👩🍳 Take a 20-minute break to make these peanut butter cookies with ingredients that you likely have in your pantry or fridge.
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi everybody so if you’re looking forsomething fun and easy to bake whileyou’re stuck at home I have a reallygreat three ingredient peanut buttercookie recipe for you everything in thisrecipe I’m sure you already have eitherin your cabinet or in your fridge andI’ve included one little modificationthat you can choose to do depending onyour taste and depending on what youhave in your cabinet so let’s getstarted we’re gonna start with one cupof peanut butter usually I will spraythe inside of the cup with cooking sprayso that the peanut butter kind of justpops out like that so we’re going tostart with that 1 cup of peanut butteryou can leave your spoon in the bowl andthen we’re gonna do 1 cup of sugar forour second ingredient so you just pourall that sugar in there and that’s justrefined white sugar there’s like nothingspecial about it and then the thirdingredient is 1 egg and then all youhave to do with all these ingredients isjust mix them up basically until theybecome a peanut butter dough so let’s dothat it’s a little bit tricky sometimeswith the peanut butter because it’s sosticky so if it’s not coming togetherimmediately don’t get discouraged justkind of keep washing it around as muchas you can and it will come together thenext thing about this recipe also isthat peanut butter has enough kind offats and oils to be able to make acookie without having to add flour orbaking powder or any of those things soit comes together as kind of a reallystickymostly peanut buttery dough butthat’s why this recipe is so greatbecause it has so few ingredients andit’s so easy to make okay so this iswhat the dough should look likebasically globs of peanut butteryou can put that aside and then you wantto get a pan I put a Silpat on my bakingpan but you can use parchment paperinstead if you don’t use so fats butbasically cover your pan with parchmentpaper so that your cookies don’t stickto the pan because they will so you wantto just grab spoonfuls of the dough andjust kind of plop it right onto your panthe dough is very malleable because likeI said it’s mostly peanut butter andthese won’t spread too much in the ovenso really I’m just taking about atablespoon and kind of plopping themdown right on the pannow before you start you want topre-heat your oven to 350 degrees sothat by the time you’re done with yourcookies you can put them right in theoven you can also vary the size of thesecookies to get more out of them if youprefer I got about 10 cookies out ofthat particular recipe but obviously ifyou want to make a full dozen you canmake them a little bit smaller like Isaid they don’t spread too much in theoven so there’s not a lot of room formessing this up so this is what my panlooks like at the moment the onemodification I have is I had M&Ms in thecabinet so if you like peanut butter andchocolate you can add a couple of M&Msto the top of some of the cookies or ifyou have chocolate chips you can addthose to the top of the cookies or youcan add them right in the doughwhatever you prefer I’m just gonna put acouple of these awesome if the cookie iseasy-peasy if those that makes them morefun to look at because they end up beinga lot more colorful and now what you cando with the other ones is you can smooshthem down with a fork so you smush themdown horizontally and then vertically sothat they have a little cross-section offork marks on themthis is also like a super easy way tomake them just look really cute so thisis what my pan looks like at the momentobviously we have some with some forkmarks we have some with some M&Ms andthat’s pretty much itthese will slide by the way I don’t knowif you saw that but it will slide onyour fan so you can put them back intheir little places and then you canthrow them in your 350 degree oven forusually about 8 minutes these cookiesare really best when they’re not superBrown they are best when they’re kind ofgolden on the top and they’re you knowkind of just barely cooked on the bottomso throw them in your oven for about 8to 10 minutes so this is what thecookies look like after about 10 minutesin the oven they’re just kind of goldenon top and just a little bit brown onthe bottom which makes them really goodso let me show you here’s what the toplooks like and then here is what thebottom looks like it so just cookedenough to be coming together but stillsoft if you want you can wait untilthey’re completely cool to start eatingor you can wait until they’re just alittle warm to start eating grab youknow glasses now can sit down in frontof the TV and just enjoy your time athome with these beautiful threeingredient cookies hope you guys likethisyou