Cookies Recipes

Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

How to make some delicious chocolate chip cookies. This video will show you what you everything that you need to know so that you can back the perfect chocolate chip cookies. It shows you your shopping list of what to buy and then step by step, in real time, you can go through and back them with me 🙂

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hi guys so today I’m going to be making
chocolate chip cookies these are some
seriously good cookies they’re just the
right amount of crunchy and gooey in the
what I’ll do is I’ll show you your
shopping list of what you need to buy
and then I’ll show you the ingredients
I’ve got and that we can go through
weighing them together so it’s not gonna
be like one of those videos where it’s
like oh and then get you this and add it
to that and you’re like wow I haven’t
even measured that out I’m gonna measure
all out with you go through show you
what needs to get out your cupboard so
what you need to get from the shops so
hopefully that will make it super easy
for you to follow and mix more some
cookies okay guys so this is your
shopping list of ingredients you need to
buy these are the amounts you need them
but I will go through with you wearing
them all out but just so you know that
is your shopping list of items you need
okay so that was your shopping list I’ll
show you which ingredients I have so you
can get the exact same ones to be one if
not whatever you’ve got is fine okay so
the first thing I bought is I’ve got
Country Life salted butter now soft
butter isn’t any sort of special butter
it just means that basically left it out
overnight so it hasn’t been in the
fridge if you have got your butter
straight out of fridge that’s not really
a problem it just means it’s gonna be
that bit hard of you to mix so yeah
perfectly leave your butter out
overnight so it’s nice and squidgy then
I have got golden caster caster sugar it
doesn’t need to be golden caster sugar
that’s just what I’m using if you’ve got
normal caster sugar that’s absolutely
two eggs I’ve gone for two large eggs it
doesn’t matter if you’ve got small
medium baking powder it’s pretty
standard same with the vanilla essence
mine’s from Sainsbury’s you can get it
from anywhere it’s be honest
cocoa powder again get it from any
with the plain flour I think this was
just a cheapest one I found in test goes
to be honest like 45 P or something now
I’m gonna add walnuts because I like
them but they are optional you don’t
need them for this recipe at all salt
you literally just need like a twist or
pinch so it’s not the most important
ingredient but it’s meant to be enough
now the most important greediness of
ours I’m concerned is the chocolate
chips now because he needs 325 of them
what I have done is for 3/1 effect for
different bags of chocolate chips in 100
grams so this one is dark chocolate
chips 100 grams of milk chocolate chips
100 grams of and white chocolate chips
100 grams cough then to get my extra 25
grams I’ve gone for milk chocolate shops
so I’ve got four different types of
chocolates and of course the cocoa that
makes these five times
chocolate cookies which makes them super
awesome the utensils that you will need
to get out ah sieve that’s kind of
optional if you don’t have one don’t
worry too much it’s just to get any
chunks out of the flour cocoa powder if
you don’t have it like I say it’s not
the end of the world and same with the
electric whisker I’m going to use one
just as it’s way quicker and easier you
don’t have to use one but if you’re not
using one you might get a bit of a Nick
Young it’s not myself but I’m gonna use
one now what will be vital is the scales
so I’ve got my scales here they all
different cooling work I’ve got a couple
of them if you have one that’s fine you
do it batches a flat baking tray is
important again I’ve got two because
we’ll be making quite a few cookies
you’ll also need 2 large bowls wooden
spoon tea spoon and knife so that is all
you need as simple as that
those are the ingredients those the
utensils let’s get on making these
cookies okay so the first thing we need
to do is turn our ovens on to 180 or gas
mark 4 depending on what type of oven
you have I’ve got a fan oven so I’m
going to put it on fractionally below
180 degrees
make sure your oven doesn’t have any
trays or anything in it because you want
your trays cold so you can put your
cookies on so get all your trays out of
your upper so it can heat properly okay
the next thing we’re going to do is
weigh out our ingredients the first
ingredients away is the castor sugar so
for that we are going to use 300 grams
so we’re 300 grams of your castor sugar
quite a lot of sugar I’m not gonna lie
this recipe is not in any way healthy it
is tasty though
okay so that’s 300 grams of sugar
possibly a little bit more so I’m just
gonna take a little out my scale is
jumping around a little bit just
annoying that’s fine you can always take
things out like that okay so that’s my
300 grams of golden caster sugar or a
normal caster sugar what I’m then gonna
do is crack my eggs into this bowl
the reason I’m gonna do it while the
bowl is empty is because in case you
drop any bits of eggshell is a lot
harder to fish them out if you’ve
already got the eggs on top of the sugar
and everything else okay
it’s great your eggs into the bowl
easier with a glass bowl mine’s pastic
still too although egg one nailed it
got no shove it up gonna tuck that in
the bit once I’ve done my eggs I’m just
gonna give my hands a quick as well as
well because I don’t want raw eggs
getting on my stuff basically it’s kind
of icky so I’m just gonna wash my hands
I suggest you guys also do this if you
don’t want to take on your fingers okay
then we can add our cross to sugar into
our eggs you can see two eggs in there
and check your body mrs. Ellen I haven’t
if you have just fish them out with the
spoon add your 300 grams of caster sugar
to your eggs
okay back to scale secret now we are
gonna weigh out butter now I know that
in here is 150 no sorry 250 grams
I need 225 so it’s gonna nearly be all
of this but not quite in fact I think
some was he in the top of this butter oh
that just melted I’m not sure coming out
saying it is no I think it is a bit
taken off so I’m going to remove and
pull up with the butter to get about 225
which is I say if you’re using a pack of
250 it won’t be a very big bit butter
that you’re taking off probably just
like a corner order yeah so that’s 225
and that’s all I’ve had to take off have
a normal sized piece of butter plop that
into Bowl as well nice and soft so it’s
gone everywhere that’s good that’s what
we want
scrape that out as best as you can put
the scales to one side for one minute
now the next thing we need to add is our
vanilla essence we’re just going to add
two teaspoons of this okay
that’s to then get your wood in the
spirit and just gently squash the butter
down into the rest of the ingredients
I’d like to do this before I use my hand
whisk just because otherwise you do risk
of throwing things everywhere but if you
get it into a soft paste first I’m
literally just kind of squashing the
butter on the side of the bowl of the
spoon into the sugar now if you don’t
have an electric hand whisk you
basically just keep doing this space
until it looks light and fluffy okay so
I’m just gonna get it looking a bit like
this and now I’m gonna have whisk it as
I said you don’t have an electric hand
whisk just keep going with a spoon until
it mixes itself together and looks light
and fluffy okay getting bits off my
wooden spoon because I am going to use
the electric whisk for this next bit cuz
I’m really lazy and why not great if you
can be okay
I wanted them so the electric whisk on
my electric whisk is plugged in behind
I put the metals spiky things the mix is
in and I plugged it in and turned on the
wall so now I’m just gonna start the low
setting and go up to high saying and
make this light fluffy basically ready
to get everything up here and then I’ll
spit up
make sure you include all the
ingredients from the edges as well so
it’s all mixed really well already a
good tip for getting the excess fruit
yourseives I’m stuck in that off is to
just hold them in the bowl and turn them
back on without them actually being
inside the mixture so just hold them
above the fixtures fill in the bowl
and you might have a little bit stronger
and if you can see now there much
clearly well so that’s a good little
trick what it’s done is it’s just flicks
the excess so you hold them just above
click the excess around the ball this is
how you want your mixture to look okay
quite like white fluffy no lumps very
well mixed all right how it should look
okay so once you’ve done your bone of
kind of wet stuff as it were we’re gonna
do the bowl of dry stuff so this is your
flour your cocoa powder your baking
powder and your salt is what we’ll be
weighing out now so firstly I’m going to
weigh out my flour plain flour we are
going to have 250 grams of this
okay so popped up on your scales 250
okay I’d say that was about that what
I’m gonna do with that is sip it into my
other ball my empty bowl you don’t have
a sip if you don’t have a sip but if you
do I recommend it just to get any lumps
out you flower okay pour it gently is
any fast movements its flower can cause
it to just it’s flowing everywhere
you don’t know best way to serve is just
to hold it low to the bowl and just tap
tap it on the edge of your hand you can
see it coming out nicely there without
him flying all over the kitchen which is
why it would really like to do
okay if you do get any lumps at the
bottom just use the spoon to squish em
through okay
so if there’s a nicely set for our
Athena next by someone going to weigh
out as a cocoa powder now I need 55
grams of that that it not gonna be the
easiest thing to get out just gonna go
my scouts are my security honest so I
mean just this is about 55 here
correctional babies that I might observe
it chocolatey that looks like 55 tamina
and again cocoa powders bit lumpy in the
flowers I’m just gonna stick the cocoa
powder into the same Bowl as the flower
in the same way that I did with the
as I say if you don’t notice it just pop
it in so this is left quite a few more
lumps in the bottom and the flower did
see them so I’m just going to get the
spoon squash them through the bar Oh
perfecto well I’m gonna add next into my
bowl is just a little pinch of salt or a
twist of salt right how are we
announcing it so for me that’d probably
do if you don’t have twisted just cut
picture and the baking powder I’m just
going to with my teaspoon it’s my school
spoon add about 3/4 of a teaspoon so try
to just squash it on the edge so it’s
not too heat and maybe a bit less
whatever you deem is 3/4 I think that’s
probably about right I’ve got a gap at
the top so that seems about right to me
all right so what we have now is a dry
wall and our wet bulb I’m just gonna
pour the contents about dr1 into our wet
one very gently so doesn’t fly
top check it someone in there
alrighty now I’m just gonna mix it but
again I’m gonna do this whilst being
very aware of how much flour likes to
jump all over the place so quite slowly
basically again check and I get all the
mixture in from around the edge you
would not want to put your electric
whisker in here because it would just go
like pull and explode in your face I am
probably tried by the bus so I don’t
recommend it this has to be done with a
wooden spoon just slowly mixing and as
you do so you will slowly see it starts
to all go a nice dark color and a nice
more dough-like consistency
getting there slowly started so it’s
currently looking somebody’s starting to
stick together so one looks a bit
flowery at this point so I’m just gonna
keep mixing set it all sticks together
get that ingredients in off the edge as
well okay it’s starting to look good now
it’s taking a really nice chocolaty
color oh it tastes nice at this point as
well I don’t recommend eating it does
have raw eggs in it but I might eat it
we can’t be sure it’s nice great with
myself the edges are annoying me to
ensure that it all gets included and the
extra ingredients is extra cookie
I’m ready so hopefully yours is looking
something like mine at this point the
flowers all mixed in just keep going
until there are no more bits of the
flower visible to you and it looks like
this okay it should look like a gooey
chocolaty mixture and as you mixer it
you shouldn’t be seeing any dry bits
left in a total of the flower all right
lovely okay next bed try not to lick
your fingers but if you do it tastes
really nice oh it tastes already right
having your chocolate chips okay so it’s
325 grams these I’ve got wonderful pack
I’m gonna add my white chocolate chips
chocolate chip
and then about 25 grams of my milk
chocolate shops now to be honest it
doesn’t matter if you go slightly over
25 grams so I just go as to make I know
that was 100 in this packet so I’m just
gonna try and do about 1/4 event
probably about right
lastly in my wall nut pizzas these are
optional if you don’t like walnuts so we
have about energy to do not add them
obviously again it’s about 60 grams it
doesn’t matter if it’s intact I know
there’s 200 years so I can stop roughly
work out how much I need if you want to
weigh them out by what means to do weigh
them out I’m just being lazy make sure
it’s the raw nut pieces and that’s small
enough some of these are a bit big if
they are you can just break them up by
hand if you see any massive chunks
because you don’t want it too big
ideally you just want to be nice pieces
all righty then mix it all together
again you just want to keep mixing until
your ingredients are kind of equally
spread through your dough okay
that’s your mixture dumb love me
so to bring pre-warn you this is a very
gooey mixture okay it’s very sticky it’s
very wet as you can see it’s quite
different to a dough which does mean it
is a little bit tricky to get it onto
baking trays another thing I’ll give you
a warning of is when you put it on it
goes in quite high lumps when you cook
it they will flatten out and grow wider
so try not to put your cookies too close
together on the tray because otherwise
they’re just gonna stick together or so
if you kind of need less than you would
per cookie so just grab a spoon this is
a dessert spoon probably just need
literally like that cut cookie so it’s
dessert soon not it was food I’m using
get your knife can you see the trainer
just drop it on and as best as you can
just try and plan out you don’t need to
grease the tray or put any baking paper
on they do actually come off quite
easily if you’re worried I guess you
could probably out there making paper
cup I don’t think it’s necessary so as
you can see they’re quite thick at this
stage quite very sticky at this stage
that’s fine as I say they will sort of
flatten out when they cook so be aware
of that when you’re spacing them out try
and get them sort ground it’s not that
easy to be honest because it’s a very
sticky mixture so
so yet we can save it gonna try and not
put them too close to the edge because
they rather than not fall off the edge
I’m probably only gonna do six on this
train because they do sweat up again
it’s just a kind of matter of tryna
squash them as much as you can but they
won’t stay this thick they will squash
down okay
probably less honor than you need as
well I think this be quite big cookies
these ones
hopefully you’re managing to wrestle
with them okay and they’re not causing
you too many troubles to get in a
vaguely vaguely cookie-like shape okay
the use of the knife with these already
does help they stick to the spoon like
out okay so I’m just going to do six
this salad look when they go in then I’m
going to pop them on the middle shelf of
my hamon I’m gonna time them ten minutes
okay while I prepare my next ray I
really hope you’re so looking good and
it’s sort of similar to mine at this
stage I think literally even with two
trays I’m probably gonna fill four trays
of them the amount of mixture I’ve still
got left over of course everybody if you
do like this recipe please do put a note
in the comments telling me how it’s
turned out yeah and how easy you found
it to follow a lot any tips you do let
me know and please do subscribe also
I’m just trying to get them beegley
beagley cookie shapes at this point it’s
much stickier than a cookie mixture not
cookies sorry biscuit mixture if you’ve
ever made anything like biscuits you’ll
know you can sort of roll them out and
then use a cutter to get that shape that
is not the case of these it is way too
sticky to do that way way too sticky so
it’s just a matter of literally trying
to get them vaguely round at this point
and as I say not making them too massive
because they do kind of grow and flatten
out I wouldn’t be surprised if these are
stuck together by the time I get them
out of the oven not that it matters too
much okay I get some chocolate drops
all right Jenner on my next six going
into the oven on the shelf just above
the other ones but kind of English you
can see silver silver ones these are the
scaling up above them there okay so now
I’m going to put my timer on for ten
minutes and then I will be back with you
so you guys do the same
get your timer out pop it on for ten
okay guys so my ten minutes is up so I
will get the first set cookies I put in
out first
see I told you they would spread out
I’ve done that oh there’s only two of
them that have fused together but that’s
okay so these look good to me because
they’re not still sticky if you look in
the middle and you can see them looking
wet still they’re not quite done these
are a little soft to the touch but
that’s fine what I’m gonna do is leave
them on the baking tray for a while to
harden up because they’re still kind of
soft at the moment this is how they
should be soft to the touch but not wet
too looking at all okay can you see that
if you do have any dark or wet looking
patches pop them back in for a little
longer okay and then I’m just gonna
leave them on the baking tray until they
get there harder okay let’s check how
the other ones are doing I put an ad for
they actually also look pretty good to
me as well
I’ve got say as well guys during that
ten minutes is a good idea to do some
clearing up I said that beforehand
put a bow well also I should probably
have mentioned I do still have
absolutely no the mixture left so 12
cookies and I’ve still got probably more
than half of it left so I will end up
doing loads of extra batches but I’ll
just do one batch with you and then you
can just repeat the process that we did
of the adding them on and poop in the
oven for 10 minutes if you first
bachelors come up with you bit unevenly
cooked it might be your ovens cooking a
bit unevenly if that is the case five
minutes through just take the tray out
turn it around put it back in my ovens
cooks pretty evenly which is good as I
say if your cookies look like some more
cook than others
you might just need to twist them round
halfway through the cooking time so yeah
again these no wet looking patches last
time I tried them there were like some
liquidy looking patches still that’s not
what you want but you do want them to be
soft to the touch at this stage because
they will harden up as they cool down
okay let’s see if these first ones have
cooked down enough so they’re starting
to get harder at the edge which is good
that’s what we want so they sort of
slightly lifting up to my touch I think
I’ll leave them a little longer turn my
oven off actually I won’t that way
because I’m gonna do that other batch I
just wanna do that on camera now what I
didn’t say you need that is a useful
item it’s like a flat spatula type thing
got this hopefully this will be flat
enough just to scrape the cookies off
with really so once you think they’re
hard enough if you also pin out the
other at the same time as me it should
be just about right enough for now
around the edges so just carefully slide
under you see this slide off very easily
without the grease proof paper and
without any lard on the trays at all and
then just pop that on your cooling rack
perfect be careful not to touch a tray
obviously if they do break in the middle
it’s not really too much a problem these
ones attached to each other I’m just
gonna chop them off there we go
pop it on my cooling trailer if one side
feels a bit stuck you can start from one
side then go in at the other because if
you just keep going at one side it’s
more likely they will snap off so I’ll
start here and then I’ll go around the
other side and just slide it off until
it comes loose because that stops them
it’s nothing in laughs then
and again coming off perfectly so that’s
good hmm and one chocolate chip left for
me okay just get the other ones off
their tray they’ve probably cooled down
by now so that’s six done man
let’s get our other six cooling truck
just do the same with that this is a
little harder it’s not completely flat
sided so it makes it bit trickier to get
to them it’s just got that lip on the
side this baking tray some of them you
can get off in one swoop others of us as
I say you need to kind of go around both
sides these are coming off very easily
today that is what we want
perfectly behaved cookies Oh spoke too
soon this one’s a bit sticky hmm there
we go I got it oh no definitely spicy
scene I’m destroyed that one that’s fine
perfect so currently I’ve got 12 cookies
I’m going to repeat the process again I
won’t down camera cause it’s boring and
you don’t have to do it
I’m just getting six cookies put them
back in the oven for 10 minutes let’s
see how many cookies we can make out out
this picture okay so having used up all
of the cookie batter I can tell you I’ve
been left with 26 cookies so I hope your
cookies have all turned out really well
please if you do like this recipe let me
know in the comments section please do
scribe enjoy your cookies guys

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