Pancakes Recipes

Vegan High-Protein Apple Pancakes

Enjoy these delicious and easy-to-prepare high-protein pancakes. Find the full recipe and instructions below.

Servings: 2
Calories/serving: 369
Fats/serving: 13 g
Protein/serving: 24 g
Carbs/serving: 41

1/2 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 cup vegan protein powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1.5 cups soy milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 apple
1/4 cup sesame seeds (or crushed walnuts)

Serving suggestion:
Peanut butter, coconut yogurt, or fresh fruits.

1. Mix the buckwheat flour, protein powder, cinnamon, salt, and baking powder.
2. Add the soy milk and vanilla extract, combine into a smooth batter.
3. Grate the apple inside, add the sesame seeds. Combine well again.
4. Bring a pan to medium-high heat, add 1 tbsp of oil (we use coconut oil). 5. Add the pancake batter, place the lid on top, fry for 4-5 minutes. Flip around, then fry the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
6. Serve with peanut butter, coconut yogurt, or fresh fruits.

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Credit for the intro song:
Music Credit: Nkato
Track Name: “Chill Soul Rap Instrumental”
Music By: Nkato @
Original upload HERE –…
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)…
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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]welcome to the yes to life show where mybrother and I share delicious andhealthy vegan Fitness recipes and todaywe’re gonna make high protein applepancakes for breakfast this recipe againis really simple all you need is tocombine everything together too thoughand then pour it into the pan and fryyour pancakes first of all I’m gonna addthe buckwheat flour in hereI like buckwheat flour because first ofall it doesn’t have any gluten andsecond rest is a nice nutty slightlyearthy flavor and then I’m going to addvegan protein powder the one I use isfrom nutri plus so the only proteinpowder and we’ve been using it since webecame being over two years ago it goesin there as well together with somecinnamon a bit of salt to bring out theflavor and in today we’re now going toadd our soy milk and a little bit ofvanilla extract first we’re gonnacombine it then we’re gonna grate theApple inside and intercessor mercies andthen it’s time to fry them in a pan nowI’m gonna combine everything until wehave a better so just mix everythingwell don’t vary if it seems a littlerunny you want your pancake better to bea little liquidy and once we add in theApple it will also absorb some of theliquid now this looks good so it’s timeto add the Apple I just use a regulargrater and grate it in thereand lastly a couple of sesame seeds youcan leave them out of you like but Ithink they give a nice flavorand again a little bit of crunch laterand I almost forgot you’re gonna add oneteaspoon of baking powder that helps thedough to rise a little bit and becomefluffier time to combine it again andthen we’re ready to make our pancakesnow I’m gonna turn on the pan aroundmedium heat I’m gonna add in a littlebit of coconut oil I form small pancakesput a lid on top and then fry them foron five minutes per side until thebottom always gets nice and brown andthen you flip them around and fry themagain for another two to three minutesnow the pan is hot so I’m going to add apancake batter inside you can decide onthe size that you want I like sort ofmedium sizedand I place the lid on top now fry itlike this for like four to five minutesuntil you see that the door isn’t asliquidy anymore and if you flip it youwill see that the bottom is nice andbrown and now I’m going to flip it yeahthat looks nice now it needs slightlyless than the first time so just two tothree minutes and the pancake is readyso I’m going to put it on our plate andyou repeat the process with the rest ofthe better it probably gives you likefour to five pancakes in total if youdid like this recipe please let us acomment and a like down below subscribeto the channel for more delicious andhealthy Fitness recipes in the futureand thank you for watching see you nexttime[Music]

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