Bread Recipes

#Vlog105 Easy No Bake Sausage Bread Rolls without CHEESE!!!🥖🍞

Mga ka sissy try niyo tong new recipe ala Anne 😘😘😘 tiyak magugustuhan niyo 🙏

maraming salamat po sa lahat ng nanood at nag subscribe sa channel ko muahhhhhhh😘😘😘😘🙏🙏🙏

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[Music]hi guys good morning welcome backsocking channel so guys come stand amongKyojin Santoshi Lanka yalla heart andkeep safe everyone so today guys papakitacos in yo Hoopa an iguana so sensualnow Paco simply guys and this kind ofsausage roll I know cheese or the busworks a budget guys try eat sausage lonPatna back noggin urn okay so guys so italong emo some capital Amman in nineteenso for LAN Xiao Bai Li little nearer oldCunha young I think bread siddhappaCeylon and flat McGinn flat sure guys soKappa general nutty guys the pad i deHonda and la paura hindi esha ma ponyyou and Hindi shampoo neat guy showed upat the Honda and Lanza so Danny toll onthe patio flat Nia canopiesyeah and venture guys Veneto longshot anEPS so yeah and okay nian and also weneed bread crumbs bread crumbs tow guysyeah and share pray you must Papa syrupsateen so sensual I am adding sausageso it also six looking at midnight meand I chicken guys and chambray Kyle andTaylor on did not in them eggs okay sothe low one it blows doughI just did it and then financial guys abit Natashatwo to three eggs up to you guys who youknow II long sausage roll on gagawinyoung so debug I saw brand allele on itoh and swagger swagger budget Kunta youI knocked it appeared okay so guys Papahey no company no 19 in Allegan sausageso adding bread later ok guys so guysneon Papa he Tohono say Yokobut I know not in illallah guy you’re sosage siding bread so first column on enot enum the Lewontin Appa young na flatnot in canina yo-yoin yeah and then eggwash Lana tinsel OhYong Yong dunno concealer and then ifyou get nothing innocent in a pie andthen you’re all not in para mug bekilled Jung ah ding Tina by sauvignonchayeah so okay Diane so next is cuckoohotter you know sausage yeah turn on theboys chambray or Illuminati in the Hondahead and make sure nothing stop you atbig booster Union guys getting green yoin Tokyo at the doctor all yeah tacosegg washed eternally young do lavenganza but among the kids yeah andsuppose he a lot a naughty my ownstarting a business law ganancia yeahfor petting Egan on did not Indianyeah union shop wash nothing no egg andthen it roll over nothing anions areRTingbreadcrumbs or the bus organ didn’t youguys yeah Daniel Dong Hayoung guys okayJana guys the bow so crumbly[Music][Music][Music]okay guys so in elite elite : sameprocedure same step but my top was notin lahat i peeing in a pie in a Mysoresage yeah so yeah a little-little entireguys eternally – and I think you knowmore so say sure feels so yummy guys soguys later I’m going to show you how todeep fry our sausage rollsa few moments later so sit roll soyamaneika guys nutrient solution andfourteen cooking battle on channel twotablespoons of butteryeah but you last saw me so she fuel Imust make it in the sriracha so off youmay on to see major my evening time soif an item will go on I think any linersausage holes there is excited now but Ithink permissible inside another me Isay that again nothing charm yeah youknow heat[Music]what my vision for big nicotine fit onmyspace spelling and Bowery soundParaiba yes my social distancing Carolynand Sabrina because of the butter sopeople guys ready pimple and nothingcome on associate Rho V dot nice guy mmmyummyyeah I think monotone I am so centralall for big man you’re pathetic man yobig one more miserable[Applause][Music][Music]you

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