Cookies Recipes

vegan + gf chocolate chip cookies | bake with me

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my instagram: @maria.iatrides
my food instagram: @just.some.good.eatz
original cookie recipe:
mia’s blog:
mia’s instagram: @gatherednutrition

recipe (including the changes I made):
preheat oven to 350

whisk together:
1/2 cup olive oil
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 flax egg (1 tbsp flaxseed meal with 3 tbsp water)
2 tsp vanilla extract

add in dry ingredients and combine:
2 + 3/4 cups almond flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

if your batter looks dry add 1/8 cup almond milk

fold in 3/4 cup dairy-free chocolate chips

scoop onto a cookie sheet and cook for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown (I kept checking on them)

let cool before transferring to wire cooling rack, sprinkle on some sea salt (optional), and enjoy!

thanks for watching xoxo

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi guys welcome back to my channeltoday’s video I am very excited aboutbecause I am going to be doing a bakingwith me video and if you’re anythinglike me you have been baking up a stormduring time in the cute girl don’t do itit’s not worth it I’m not gonna do itgirl I was just thinking about it I’mnot gonna do it I did it I thought thatI would to you guys one of my favoriterecipes this is a gluten free I’m gonnatry to make it vegan todaychocolate chip cookie recipe this isn’tmy recipe it’s a recipe from one of myfavorite food bloggers her name is Miaand her blog is called gatherednutrition and this is her recipe I’mtweaking a couple things but it’sbasically her so I’m gonna link herInstagram and her blog down below thisis the best and easiest chocolate-chipcookie recipe ever I mean it sofrequently last semester at schoolbecause it’s just so good they are sofluffy and the best part is that it isliterally such a fast recipe like youjust throw everything into a bowl and itcomes together super fast and they’rejust so good so let’s get into it beforewe do not make sure to give this video athumbs up if you liked it and subscribefor more videos even follow my regularInstagram or my food Instagram or bothif you’re feeling it but I’m superexcited because I love baking so let’sget into it and these are olive oilchocolate chip cookies which i think isreally important like the olive oilgives this recipe kind of like asavoriness to it that balances out thesweetness of the cookie so it’s not likea really good flavor profile and I’mjust like obsessed with this recipe sothe first thing you do is measure out ahalf a cup of olive oil and then I havea flax egg prepped here this isvegan and substitute it is onetablespoon of flaxseed meal and thenthree tablespoons of water and when youjust kind of let it sit it gets reallythick and almost like an egg like abeaten egg consistency I’ve never triedit in this recipe but we’re Auto eggsand I wanted to try to make this recipevegan so we are going to toss that righton in thereit calls for 3/4 of a cup of coconutsugar but I always use brown sugar whenI’ve used coconut sugar in this recipein the past um they don’t fluff up asnicely I thinkcoconut sugar is good if you want likean unrefined sugar and brown sugar isnot as good for you but yeah it makesthem taste better and it makes themreally fluffy I’m gonna measure out 2teaspoons of vanilla extract and gonnagive that a good whisk let me know inthe comments how you guys have beendealing with the cue if you picked upany hobbies you’ve been trying any goodat home workouts if you’ve been watchingany good shows listening to any goodpodcasts I’ve been watching so muchYouTube but like my favorite creatorsaren’t pumping out content fast enoughfor me so I’ve been trying to watch somenew stuff I binge watch all the firstseason of too hot to handle which wascrazy and now that this is all whist I’mgonna measure out the dry ingredientsthis recipe uses almond flour it’s 2 and3/4 of a cup of almond flour[Applause][Music]if you guys have not seen too hot tohandle or you don’t get what it isbasically it’s like a dating show whereall these really hot people like that’sas they say they’re all like hot andlike I don’t want to get you monetizebut they’re just like these really hotpeople that all go on to this resortI’m putting salt down sup sweetness butthey all go on to this resort andthey’re all like really attracted toeach other but there are rules wherethey’re like not allowed to like kiss orsleep with each other and so the wholeshow is about like forming deeperemotional connections rather thanphysical connections and it’s about likeresisting temptation this is half ateaspoon of baking soda but it’shonestly just like hilarious like thecast of characters is so funny you guyshave seen it let me know what you thinkof it because there were some charactersthat I felt like this show like wantedme to be really excited for and happyfor and root for but I just was likeokay so basically I don’t know if I givespoilers of this show if you’ve watchedpast the second episode I definitelydon’t spoil anything after that but yeahI’m not really sure if what I say it’sconsidered a spoiler so if you want towatch it and you don’t want to take therisk then skip to at this time which iswhen I stop talking about the showtogether but if you watch past thesecond episode or you’re not going towatch at all then you should be goodlike when Francesca and Harry bothbasically kept losing everybody moneyand then she was like I didI live my life and like everybody’sjudging me it’s like well then stop likebreaking all the rules and costingeverybody money and being selfish nooffense and because basically like ifyou break the rules like if you kisssomebody or I guess like pence weatheralert if you piss somebody or like doanything with them you basically losemoney because they start off with like$100,000 prize and every time that youbreak a rule you lose a certain amountof money the batter is a little bit dryso I think I’m gonna add some almondmilk to it you like an eighth of a cupbut yeah it just annoyed me how theykept breaking the rules and then beinglike I don’t understand why people likearen’t supporting my relationship in mydeveloping connection and it’s likebecause you’re causing people thousandsof dollars by smoochin whoever you wantif you guys have watched the show I loveChloe I thought she was so funny setabout so empowered such a queen like Iloved her so now the batter I don’t knowif you can see but it’s like thicker andnow I’m gonna add in the top tips I’mnot gonna measure this because you mightshare it with your heart hello I justloved Chloe’s growth as a person and heraccent is so cute Terry was honestlylike so rude if you haven’t wanted toshow maybe skip this a little bit butwhen he was like in front of the wholegroup and he leaned in to kiss Francescawhen they were alone and then he toldeverybody that she kissed him and nobodyelse could see the footage and then theyall believed him when she was like nolike he leaned in to kiss me and theywere like you’re lying and she was likeno I’m not I was like I was mad I was onFrancesca side in that moment yeah it’sjust like kind of crazy and if you needgood mindless TV to watch right now Iwould recommend I restarted new girlsbecause I saw loved tweets about her nowit’s like I haven’t watched you grow ina hot SEC and it’s such a good show sookay so as you can see that doughliterally took no time to come togetherit’s so easy and now I’m just gonnascoop it out and put it onto my bakingtray I have this little mini ice creamscoop that’s really nice for thispurpose the batter is a teensy bit wetbut I did watch Krista Leah’s new comedyspecial and I thought it was hilariousso if you like stand-up Chris D’Elia hasa new a special out called no pain and Ithought it was really fun so and I’mdoing this in a three by four formationum I’ve also been listening to EmmaChamberlain’spodcast but used to be called somethingelse she would basically go into likerandom topics and try to figure out whycertain things were a certain way Idon’t really know like I listened to anepisode and was not a fan I thought itwas kind of boring now she has kind ofrevamped it and changed it up and it’snow called anything goes with everythingI love I’m a Timberland I think she’s sofunny I think she’s so real she comesacross as very genuine to me like shegenuinely wants to have a positiveimpact on her viewers and I don’t knowif she is doing it consciously but Ithink that she kind of pushes againstconventional YouTube or social mediastar beauty standards I will admit thatshe fits the beauty standard but youknow she’ll post pictures of herselfwhere you can see her acne when I thinka lot of people would Photoshop that outI’m not doing a really good job ofexplaining what I mean basically I justthink that she’s having a good timebeing goofyand showing her personality and notmaking this crazy curated face tunedInstagram profile and she’s just superreal and I appreciate that like on herInstagram where she’s literally justlike doing whatever like doesn’t edither pictures or at least she claims shedoesn’t but she just like post herinstagrams and she just like looks likeshe’s having fun and living her life andnot like trying so hard to look perfectand and I just really appreciate thatkind of authenticity and I think thatshe’s hilarious on top of it and herpodcast now is called anything goes andshe just kind of talks about randomtopics like the one I just listened tothis morning was about emotions andbasically like how she navigates throughlife as a really sensitive person whichI really – she was really smart andreally funny I’m really happy that shechanged up the topic of her podcastbecause I think her personality showsthrough I just think she’s great so ifyou need a new podcast I really like I’ma Chamberlin’s but now I’m gonna putthese in the oven at 350 for 13-inchminutes and I will see you guys whenthey come out of the oven all right youguys so the cookies are out of the ovenI ended up having to bake them for alittle bit longer than I normally wouldI think it was around like 20 minuteswhen usually they’re around like 13 or14 I think the flax egg could change thetexture a lot they still look super goodnot as fluffy as they usually look sothat is just a note if you’re gonna usea flax egg and I’m not sure how they’regonna hold together but we shall see itI think they’re gonna be good regardlessI just like to let them sit on thebaking tray a little bit after they’redone baking so that when they’re outthey can bake a little bit more and justso they can firm up these are honestlyactually holding together pretty wellI’m just going to transfer them over ohgod I might have over baked these ateensy bit which is totally fine theydid still think they’re gonna taste goodI also put these on the bottom rack ofthe oven to start so that might be whythey came out a little bit different soI moved themthe middle rack and then after like 15minutes to bake them for like three moreminutes but yeah just keep an eye onthem if you’re making them withdifferent ingredients because baking isa science so it all depends on like thefats and the flours you use and how theycome together in the oven so I’m not anexpert on that exactly but these lookfreakin amazingand then this is such a key step if youare baking chocolate chip cookies is toput a little bit of sea salt on thembecause it balances out the sugar enosof the cookies so it always just kind ofdo a little shake and get it all over mycounters so that’s really good let’s doa sexy cross shot not one of these ohbaby oh my god are they having to giveone today to try now I mean it lookspretty good I would say that the flatside was a success I think these arereally really good a couple of notesthey’re a little bit grainy and they’reusually not like that when I make themwith a regular egg all the flavors arestill there it tastes like a really goodchocolate chip cookie and it has supersimple ingredients yeah maybe next timeI could add in some kind of nut buttermaybe like vegan butter or a banana tomaybe help with the texture a little bitif I’m trying to make these vegan againbut if you don’t have any kind ofsensitivity or aren’t avoiding eggs forany reason I would do thatI think they turn out a little bitbetter with an egg but these are stilllike freaking bomb and I’m gonna takepictures of them and put them on my foodand stick around because I am justobsessed with these cookies and MIA fromgather nutrition again I’ll link herrecipe anddescription box because she just tilt itwith these and I love her blog I loveall of her recipes so this is just ashameless plug for her because she’s oneof my favorite food bloggers I think I’mgonna close out the video there thankyou guys for sticking around and bakingwith me I hope you like this video ifyou did make sure to give it a thumbs upand subscribe turn on post notificationsto see whenever I upload I love you somuchI hope you’re having an amazing daynight whenever you’re watching this andI will see you next time bye

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