Cookies Recipes


Another recipe we can all do while we have to stay indoors at this time… this too shall pass!! 🙏🏼

Have a good day! Let us all keep safe and GODBLESSUSALL!

#BakingEpisode #ChocolateChipCookie #StayAtHomeActivity

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

welcome back to the channel are youfeeling blogger I feeling minimumfeeling instructions on the packagebefore Marin are in a home so this isthe third time that I am gonna video bedsolet’s live it for temperature so youwater cannon and up in a roomtemperature that and I okay now hereAllegheny Lagoon 82 suppose he not inwanna owe money are in a on you oohknock back some cookies cocina to no oneyou know and I’m joined Donna de Lomogave um recipe been an example as Papa’syou secondary know – batch ready-madenational bottleneck 1901 I mean so organimmense elastomer Heidi’s having a PItheorem and Oh Boaz and you butter nowdiscussing Hyuna you Bella Gong is angryzonethey are you you pick is not an eye flapso yeah 1/2 cup butter sabadie tour nexti 1 and 1/2 cup golden brown shoe barwhen I’m white regarded the startpacking the second I go up I’m arrow onecoconut brown sugar chopped 1/2 cup ofwhite sugaryou knew the ego going one cup in thewhite sugar i won[Music][Music]white sugar vanilla deduce a package tothis one vanilla Danita socking recipenotice one tablespoon vanilla extractand voila honey vanilla extract so I cansearch our final reading substitute bythe dimension maple syrup[Music]any good substitute I’m gonna be thirdelectric meter per se saving andproperty can be over between policymeans and demanding 3/3 so my own man[Music]until light and fluffy wait for it to belight you miss a breadmaker develop amachine a dynamic metal no boom wha Imean I’m sweet bond I mean I mean surecompare the veto yeah I mean I mentionin having him and I’m gonna go under ohthis is not a keychain mix the sugarmelted butter and vanilla extractso all right on Nagiko maple zero insubstitute of the vanilla extract andthen put on two eggs one[Music][Music]one more[Music]Oh Jin school nice a part of me missingeach othera yonder second egg so mix it until wellcombinedI may be big Hopalong Brown is choppercookies belongwe’ll have our own época see alum youknow talaga keeping above eye andtelegraph not B or C cool anotherinvasion you don’t in up in a minutedear shuttle again under no Vida do wellI think it’s well combined as happy thisa package in a separate Bowl floor dearsift together flourso I’m paid a Manhattan a floor I do anyhave cop Sigma T this a package Ferrisvideo alpha before is 2 cups themparam is been having a package that yearlater explain- and thentwo and a half coconut flour and thenbaking powder baking powder this is apackage I’m sorry I nailed one and ahalf teaspoon the two service I thinkthe recipe could not own I say noon oneand a half so one teaspoon of Susan tingTongyeah baking soda baking it I thinkthat’s okay I want a spoon language andwhen I see no no Joseph advocacy modelAllah gave an important storage it’s apackage well on cornstarch producer isfinicky knock before I may want thisfood cornstarch so you know asking AllahAllahpeople are baking powder in pyramidnamibian soda so didn’t happen forunknown come a huge effect by[Music]have this Poonam saltsupera Hahnemann salame have you you arebaking powder baking soda so Chaka hiton cornstarch so it’s nothingso we told me money you on my lap on theneck so it’s happy i sift together ithas have gradually beat into me buttermixture until combinedso if you’re adding butter mixture andspear in up until well combined so thesuppori is a much challenge gradually wepayso we’re gonna put on the resthaha the flour mixture the backgroundmusic Daniel Webster I like the soundchipyeah I don’t know you overbeat nothing Ihave in capital cool impression beworried aboutI see no enemy tank oh no no electricbeater Tahara an an electric mixer voilaI know sorry you would be looking at amixer I know again they ended up atgonna notice a big city no no no I /beep you adding cookie dough okayso sappy heregradually beat him to bother mr. untilcombined so I you know and experiencetop like chipsunreason they are donessa done for youbutter the butter up some a flowerpollen analogy for my opportunity use apackage not two and a half I see you anew name is for[Music][Applause][Applause]weeks lomatinyes aghanim is a chocolate chipsdominate in chocolate chips it’s comingtogetheryeah no I think cookie dough look atthatso here s communist and monkey clean updinner for dieter’s up at the hipcoopera I’m going to show you your nextstep so I am cleaned up now our nextstep is be beginning nothing sarah andwe’re gonna enter that in handdaddy then I am a shadow muflotti I’mgonna go out beforese-ah-dom alligator you look awfullynice up I don’t find I think I needYui bahmy a new path kale RebaYakko Vina seeing even remotely and alsocoming in America I need a pond and adoor but was opened in a minute Eric anemail Valentina Eva video Silla has hebeen Delaneyyeah so if though I think first and I goah because you’re coming to get we can’tget our pan so we’re just gonna chill itand the fridge overnight and then we’regonna bake it tomorrowso see you tomorrowhi welcome backready preheat our oven to 375 degreesFahrenheit actually an intervention ahchill in the fridge for the six hoursthe I’m 10 minutesyeah so instead Manhattan might be don’tbeokay let’s waitI am now hobby and so ccdb martineparametric college he’s all open and bigtime so are you guys we left it in theold bed while we are preparing the tableso it will – I’ll pin it on texture I’mmr. Naumann so cookies first lesson thatI learned is the mobis phoebus functionsubstitute young baking soda bakingpowder when your recipe calls for bakingpowder and baking soda law numericalaramboles and you are not not baking outbaking soda and look for other acidicingredients para this recipe more secondwhat mock tiny capital Italianingredients they say there’s always aneffective substitute so fast I can picka harp or nonny no anomalies sorry 1teaspoon baking powder actually 1 and 1and 1/2 Niobe no arsenal and I’m in Casade Gama kind of cornstarch and well onbaking powder so one piece wouldn’tdidn’t baking soda and again I mean andlastly as what may Baker sister told mebaking is a trial and error process soyou will really not make it perfect onthe first time he’ll be polite indanoneso a puma on the third time CopenhagenOgawa it on cookies Nagasaki back storeand fill another lesson it is learnedand you Liza the big man Marty Nadinesee guysyeah and take my not in mmm I’m glad younow go down to Big Dipper the Miss Juneshow guys it’s the new NASA so you wanton my third time I’m gonna be queen ofOhio size texture and last now Gestaposo let’s just keep on trying to thosewho who are also gonna try this recipeI’ll share it and comment it on thatcomment below who unknownkalila best and and let’s just keep ontrying and there’s no size when it comesto saying achievement unlocked let’sjust keep on opening that part ofourselvesso I own thank you to our families wellso ingredients a Christian and Moonfamilies I’m enjoying started in mattockminute or so next time but we be choirpromise feeling weaker talaga so that’sit thank you for watching please likesubscribe and share to your friends guyshave a good day god bless us all[Music]

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