Ingredients used in making The Perfect Fluffy Plain Pancakes are as follows:
(For making 15 pancakes)
1. 3 Eggs
2. 4 TSP Sugar
3. 2 Cup Flour
4. 1 TSP Baking Powder
5. 1 TSP Vanilla Essence (Optional)
6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
7. Room Temperature Milk
The above 7 items are used to make the Pancake batter.
Use a fry pan. Pre-heat the pan with low flame. Pour the batter into the pan. Wait until bubbles appear. Flip the pancake. Wait for the other side to become golden-brown color. The Plain Fluffy Perfect Pancake is Ready
To make Banana Pancakes,
After pouring batter into the pan, just add banana slices above the batter.
To make Chocolate Pancakes or Almond Nut Pancakes, just add chocolate or nuts above the batter when it is already being poured on the pan.
Repeat the process of Plain Fluffy Perfect Pancake to finish making Banana/Chocolate/Nut Pancakes.
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