Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back to my channel so todaythat’s not a video on my list but guesswhat we’re making we’re making Eastercookies I already opened it and I got aplate right here I opened it up italready so see when it’s opened okay soI just opened it and I’m probably gonnado like a bunny I don’t know why andit’s super excited right nowso this move really good so this is whatthey look like that right there and thenyou just start decorating so see whatguys when I’m done decorating okay so myicing my bunny is done do guys want itthree two one I tried to do as good as Ican I mean it’s not bad I think it’spretty goodyummy and if you guys want to know thisis what it looks like from the front andthey come into these little pearl ballthingy I’ll try them out I know I knowwhat these are they’re like these hardlike pearl candies this week though I’mgonna try it oh there’s only one bikemmm he’s like a cake but some kind offakes I don’t know vanilla cake maybehey when I’m gone this is what the icingwants like I don’t know why I put it onmy finger I just like the taste so ifyou liked this video give a thumbs upsubscribe bye