Cookies Recipes

Grandma’s No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

I shared this on IG stories last week, and so many of you already made my Grandma’s No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies! I promised a quick video on how to make these easy, super simple cookies, and here it is!

These cookies are gluten-free and the only ingredients required are butter (can use coconut oil or vegan butter), sugar, cocoa powder, milk (any kind), oats, and peanut butter.

This recipe is NOT “healthy,” but damn, they are good! Get the full recipe here:

And for some nutrition tips (including all about balancing treats and lack of food availability) for the next few weeks stuck at home, see my post that went live today:

Let me know if you make these!

Original of the video here

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what’s up guys Kelly Salah registereddietitian and blogger behind hungryhobby and today I’m here and all thestuff out and ready because I’m about tomake one of my favorite recipes but it’snot super healthy and I know that Inormally share really healthy recipesit’s not like that bad but it’s not likethat healthiest recipe on my blog by anystretch of the imagination it’s actuallya recipe handed down by my grandma to meand she’s made it for us all the time wewere kidsit’s my or her no-bake peanut butterchocolate oatmeal cookies so that’s whatI’m gonna make today and you know rightnow there’s a lot of uncertainty a lotof craziness going on and I’m not gonnago into a big rant about it but I’veseen things on all side of the spectrumwhen it comes to social media people belike skip the course eat happy and thenthe other people being like making jokesabout how much they’ve been J okay Ihope love like the extremes in eithersituation I think they do be whateverfew planned treats and it’s comfortingto you intuitive eating handling thesetypes of situations is actually what Iwork with like most of the time with myclients we do a lot of nutritioncounseling and then we do a lot ofintuitive eating counseling and so Ijust think that you know my friendTipene says there’s freedom and yaks andthere’s freedom and no and a hundredpercent believe that and I think thatyou know you should be able to enjoy afew treats during this time if it’scomforting to you without relying onthem as your only stress relief sothat’s how I’ll say about that if youwant to join me and make these freakingeasy delicious cookies that I make allthe time when I don’t wake them up withthem ever during holidays and whoa and Iwant to be covered it so they’re mygrandma’s no-wake peanut butterchocolate oatmeal cookie so let’s get toitso I’ve got up in here and I’m gonnaturn it on gonna be kind of loud intolike this is you know I can’t face youin that back burner so anyway we’regonna turn this up here basically it’sso so easy so the first thing we’regoing to do is add 1/2 cup of any kindof melonliterally that day and then that is I’musing a vanilla almond milk cuz that’swhat I have in my house grandma wouldhave used whole milk but I don’t haveany of that my also I’m using almondmilk and that’s a fine substitute youcan use either one and then this is 1/2cup butter so there’s that you know moreOmega threes in your grass-fed butter soif that makes you feel better we’regonna let that melt and then I’m gonnaadd 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder andlast but not least here’s the funnystory about this this is the only recipeI make in my house with white sugarI actually hex take my mother-in-law’sif you have to be one sugar and she saidsure but only if I could have some greatwhite cookies because she knew thatthat’s I was making with it maybe that’snot funny to you but it was funny for usso this is 2 cups of cane sugar likethis straight out white cane sugar youcould use coconut sugar or raw sugarit wouldn’t be a grandma made it so youdo you okay I don’t always add all of itanything on how adventurous I’m feelingthat what we think so we had it alllet’s see bring this to a boil firstthat’s the first thing we’ve got to dois just bring this to a boil you knowwhat we’re gonna go for it I told you itwasn’t very healthy I have made this onehalf the sugar it’s still plenty sweetbut I’m filming it so I’m gonna make itthe way she made it you know otherwiseshe would be disappointed in memy grandma did passed away 2010 when Iwas a senior in college but this is thisis how you cooking it is one way thatyou leave people’s legacies moving onright so we’re gonna bring this to aboil so once it’s boiling we need tomove fast so that the sugar doesn’t burnas much as it supported all the sugar soher recipe would like one teaspoon orsomething of vanilla extract that’s howI do my vanilla extract and then therecipe is very specific that you add inthe oats first those three cups ofrolled oatsI’m actually gonna turn off the heat atthis point I’m going to leave it on theburner but turn off the heat mix thoseoats up and now I’m going to add in 1/3to 1/2 cup peanut butter and everythingshould be still hot enough to melt thatpeanut butter right in so here’s what itlooks like so this stuff the way that mygrandma had this recipe written was shewould use a pan like this buttered andspread this mixture out over it reallyreally thinly and then let it sit in thefridge uncovered and like it wouldalmost dry out and become like a fudgelike can do most we usually do one totwo pans like this and we cover it andsometimes we don’t depending on if youwant with a more chewy cookie if youleave it covered and use these thickerit will not Harden and become candy likelike how she’s deserve it so up to youthe pictures on the blog actually showit more like a chewy cookie chewy nobaked cookie then the candy that sheused to make so to each their own solet’s get these in the panjust want to run it out really thinlyunless you want to make thicker cookiecookies and then like I said in thatpiece will not spread about Finley youdon’t rank over thicker so that’s thatso won’t make you watch them spread bothof these out but kind of what you’regoing for and you stick that in thefridge and then I’ll show you what it’sdone which will be tomorrow so wewearing something different all right sohere we are and you’ll notice that I hadtwo pansyesterday and now I have one pan so it’sfair to say safe to say that what sothere’s that so I’m going to show youguys what these look like and cut themso like I said I left the you know coversaran wrap off the top so they wouldactually dry out a little bit more whichmakes them even better and the otherthing I was going to say is I often putwax paper down that helps them like comeout a little bit better but you don’thave to I didn’t this time mr. hungarwas like don’t you rock flavor down noapparently he’s a fan of the wax paperbut that’s because he was eating itdirectly out of the spoon so there yougo there’s that operate it in so you cansee it but it’s freaking delicious yougo here it is there seriously it’s sogood here’s what another piece lookslike so again I made mine kind of thinyou can make them thicker if you wantand the longer you let them dry out inthe fridge the more candy like insteadof chewy cookie like they’ll be buteither way either way they’re freakingdelicious and you need to make sure theymake these and enjoy grandma’s recipemore so then this pans not gonna lastvery longall right guys thanks for watching enjoybye

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