Cookies Recipes

How to make eggless cookies

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Video Transcription

hey guys it’s Lila today we are making
some eggless cookies sup
so I already preheated my oven to 350 so
now it calls for a half a cup of sugar
right yes
we’re half a cup of sugar
alright grandmother’s here behind the
camera to assist in the process and to
be sure I don’t burn anything down this
is not my first time making cookies
though okay so this isn’t gonna be my
draggable and I’m just gonna get in
alright now let’s see two cups of butter
now let me go over to the directions
combine butter and sugar in a bowl mix
until okay so I’m gonna I’m gonna soften
my butter
it says soften butter enough until able
to lift it it says 45 seconds I’m gonna
put it in for like 20 though
perfect so I just got a tiny bowl you
can’t see it but I’m gonna go ahead and
put it in there all right it’s a lot
butter so you just okay yeah here now
you can see the butter now I’ll put it
in for no okay go ahead and close that
perfect now for 20 seconds it’s gonna do
there we go okay 20 seconds and for
waiting and waiting in the waiting and
waiting and waiting and waiting and
waiting and perfect yeah weird
no this is my first it’s always a big
enough to do the bowl isn’t big enough
to do them both at the same time oh you
got to grow grapes the grandmother may
be 15 no it’s 9:20 good grip it so you
don’t want it completely okay no bowling
me coming over here
and waiting and waiting
and our stay there and our bow oops
sorry diet sugar technical difficulties
like a mixture dad it come up here hello
okay see now I’m just gonna put sugar
all right
to tyrannize until it’s light and fluffy
and before
fluffy fluffy well a little more see the
liquid yeah on the sides and we don’t
use this way let me show you my video is
my video it’s the same spatula just it’s
not spoon here now you take the sides
and now I just don’t
see it’s it’s standing up you don’t have
to take that off because you’re gonna
add the vanilla to it okay so now I’m
just we’re just adding this as you
another move I don’t know if this is the
right consistency this is light and
fluffy and that becomes four
get it off my hands all right so note to
you all it’s clearly it doesn’t like to
let film
tip um butter and sugar a teaspoon the
tablespoon of Nick I’m gonna milk and my
French there was like a few drops extra
but that happened sometimes correct so
we’re just gonna take a look at our
okay now vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
here’s our teeth then gives our vanilla
my beloved Manila much 1
– we’re gonna keep these for later okay
I’m gonna go put my milk away though
what it has calls for flour yet alright
so I get together
now one and a half cups of all-purpose
flour so we’re just gonna do two of
these plus another
– and then another
all right and then okay all purpose
flour to the stock yeah
okay okay so now I’m just gonna mix that
together okay
wow this is very flower
now we’re gonna mix this together
doesn’t say until tonight just just mix
it together okay
okay okay
hmm okay and then it says okay it says
one and a half teaspoons of baking
cheese there’s my teeth
oh yeah Oh a teaspoon one okay more okay
one and a half powder
when I have two teaspoons of baking
powder I’ll be back
close the baking powder
let’s see
so I always grab
okay now we are going to go ahead and
grab it
I’m just gonna cut them in my hand
okay and put them on now you can use a
spoon I grabbed a spoon because you
never know okay perfect so supposed to
be an easy lesson so this is a pretty
easy recipe I will be honest you know I
made the cookies now the only problem I
have about it is you know it’s batter
itself it’s a bit shocked what paper now
I don’t know about something I do
something you know if you had the same
problem please let me know but it tasted
good so far
so you know look good okay okay okay
okay okay
this is that easy recipe and so if you
like gluten for something like egg free
if you’re like I learn today I’d say try
this recipe out do it you know pry it
out do it like it you know no I’m not
all right you just put it on
so far so good you know just putting the
cookies on it’s nice
okay now you want to spaceback your
cookies so they don’t clump together
close that’s the one thing you want is
come together cookies that just means
that one big cookie now if your effort
gets to me one drive okay totally just
like make a whole bunch of dough put
them on there together
boom okay yeah I know this is taking a
minute sorry I know this has been a long
video which is interesting because I all
right now we’re just gonna make now I
like making cookies you don’t have eggs
so I looked up from a CLIs cookie recipe
mom like I tried it out my mom made a
video in a while can better make it one
today so that’s why I have a video now
this breakfast we said they couldn’t
twelve I have 29 okay all right now it
that’s been preheated to 350 guys gonna
have to be on another this is a to glove
okay cookies
so now the cookies are in for 20 minutes
and that’s how you make eggless cookies

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