how to make cookies or how not to make cookies 🍪 rather I dropped them only my first attempt thou 😬
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
these cookies they’re all marred up andstuff broken upyeah I can’t like do really I like thisis cookie dough a hundred it 100% realugly the other one is so if I likecomment and subscribe to Templeton kidsabout I won’t see what cooking videosthe below what you know crack you knowthis little overlay though I like itabout it but it’s really kind of hard Imean no it’s not beginning I guessso I’m hit right[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]you’re just like kind of hard freshearth it is a lot of chocolate chipsyeah did I hurt my heel and I’m tryingto get you down it’s awesome I was kindof think I’ll put it in the microwave orwould that be done I don’t think soI’m gonna chop it when I see the Sundirectly forget it I defrosted it’s likea good size right here it is if it’sthis size how gonna be about you know -okayokay so if it’s this size if I’m gonnabe about like to your fingers like thisI was saying by this be yeah I did soyou gotta be ready for that I used to dothat in the pleased to be connecting andI never like today so then another one Ihear when they probably put two in themiddle FC but make sure they spaced farapart and I can’t do them I’m not reallymaking a lot these guys what I make alot for everybody but I don’t feel likeit so my pouch going to give themcooking method probably not even wanthow we go nice custom like a few youcould get good or power grating formyself really come on tell me folksyeah I’m gonna go yeah I’m gonna go makesix that’s it what’s a little badge soDan yes that stuff I just put on afourth one and then I’m making a fit ifyou gotta sew each single okay seeingthis the doormy body hot water I tell your wingscloudy high but I’m gonna put this butyou know how many top tier I know I wasgetting the cookies I would cook thatthe oven with these I put this home youknow get a cookie and I’m put literallypumps at the top I was taking it out I’mtaking her out and all of a sudden itfuel so hot like this good not workinglike I’m picking up in my video I meanit’s like damn high and I just droppedon the track so art of keys is all slowso I’m gonna take extra precaution couldit’s just crazythese cookies they’re all barred up andstuff broken up no I can’t like doreally I like to call a lot yeah wouldyou do a whole lot but these cookies dobroken up I’m like I don’t know if Ishould make some water waste on or whatgood way this is a good bottom what doyou want to be on a video so bad forwhat what D Vincent I crouch tosubscribeI’m really irritated goodbye