all byyourself in just five minutes let meshow you how using just threeingredients 1 cup self-raising flour 1cup of milktimeone flick now let’s voicelessmake sure the West is really well justensure that there’s no lumps remainingso it has to be all smooth okay so thecoordinate to the point where it’s allmixed in well together all integratedwell and the lungs have gone now it’stime to use his mixture we’ve got somemore olive oil here someone spray itinto each compartment but if you don’thave a little oil you can use any typeof butter or any type of other whaleokay so as you can see you can use themyou can use any other pan because if youdon’t have this then don’t feel don’tfeel like oh you can’t make it we dohave an advantage because it has thiscompartment so you get a measurementright but let’s say you’ve got no planwhat you can do is you can just use abit of your st own estimation okay holdup some still got a higher to medium tohigh fire up just in a minute as you cansee is bubbling around and what you wantto do is once it firms up a bit then youcan toss it over and where you want tosee once you tossed it over that it’sgot this sort of a brownish color toturn it over to make dreams into realitywe got some stories cherries and someblueberries they were frozen initiallythey’ve been melted into the pan with nofire this is important because we aregoing to be placing this on top of thepancakes as you can see the pancakes aremade and so yeah knife and fork so withsome cherries blueberries andstrawberries on top and put in threestacks so no need to take a little bite[Applause]like a video comment below share ourcontent subscribe to the channel andcatch the next one

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