Pancakes Recipes

🍽How to make chocolate pancakes🍽

Making pancakes

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hey Lisa today we’re gonna be learninghow to make pancakes I’m still a kid butI already know how to make pancakesexcept the part when you cook them soevery mom is gonna come help me later onso if you’re a grown-up and you’resaying why do right why are you making avideo of of how to make pancakes as youknow everybody knows how to makepancakes well if you’re a kid and youwant to learn how to make them you couldjust um you could just look at thisvideo but if you’re growing up on youand maybe you kids wanna want to knowhow to make pancakes if you don’t haveany kids you could just watch anothervideo someone else’s video or maybe minebut if you do have a kid you could showthem how to make pancakes from my videoor from your house okay but I’m sorryI’m just making a video so first you’regonna need some some flour for pancakeswe just have this one it’s old but itstill works it’s not it’s not old but wehad that like a bit ago and then you’regonna need milk my mom just poured thisin the cup my mom just pulled thempoured the milk in the cup because themilk that we have is new and we justbrought it yesterday so um I might dropthem out so she’s just there on the cupfor me and then you’re gonna need an eggyou’re gonna need of this what are aspoon not of this you’re gonna needsomething to mix the mixture in but alsoyou’re gonna need this type of thingyou’re gonna need this type of thingit’s not a spoon but a type of thing Idon’t know what it’s called you can’tcomment sorry and mom will tell me whatit is or maybe my touch you’re gonnaneed this just for this type of uh forthe flour because of course you don’twant balls in your type of thing andyour mixture so like sometimes the theflour comes in balls sometimes so wedon’t want the flour in balls so we’rewe justneed this well not just this but we’regonna need something to mix the mixturein okay so now let’s start so first mymom said it’s like my mom obviously saidit’s the flower person oh god I forgot Ialready have a stranger I don’t thinkI’m gonna need this other one I rememberI left the spoon here since I makepancakes the other time I think it waslike like two weeks ago I don’t know butI’m eating pancakes again oh okay I’msorry it’s because it’s a phone not acamera I’m very sorry but just excusethe follow the phone pretend you didn’tsee it so we’re just gonna knead theflour and we’re just gonna need thisthing I’m gonna put that in there I hopeit stays and then you’re gonna put theflour in oh GodI just need from smelling that I thinkI’m gonna meet a bit more later on butfor now I’m just gonna like do this likelook you’re just gonna have to like it’sgonna be hard to mix it in becauseyou’re you guys they’re looking at ityou’re just gonna like put a little bitof pressure and like but then you’remixing something in you might just wantto put a pressure a little pursepressure and we’re gonna do this just Ican’t push pressure a little bit becausenot even a bit because I’m holding youguys on again now I got my flour allover here I think I’m just gonna put youguys in a sacred place now my phone hasflour on on him but I don’t think thecamera has flour yes not gonna followout thereplease will you charge it no flour inany type of placeokay I’m sorry guys but I’m gonna haveto clean you guys later on you need tojust clean with this towel I’m sorry tosay remove it I got it from my phonekind of 30 I’m just gonna check if it’sokay you know it’s okay guysthat’s okay it’s an okay job for me Ithink I’m gonna put you guys in thesafer place I think I’m gonna have tomove this towel a little so my phonedoesn’t fold your thumb you didn’t seethose two phones because you know youalready saw another fall I’m gonna meetthis now one more over hereand you’re putting these things okay youmust be safer but you might just see mein another angle but you’re just in upI’m talking about that you’re just gonnaput some flour in the mixture I’mstarting my pajamas but early so earlyokay so I’m just gonna feed that mess uplater because I’m not very good[Music]I never felt that much pain in my lifepain protects me that’s good but doesn’treally protect me that much okay now I’mgonna put more of this type of thingokay my phone doesn’t have fun get onthis thing hey leave this here and theyhope there are no more dry balls we’renot gonna put a little more flour inhere we’re gonna need a little more thanthat it’s just a tiny bit we’re gonnamake a little bit of pancakes and hopethat this time I don’t not make a messhey now we’re just gonna put flour I’mjust gonna mix it and you’re gonna mixit like if I was mixing somethingof course I mix a mess but I’m justgonna do this like if I was mixingsomething oh and it’s so sad a thinglooking at done adds up it’s beenfalling down from the cup look at do yousee that guys I don’t think you couldsee it but I can’t okay I don’t thinkyou guys can see it but I can’t oh it’sall almost all of it guys look at thisthis is so cool look at this other boysdon’t get into me I sent one almost goneto my oh and you still feel that otherboy we got I don’t know why but you willnot even get these Bulls in their eyes Ithink it’s okay balls are never havingyou in my thing again so then I’m notsure as it’s the egg where the milk I’mgonna ask my mom mommy mama well I meanis it’s a web ball I legit it okay spreemade a web hour lecture oh my mom saidit’s the same so maybe she means that Icould put this one the milk or the eggsfirst okay I am supposed to put the eggin first or I can also put it first Iguess I’m gonna put the edgesOh God okay okay okay take this egg momsknow that you’re supposed to do thatokay now I’m just gonna get all that eggyolk off of my hands look at it now Ihope I don’t drop the phone in it’s socool okay now I’m gonna add the milk I’mjust gonna add it little by little cuz Idon’t want to add in too muchOh God hey then you’re gonna mix andhope that this is gonna turn out good Ithink I need a little bit more of themilkI might just kind of to to mix there waskind of too too too hard so I’m justgonna turns up now I am a bloggerwhateveroh well of course it’s under blender nowI see some flour thereget all the flower of the codebase seesome other flower Oh King anything elseoh I see some more what even is uh whateven is the flower or flour mixture calldon’t comment please I’m not able tohave people I think the mixture is kindof too too little because I need alittle more mixture and it’s kind of toonot as hard it is is supposed to be justgonna add all the milk in and I’m justgonna add a little bit more of the flourif anyone would mind I’m just gonna addas wellokay now I just need the flowers okayit’s back okay now stay here you’reannoying sameyou need a little bit extra tuned outkind of – okay – like you know look atthis guy’sit’s so cool and satisfying when itfalls down it’s all fully down no fallsdown and every time it all falls downit’s so satisfying I don’t know why butit is actually so satisfying seeing abull for me for you guys I don’t knowthat was so painful but at least Ididn’t cry because I literally almostalways cry you don’t want some peopleare like oh god okay my hoodie got offbut that’s good that’s okay doesn’tmatter okay I think that’s enough I’mjust gonna mix no I’m gonna put this inhere once again and I’m gonna mix itmore cuz the mixture was kind of – um itwas kind of – like it was kind of toomuddywell not muddy it was like not as hardas itI think that was about what mama saysshe’s like well not that fast she justdoesn’t like oh god my hand is so tiredhow did we might even do that okay isthere any more in here oh I see someflour in here did you get itno still in there oh yeah I see itokay I feel like I’m a good cook wellnot very good cuz it just made a messherehashtag making a mess while makingpancakeshashtag mess hashtag mess I’m sorry guysbut that’s the best hashtag mess alittle big mess a mess that’s kind ofbig hashtag a little big mess okay now Ithink that is all I think it’s kind ofnot as muddy but it’s good okay I’m justgonna call my mom together tablet chipsbecauseI love my my things with chocolate chipsokay see you laterwell not really mama yeah yeah get ourchocolate chips okay I’m just gonna dothis because okay mommy she’s just gonnalook for the chocolate chips right nowget out I’m just gonna show you okay[Music]guys so like mine there’s those ballsspot on my on my eyes that was like sopainful like literally I have no ideahappened[Music]they’re like tiny kisses like you knowthose candies those chocolate candies Ijust put a bit in youmommy okay coupon poco más por que hmmlike that another okay I think I’m okay[Music]this one now we’re just gonna put thisoff let me dream there[Music][Music]my mom just gonna wash up late he’s justgonna wash up late friend because shewas put in the morning well she is thatlike at five o’clock resume debut jakersOh[Music]okay mommy know that you love I amnervous okay we’re gonna need the typeof things are what a vertical it’s justby NECA I only know the name in Spanishyou want the Latino pasta okay thenyou’re just gonna need this okay threetwo one and go[Music]so I’m just gonna put this okay I mademyself oh I made my first pancake I’mstirring tonight two of them cuz theyliterally almost almostOh so before you put the thing you’rejust gonna put the batter in it’s notgonna work tomato pancakes that’s why Isaid to the boys and my mom’s eatingsomething left over from yesterday it’sjust a leftover it’s stupid then we’realso gonna need a spatula Pizza you liketo flip the pancake or to see if thepancake is ready yetno okaynow as you flip the pancake I should’veflipped it with the spatula then we’rejust gonna wait until the other side iscooked because we cannot make this notbecause of course the pancakes have tobe cooked and this pancake is gonna bevery good because there’s chocolate onit she’s done can I get on a plateI’m just gonna get something I just gotthe syrup for my pancakes I don’t knowwhy but I just have a phone my mom gotthe pancake now not just putting alittle batter on top of it and now we’rejust making another one so I’m justgonna put some of this thing on mypancake this sure is gonna be a pancakethat’s all of thisyou’re gonna be extra extra extra goodyummy syrup and I mean mom is gonna flipanother onehey watch her flip it she’s gonna flipit just watch it caught there’s LakeMary she flipped it she livesflipped it alright okay I think okay I’m[Music]there and then we’re just gonna watchthose types of things okay she’s gonnatake off that pancake now I think Ishould start opening this by now okayit’s good now now we okay my mom’smaking one for herself so for now we’rejust gonna get a cut it we’rejust gonna go to the counter man where Imake her usually make videos well Idon’t make roblox videos there but I domake other videosokay got my pancakes and I’m gonna goover here now I wish we had a whippedcream so I can try to put whipped creamon the top and then put okay we’re backwhere I usually make videos of otherstuff oh they’re not going stuff butwe’re back where I make videos of otherstuff here are my yummy chocolate chippan and I’m gonna cut my first bite I’mjust gonna cut these in half and thenI’m just gonna cut it in pieces here’sone piece don’t tell what shops they’reon here I don’t think sono chocolate chip in there either I’mjust gonna cut this oh I think I see oneof them just popped out oh my got itliterally so good my mom has to try itimmediately hmm now it has somefinally I got the milk did you know Ireally love drinking cow milk orwhichever milk I have it takes so goodoh God one time there was like no cartonwas like over here and I think this bigand this tall but it was like all theway over here and it’s also like thisand they drink the whole thingbut I don’t mean all the way to the topall the way to the bottom I mean like itwas just a tiny bit of milk guys yougotta try putting chunk of chocolatechips inside your pancakesokay now I’m just gonna cut this otherpartno chocolate in there it’s in thechocolate chips and ends in this one I[Music]see chocolate any in this one in thisone in the holemmm so goodmmm that was so goodexcuse me but he accidentally ate thewhole thing while I was recording I’malright them you too and I still wantmore okay guys that’s how to makechocolate chip pancakesit’s enjoyed this video please give athumbs up hit the like button and pleasesubscribe click the bell button clickthe like button click the everythingbutton except the thumbs down buttonclick the thumbs up button and staytuned and peace that’s how to make hashtag hash tag this is how to makechocolate chip pancakes bye guys

13 Replies to “🍽How to make chocolate pancakes🍽

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  4. A small question/idea : what happens to the instant snow if its freeze dried, andalso dried and rehydrated. Will it still work the same, or even work at all?

  5. Just imagine someone looking for their hammer and some dude walks up and says “Here, use this piece of toast.” Also what would happen if you did this with Styrofoam?

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