Craving for a chocolate chip cookie? Roll up your sleeves and grab a glass of milk, because we are about to make Chocolate Chip Cookies. These are a no-bake recipe, so you won’t be needing an oven. Let’s try making these simple, classic chocolate chip cookies.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]today we are going to make easy cookieno bake we don’t need oven so we don’tneed no baked cookie okay we are goingto show you in yet but with me okay saltbrown sugar vanilla milk butterchocolate chipall melt flowerand scoobert and we need be large all wewash your hand already but we are goingto use the cloth okay and we also needmedium size of Pam[Music]Justin carries I brought the tower tookay Gracie you ready all right so youready for love I like to add together[Music]put them butter butter and brown sugar[Music]and vanilla and people put the vinyl ofway to the mix you wanna try ready youcan send them moving it in you canchopping like it can you do that andVanya yeah can you pour into the bowlthe bunny one okay and milk you canempty yet okay and flour mix togethersometimes if you use a little warm milklittle bit a little bit easier but it’sokay okay and what else everything yepokay then sirso you can act it yep mix me okay andthe last one the chocolate chip that’syour favorite one this is a time we aregoing to use hello let’s put on theclock- yeah little bityou ready pray okayget the children it looks like a cookiethough it’s time to use this I like touse it okay watch the grave you can’tmake smash like flat okay so this showthe children look like a cookie right[Music]you ready smash make a playokaywe made a six business cookie okay thisone I told you we’re not gonna bake thecookies put it in the refrigerator for20 minutes 20 minutes they make sure 20minutes after 20 minutes we can eatwould you like to do that yeah we gonnacookies after 20 minutes okayso you are going to put in therefrigerator okay so you’re done youguys can try okay Bob all right love