Cookies Recipes

Jesse makes ANZAC Cookies!

Jesse makes ANZAC Cookies. Follow his recipe for some amazing cookies!

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hi guys since its ends actae thoughtwe’d make some Anzac cookies and we havemore year round in our house and I’veeaten them all so I want some moreanyway so to make ends like cookiesfirst thing you’ve got to do you’regoing to wash your hands which I’vealready doneput it on open and type in there ifyou’ve got long hair which I do and it’sbeautiful if you’re gonna preheat theoven to 160 degrees maybe get a pan tohelp you that and you’re going to dothat before you start cooking becausetakes a while to heat up this just howovens work after you here in the ovenyou need to get a flat flat tray and Ilike that with this just got bakingpaper but you need to grease it Ihaven’t greased it because I don’t likewashing up first thing we need to dothat Ashley stopped cooking is you needto get a bowl and in the bowl we need tocombine oats 3/4 of a cup of dissipatedcoconut after the dissipated coconut wehave 1 cup of plain flour put that inthere get 1 cup of sugar which is reallygood we cut it while your parents arewatching to combineto make a mess okay once you’ve stirredit enough which I think I have should bealright looking at half a cup of butterin a pot on the stove and by the magicof theatervoila that’s already melted once it’smelted which it has we’re gonna add onetablespoon golden syrup it’s a thousandtimes better than maple syrup but don’thave them on your pancakes now he’s atrick you clumsy like me just gettingmore clumsy do it over a bowl preferablyone he already is so if you do too muchjust drips into the bowl I have none geeMike recorder she’s gonna drip into thebowl and I’ll let that happenwell that’s dripping bring it over allright take the way up so tell it’sdripping really slowly what would helpis if you get another spoon out andslowly to describe it in I’m just gonnaget a spoon scrape it in once that’s inthere stir that stir it with somethingwe shouldn’t stir with the same thingwe’ve set afire with because we don’twanna cross contaminate the two thingsand you want to try and get rid of doesany of those white powdery things of thebutter just try and stir them up andmixed in with the golden syrup once thatstirred again get your parents to helpyou with a sir put it back on the stoveand maybe put the head up one more soit’s on low to medium I’m just gonnamove this because this isn’t native ournext step we’re going to boil the kettleget your parents to help you withjust boiling were really hurts I’ve hadit on my armthank goodness I didn’t scar totablespoon measurements into that’s acup into a bowl and one and a halfteaspoons of thisit’s bicarb soda looks like sugar it’snot sure goddamn eat it trust me it’shorrible by itself put that in thereswirl it around a little bit thoselittle boiling water on yourselfand we’re gonna mix this with a pot andhang closer mixture already is droppingup say see how it’s something alreadythat’s good now we’re gonna add ourhearts sugar coconut and wherever else Iput in here with the backup set offwater gardens here whenever else Iwouldn’t you guys should be keep intouch you know what you’re doing we’regonna slowly pour it into the pot pullthe point in the bowl againand so it’s not mixed in that’s the onlyone I’m gonna mix it in so it’s startingto look like a really weird toffee yeahno time scrubbing it really flowerytoffee just mixing all the buildingshere have been trying to get all theflour covered s’more looking like breadcrumbs now no less than toffee that’swhat it’s starting to look like but morelike a bread coming thinking now thatI’ve mixed it in I just keep mixinguntil you can’t really say any of thatwhite powdery flour anymoreoh yeah when you’re mixing up it shouldstart to stick together and get goingyou see how its really holding togethernow if it’s holy Oh closely now ourswasn’t buggy so what we might need whatyou might need to do is and just alittle bit at a time a little bit moregolden syrup and a little bit more hotwater just put them in a clock a littlebit a little bit and add them slowlyuntil it starts to get so the gluggyconsistency that I have this sort ofconsistency or it’s a bit of an effortto move around the bulbs that’s aboutright it’s really good toook next thing we need to do we need tostart burping them all right now graceor nonstick paper lines track you knowdo one really big one cuz that’s gonnabe my one now when you do them you needto leave about say a pinky’s lengthabout that lengthwhoops sorry between the cookies cuzthey need room does when they cook theyexpandyoulooks pretty alright I reckon there yougo once you’ve had them all grouped onI’m going to put them in the ovenfifteen minutes later we will put ourother myths and take our cookies out ofthe oven and put them on low puttingthem on our stove topYUM eating that one every in my laptopbut here you can use a hot plate or justdon’t stand put them on the bench that’snot gonna end welland we leave them to cool yep they’reall cool now my family can have theseones but these is Jesse perfect allrightI hope your and Zach piggies turned outas good as these runs then I’ll see younext time

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