Pancakes Recipes

Cooking with kids – Pancakes

Making pancakes with my son

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Video Transcription

hello so welcome to cooking with kids so
high and going to cookie this is not my
channel by the way it’s my mom’s yeah so
we’re going to be making oh wait you
don’t know it’s not very big I just
started it today actually tonight but
she has billions my mom these are this
is my cooking book it has a doge and
then this is all my mom’s cooking books
roasted chickpeas a ball okay next you
need two eggs okay yes there’s more eggs
though there’s more eggs in the fridge
no because it’s 12 eggs and that next
one okay that’s the part of the recipe
you need to add some milk you need to
Pinet need more no more eggs now I’ll
say tomorrow
think that’s enough yeah now you need
whisk now you just need to mix them do
we have any milk left okay with that
much milk
we have enough pancakes for family of
four you don’t want them to eat pancakes
do you and that doesn’t like makes it
wasn’t my pancakes and we’re going to
add some baking powder yes and then for
our families to see this you know
– that’s good more you stop mixing this
okay this recipe for pancakes comes from
my mom back in Quebec so how she used to
make it when I was a kid
there’s different recipes some use sugar
and some even use just premade mix they
buy at the store whoa whoa okay we have
enough mess for today so please oh the
ball with your hand
thank you yes the house without you know
to stop spilling okay so a little trick
yes and your batter doesn’t need to be
completely smooth but it should be
mostly wet so you don’t have big clumps
of flour okay let’s have a look it’s
okay we need more flour because this is
all too liquid yes don’t do that you
should eat for two eggs should have
about a cup of flowers make copies well
know what we started with two eggs so
for two eggs a show about a cup or
of me looking about half a cup of
flowers but since Justin put about three
cups don’t say my name
three cups of milk annually probably
need a lot more flowers okay let’s see
what it looks like here it’s liquid
it’s still liquid I’m starting to wonder
if we’re going to have in a flower hey
you let’s try that I don’t know yes no
that’s new ones sticking it’s mommy
clean the mess for us but no ok that’s
starting to look you can yes which is it
it looks good it looks good that’s so
the next step it’s to actually cook them
and personally I like to cook them using
some visual sharpening but you can use
butter or oh you’re using vegetable yeah
bring the batter and we’re going to use
yes so so a bit of shortening it’s going
to melt nice and hot and typically the
first pancake so is a wash because it
doesn’t get that nice brown color we
like it kind of turned white but if I go
for it
I don’t know you kind of do
and no one it’s too white can I have the
yes we have the spatula which is going
to move around
okay so let’s have a look at the batter
it’s quite lumpy bumpy yeah you’ll see
move this I was saying it yeah I’m
thinking kind of lumpy I hope that
chills on camera so you you lumps is
okay but you don’t want it too lumpy
because then you will be just eating
lumps lumps of flowers which is not that
great so our pan should be about ready
we’ll start with a small one because as
I said the first one is usually and so
basically so you we’re going to move it
around you can make it as st knows I
stick as you want okay now put it on the
hot Sun okay that’s good clean up there
thank you
so now we have to wait for my way wait
yeah I tend to cook it like fairly how I
eat like right now it’s about eight
sometimes I go a little higher
especially that one is for mr. here
because he likes them nice and bro oh
yeah I you know this one’s starving
right now
so oh yeah we need the maple syrup
yeah go get the maple syrup okay see
this is white this is the maple syrup
yes yes so now I’m just going to flip it
but I mean it’s it’s white I don’t
really want to eat that but you kind of
need that to kind of prime your pan so
we’ll just cook that and not yeah okay
no so now the pan should be a little
high like the temperature of the pan
should be a little higher so the next
month should be nice and brown okay go
see you hear the little sizzle that’s
what you want to hear but you don’t
usually get it with the first one
all right that’s good yeah we’re getting
that sizzle so it doesn’t take very long
no it doesn’t it’s usually a couple
minutes you want like this side we cook
enough that when we moved it it you
switch it or on the other side it
doesn’t you spill all over the place
Oh more he’s ready so just like eat it
with my pasta rub the real stuff not you
know yeah there are stuff like the one
from Quebec that comes from the trees I
like you to eater with molasses Oh with
brown sugar what did you see my name so
this is what it will look like nice
brown color but I like yes Justin makes
it a little darker yeah
right now it is really hungry so oh yeah
he’s getting ready sharpening his knife
I think this is ready here you are this
so pancake now we’re going to take it
over d-ring the maple see and I need a
chair and I need you to bring the chair
bring me the chair please
that’s the good stuff
and let’s see what are some things I
need a chair oopsie oopsie sorry
so good I think he likes it it’s one of
my favorite male xod so so you make
pancakes in our house so we’ll see you
next time and in the meantime cooking

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