Cookies Recipes

How to cook easy cookies

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hi guys so it’s Ella and this is my newcooking channel and today we are goingto be making some cake cookies so firstwe need to tie your hair back to on washyour handsI’ll see what you’ve done that you needhelium into one hundred 1970 fan or gasfive you will need self-raising flourtype you will need castor sugar and thisis optional you can do cocoa powder orchocolate chips you will also need someplain just butter and the equipmentyou’ll need is a spatula so weighingscales two trays and and simply paperyou will also need some bowls to knit tomix trim okay so let me start it youneed 110 grams of caster sugar and 275grams of self-raising flouryou’ll also need to soften 225 grams ofbutterI had just avoid my butter out and I’vecut into three pieces I’m gonna put itin the right way for ten seconds and soso hopefully it’ll be softened I’ll seeyou when it’s readyfacing my bottoms just grab themicrowave and it shouldn’t be reallysoft it shouldn’t have melted fully butit should if you press your finger intoit it should make it down but make sureyou do wash your hands don’t worry Ihave washed my handsnext put your butter into a large bowlcream it’s Latin for feet so just keepon spinning it around your bowl okaywhen it’s his license Murphy it shouldbe very easy to mix and they shouldthey’re like creamy texture once you’vedone that at all of your sugar into thesame Bowl and mix your sugar in to thebutter keep spinning it around until allthe sugar dissolves well it’s it whenI’ve dissolved it would have gone intothe butter and keep beating the textureof the butter and the sugar should belight and fluffy and it should not haveany granulated sugar keep on beatinguntil it’s like this next you’re goingto put your flour into the same Bowlpaint next add to your optionalingredientall right cocoa powder so make sure youdo not add a lot of food powder ifyou’re also using cocoa powder do alittle bit keep on mixing see how itlooks and then add more if you need toyou can also add chocolate chips okay soI have to just transfer all my mixturefrom the other Bowl to this bowl becausethe other bowl was quite small and itwasn’t healthy if you’re like me and Eveany cocoa powder and I’m just gonna adda bit more cocoa powder because I do addenough last time so yeah I want it to bequite tasty so it just start to belooking like this I usually to reallystart creaming together nomake sure there’s no butter lumps that’sallI’ve just changed where you guys are soyou can see my bowl and really cream allthe butter cream all the butter in withor the flourpeople-driven them make sure there areno butter lumpsyeah and I’ll see you once you once IfinishI hate so a really good way to do it isif you just want to do this seepush it up by the side of your bowl justget it all together it should startgetting a bit doughy and that’s whatyou’d like but this and you want to addmore of your ingredient like I’m gonnaadd some more cocoa powder and becauseit’s cocoa powder is very hard to use ifyou add too much it’s very bitter but ifyou don’t add a lot it doesn’t tastevery chocolaty and if you want to addchocolate chips the recommended amountthat I would tell you to add is 75 gramsbut you can change it depending on howyou like them so when your mixture canall come together put your hands in topick up all the mixture once you can getit all in your hands then line yourbaking trays with greaseproof paper whenshe find a train of greaseproof paperand with your mixture you’re gonna getabout hazelnuts sighs buzz just lay themout in a greased with paper about quitea bit apart from each other because wehave you self raising flour that meansthey will expand though put them apart abit like that and carry on doing thatuntil you fill your whole tray and thenI’ll tell you what’s next I have goneonto two trays so I have made some bigones are some smaller ones but theyshould not be any bigger than thisthe next thing you do with all of themis push them down just a tiny bit todayalright it’s gonna open now just putmine in the oven make sure you haveadult supervision and these will cookfrom about ten to fifteen minutes whenthe cookies already use a lipstick acake tester or a fork into them and itshould come off cleandon’t leave them on a rack I let themcool for about fifteen minutes[Music]

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