Cookies Recipes

How To Make Christmas Cookie

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hey everyone welcome to the style ofmindless YouTube channel do a bulk andAllison proving my mom and today we’rehere with chef Madison back and we areteaching you can you tell to makeChristmas cookies I’m so excited to behere so let’s get started right our ovenis preheated to 375 degrees Fahrenheitand we’re going to start by creamingsome butter and sugar I have two sticksof butter here I use unsalted butter sothat will go over the earth and thenwe’re going to take one scant cup ofsugar and now this is really importantwe don’t want to use a full pack downcup of sugar because more sugar is goingto go into the recipe laterso scant cup is a light pour of sugarinto your cup and then they’re justgoing to be a little romantic top sosugar goes in just like that and it’syou’re going to turn on slowwe let that butter and shirt and mineand you go really fast to start thesugar should have follow the exact youknow you’re not a huge mass so startslow so once you see all the sugar andthe butter start combining here that’swhy I’m going to bring it up to aboutmedium speed[Music]so once your butter and sugars creamedyou’re going to take a knife and you’regoing to add it to the mixerand once it’s nice and fluffy in themiddle you’re going to then scrape thesides hmm smells nice and then now we’regoing to do is we’re going to add justabout 1 teaspoon cold water turn yourmixer on again you want to keep scrapingas you’re going to make sure thatnothing gets stuck to the bottom andthen here we have three cups of flour wehave a quarter teaspoon of salt and 1/2teaspoons of baking powder and that’sgoing to go right into the mixer butdon’t do it all at oncebecause if you do that you’re going tohave a huge mess all over your kitchenso this is going to go straight in[Music][Music]once you’re done making your dough thisgets rolled up into a nice tight balldraft in some plastic wrap and you’regonna put it in a refrigerator for aboutan hour and a half you can think thestove in advance which is great couldyou keep it in the refrigerator for awhile I would see my week okay and thenyou can probably freeze it for about amonth and if you know if you’re going tobe making multiple holiday cookies allseasonyou saw me on our flour pre-mixed withour salt and our baking powder you canpremix it keep it in your cover and whenyou’re ready to make cookies it’s onetwo three and you’re good but everythingexactly hey so he’s taken our doughoutside of the refrigerator it’s niceand cool and you guys ready to startrolling out some cookies yeah yeahperfect I like to create a surface wherethe cookies won’t sticksome people use flour cornstarch but Ifind the best thing to do is to acombination of flour and powdered sugarand I do this because when you add toomuch flour to your cookie dough they’regonna get a little hard and too crispyand you don’t want that at all rightright so is to keep the texture of yourcookies what I do is I scale back alittle bit on the sugar and my cookierecipeand a little bit more sugar goes in whenyou’re rolling out through theconfectioner sugar and you also have alittle bit of flour in there to makesure it’s involving stick surface if youhave to have powdered sugar to flour andyou just create a surface like this somepeople put wax paper down what I reallylike to do is I like to just work on acold surface so you can use a pastryboard and you can also use just yourcounter like we’re doing here that’s andcool this makes me think one day it waslittle and we did something like thisit would end up all over her face ohyeah it’s definitely a messy a messysituation you roll it out and then youcan just keep expanding or I’m gonna bea little tough to work with to startjust because it’s been very frigeratorbut as you can see it starts comingtogether pretty quick and how big do youwant it oh that’s a great question so itdepends on your cookies for these youknow you don’t want them too thinbecause then there’s gonna be anightmare just to break apart yeah somaybe you’re looking at a little bitless than the court that you’re derangedum probably closer to about 1/8 inch nowone thing that’s really important thisis why I left some of the dough overhere on the side is that when you startworking with a dough it starts to getwarm so if you do small batches and thenyou know it’s nice junior right so thisis actually perfect perfect consistencyright now for us and then I can juststart cutting out a few right[Music]you look so good you’ve done a beautifuljob ready to bake them geometricianso when I’m making my cookies what Ilike to do is prepare a sheet panthis sheet pan is great as a nonsticksurface but just to make sure I don’tuse butter because butter groans quicklyright I don’t love using canola oil withthis instead I’m using vegetableshortening which you can write a nurserystore and what I do with my short nameis I’ll just take a little today likeCrisco texture almost yeah so this is alittle bit better this is a palm base sokind of shortening and so you put thegrocery store you can also buy at WholeFoodswhat is it called there’s differentbrands this brandthere’s no Tina which is okay andthere’s a few others that make a greatlearn something new every dayexactly yeah but if you’re doing anycookies that are vegan cookies this is agreat substitute for butter if you’renot you’re greasing a pan it’s also nicebecause with this product it’s not goingto drop too much with the cookies I’mgonna take our cookies and we’re goingto take them off the counter and putthem on to the baking sheet you can usea spatula like I’m losing hereso these are going to bake at 375 forabout six to eight minutes[Music]this is my favorite part about Lagos theChristmas cookie experience decoratingcuz you get to eat some icing yesnow I do cookies okay makes somebeautiful decoration so here we havesprinkles and icing in red and cream forChristmas and we’re actually using oneof my favorite brands are decorating andalmost any baking accessory one of mygoat cheese is Wilton and they actuallymade these icings which are perfect fordecorating cookies they dry superfastalso they need these sprinkles whichcome in to fun colors perfect for theholidays like green and red and gold andsilver and we also have Wilton’s royalicing that I have put into plastic bagsso is this the same as this but this soit’s different so this is a mix of justsugar water some corn syrup and thisactually has egg okay so this is a royalicing which you’re going to find againthis is a more traditional just a sugarinformation zoom exactly yes and I meanyour pecan Alesi and I smellsome gingerbread houses and it driesbeautifully and it’s nice and opaqueokay perfect so not time decorate sowhat happens a lot of times moms arebusy making the icing and everything andthe by this point the children arefriend to have the decorating and theeating of the Christmas cookies so whenyou can skip a step with us this is justgreatdo you all have memories from when youwere doing this as a little girl MadisonI do I always did this was my mom when Iwas younger and we would bake cookiesand we would leave them out for Santa alot of times do you and mother wouldcook together because sometimes todaywould get impatient with me and from avice versa that’s how the ground thingswould go a little more smoothly allright girls Cheers[Music]thank you so much fun with you and thesebabies are so easy to make anyone canmeet them at home I love you guys don’tyour cookies they’re beautiful they havea nice abstraction to them bobaloocookies it’s a choose-your-own-adventuresituation right you can make them superstylize or you can go all out andembrace your Jackson Pollock right sotoday’s cookies in my cookies look alittle bit different than the chefs butthat’s okay we tried and there’scertainly no pressure when you’re doingthis it’s all about having fun and ifyou mess up just keep adding more stuffin fact it sprinkles yeah can break acookie in a cookie break it eat ityeah mmediately definitely all rightstrap that would also thank you all somuch for joining us today on the styledefines us don’t forget to like andcomment and subscribe so you can seemore of our videos and we would love tohear your stories about Christmas bakingwith your family so you can tag us inyour stories or send us the story and wewill talk about the other thing is inthe description we’re going to have therecipe for the cookies and where you canbuy the Wilton products the sprinklesand at all that great stuff so thanks somuch for joining us happy holiday happyholidaycookie is ready[Music]young[Music]you

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