Cookies Recipes

come bake cookies with us!

Today we are making cookies!Sorry our video is so long,but we just had to film the whole entire thing!and we know that the video is king of boring because some times we just leave the camera,but thats because we need to go get something,tell out mom something,or fix something. Ohh and also she is not my sister,she is my bestfriend.and sorry we dont know how to edit yet so that is why there is nothing edied in this video.but this will entertain people that are bored and that have a lot of time,or not busy.but,i really hpe you enjoy and have a nice day!bye!

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
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Video Transcription

shall we start off the video so we’remaking cookies and one Badgers in theoven and there’s literally one minuteleft and this is gonna be the secondbatch so I’m excited I told her thatwell if you eat a little bit that willhappen it can’t happen we’re not eatinga lot we’re just eating while they needis one Spore of Salmonella I need waterliterally set 5 4 3 2 1[Music]I don’toh I forgot we were recording samedon’t you put foil this right you putfoil on this we justthey all over the state[Music]what’s uplike for iPhone thisokay rule number one of cooking whenyou’re not doing anything clean up afteryourselvesHey don’t touch the pants ah well youknow just do different sizesyeah so we’ll have so have two rowsbeing a jewels just have a good ideajust make your sing and then push itdown so okay so maybe that’s a littletoo bit make it look like so it lookslike about one inch away from I can’tmeasure with my eyes justand Wow okay guys we’re making cookieswait with the second batch okay babyam I right or am i rightsecond option so scratch that boys boysget so self-conscious when I eat youknow we make heroes there who cares wedon’t need to we’re only gonna have tomake a third batch well I mean we couldbecause they’re not gonna be that biglike oh look at that I just take squeezethem together so that’s what we’re gonnadoyeah that’s gonna have to be a thirdabash but look at how much money goesyeah shall we count and see if the thingis right up to 38 8 no wait I think thisfamily went to all these 50 and thenwe’ll eat up so then they’ll go down thepackage will be right well we’re gonnaeat more the package of both we will beright wouldn’t eat before we eat themrightthe remakes I can either choose yeahthat’s too close what’s my dog’s NickManto burger and then we have Bubbathat’s a new one knows how is thatanywhere near Toby I don’t know ask mydad who calls him big Oh we’re gonnahave three freaking I think this isgonna turn out to be four it’s amazingby the time we’re doneoh it could be doneso we we can tow vehicle pieces you willjump on counters and he will steal thesits up on counters because we eat pizzaall the time can we all agree that’s toobig it can you all agree that it doesn’tmovecan we all agree that they’re gonnastick together communally that theyspent a lotta night can you all agreethat you’re just gonna cut the cookiecan we all agree that nobody cares aboutthe fact that you’re gonna cut thecookie we’re gonna add one more row ofthree and then we’ll try the othercookies well these are in the oven Ifingers my fingers we’re gonna have towash our hands after every single onemm-hmm I already did thatphysicsand then try these onesokay so I am at attention okay one twothreelook at mineyour bud shall we trashed it all nightwell these are awful sugarwell this is one way to stay up allnight we want to stay up all nightI mean that was your chocolate chip andit colored she’s already had so muchI don’t understand why chocolate killedall my dangers want some chocolate Ihave a question what if one we die wedon’t die of old age but oxygen isactually on like poison ithe was just getting every single spotwhat if oxygen we don’t die avoidingeach oxygen oh that’s he’s a really bigthought what if we don’t die from oldage but we die from oxygen becauseoxygen it’s like really really it’spoisonous but it’s like not poisonousenough to where it kills us instantly ittakes like 80 to 90 years it depends onhow how healthy you are to kill youmost last night we dive in thereit’s not really good don’t be shy giveyourself explosive diarrhealiterally our first classes almost dawndon’t get any more after these Mel doyou know after we make the other batchwe can make another batch then we haveto try those see if those are good youknowoh reallyhave tothe viewers won even though there are noyouroh I wish tik-tok had a new update whereyou can make a video longer than oneminute by only allowed it make sixsecondsnope nope no we have to resist I can’tresist how big that chocolate chip wasyou can have that no yesI’ve got to pretty much no you get himyeah no okay[Laughter]oh my god I have a lip piercing you guysare gonna have our bestso guys we’re going to play soccer soyou’re gonna be in the middle actually[Music]get there Jesus all right now[Music]now what[Music]then we put the camera to your boat yeahso we’re trying to move so now we justtake turnsoh by the way her goal is past visit andthen my goal three[Music]yeah but waitwell that’s smart we’ll get it backthis one’s an actual good sized cookienormal sized cookieha[Music]maybe just make them even more spreadout because there’s literally so youdon’t know we don’t make them[Music]and then that one toy upstairs heresomething there like yeah it was just onalarm so it just kept playing randomthings because it was armed because itwas on today as in nobody becausenobody’s gonna watch our videos besidesthe class anyway guys typical meso anyway anyway anyway look just makeit okay finally doneright out yeah one of it I don’t want toeat anymore but you want to eat the whatcocainethe house and where it is Bailey hasn’teven been to the house oh wow look we’remaking goodsoccerthey’re so tiny why[Music]yeah we made of ourselves by[Music]now we need anotherall right you clean it up up with youractual lifeoh yeahokay[Music]I’ll put that in slow motion it’s finethat’ll make it even harder you yeahwait that wordto start getting quietI’ll be word[Music]so but as you can see we’re recordingfor 32 minutes 33 anywaylet me do it[Music]bird and we’re here over heretechnically that’s the oven I’m overhereI’m a penguin I hate watch me gave birthI give firstyepthey’re hotwhy that was so bigI scored a goalpenguinbut it’s surprisepenguins over hereI lost my eggso guysthat’s all for now I hope you enjoyedall 38 minutes of this magical journeywe have you maybe depends on who you areforso guys goodbye[Music]

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