Bread Recipes

The Bread of Life: Learn to Make Bread with Pastor John

3 Cups Bread Flour
2 Teaspoons Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Active Dry Yeast
About 2 Cups of Room Temp Water

1) Combine dry ingredients in mixing bowl
2) Slowly add water until dough is no longer shaggy, but not completely wet. It should be sticky and moist.
3) Cover dough and let rise for 12-18 hours
4) Preheat Oven with oven safe pot & lid inside to 450 degrees
5) Remove pot and lightly dust interior to prevent sticking, then transfer dough from mixing bowl to pot
6) Bake for 30 minutes with the lid on, then an additional 15-20 minutes after removing the lid (internal temperature should be 200 degrees)
7) Let bread rest and cool before cutting
8) Enjoy!

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welcome to my cooking video it’s also adevotional video of sortsbread is an incredibly importantmetaphor in the Bible so I thought thatI would take just a minute to make avideo for you this week a video that isgoing to serve two purposes it’s goingto both teach you a little bit aboutbread on the one hand but also teach youa little bit about bread and its role inthe Bible but as far easier to make andmany people think and fresh bread is ohmy god it’s so delicious all you needare a few simple things like a pop withan oven-safe lid something you can throwin there you don’t want it too big youdon’t want it too small something aboutthe size of this Dutch oven right hereall right you’re gonna need some commonkitchen instruments as well here I havea mixing bowl you’re gonna need ameasuring cup don’t forget you’re gonnaneed some measuring spoons as wellyou’re gonna need that spatula like Ihave here and finally you’re gonna needsome plastic wrap all right for theingredients you’re gonna need three cupsof bread flour yes it is bread flourit’s slightly different than regularflour I haven’t tried it regular flourat my work here I have my salt ball anda pinching ball you need about twoteaspoons of that and I have my yeast ina tiny little packet here you’re justgonna need a half a teaspoon of thatfinally here is my measuring cup ofwater I’ve got about two cups in therethe measurement is not precise you’regonna find out more about that later allright well I’m combining theseingredients I thought I’d begin with thefirst two micro effects there are twowords that are primarily used for breadin the Bible what M is the Hebrew wordfor bread that appears a total of twohundred and ninety-six times in the OldTestament our toasts on the other handis the Greek word for bread and itappears 99 times in the New Testamentnow that is a lot of bread now thoseGreek and Hebrew roots they appear in avariety of forms in menfamiliar passages ranging all the wayfrom the Passover to the manna that Godprovided for the Israelites to the widowthat Elijah helps with the endless oilto make her bread it’s included in theLord’s Prayer it’s mentioned dreamsChrist’s affirmation that he is thebread of life and it plays a veryimportant role in the Last Supper infact archaeological evidence suggeststhat bread was first made in thisMesopotamian and Egyptian region as longas eight thousand years BC as long agoas 8,000 years BC that makes it tenthousand years ago so it makes sense whythere are so many stories about breadthroughout the course of human historyall right now that I’ve got my dryingredients mixed we’re going to add ourwater remember that I said that thewaters not as precise instead we’regonna do this by eye I’ve got about twocups in my measuring cup and remember itneeds to be room temperature we’re goingto slowly add it to the dough abouthalfway we’re gonna start to see thedough clump together and get a littleshaggy but we don’t want to stop therewe want a good wet sticky dough thatisn’t too sticky it isn’t too wet butwe’re just going to try to eyeball itI’m gonna show you as I get close tofinishingokay earlier when I was sharing my breadfacts with you I mentioned that lehem isthe Hebrew word for bread the Hebrewword for house is bet now that in and ofitself might not mean anything to youbut when you put them together you getbets luck them and it might soundfamiliar especially if you think aboutChristmas time that’s right Jesus wasborn in Bethlehem or Bethlehem the houseof bread it’s a name that came from thetowns important role as a centralproducer of grain and wheat in fact theBible actually contains a recipe forbread as well although it’s not the sameas the recipe that I’m sharing todayEzekiel 4:9 says take wheat barley beansand lentilsmillet and spelt put them in a storagejar and use them to make bread foryourself but as you can clearly see it’snot the same as what we’re doing in factthere was a special type of bread otherthan this bread mentioned in Ezekiel theKing James translates this type of breadas shoe bread and Hebrew it’s calledlehem toponym if you translate itliterally it means the bread of facesbut more accurately it would be best torefer to it as presence bread because itwas required by religious law to alwaysbe present on a dedicated table in thetemple as an offering to God it’s thesame bread that’s eaten by David andthen mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 12for he entered the house of God and heand his companions ate the consecratedbread which was not lawful for them todo but only for the priests okay itlooks like our bread is starting to cometogether here it’s a little stickythings seem to be somewhat incorporatedwe’re just gonna give it one more checkmake sure it doesn’t need any more waterlooks like we can add a bit to it allright I’m gonna give you a little lookinside my bowl here so you can see whatI’m working with after I finish stirringa bit there it is it’s a little stickyit’s a little wet it’s a little shaggybut see how it moves somewhat freely andyet stays a little clumped and justperfect for what we need that’s it allthat’s left now is to let it rest for 12to 18 hours there is no kneading of thistype of dough necessary all you got todo is throw some plastic wrap over thetop let it sit at room temperature don’tthrow it in your fridge there yeast willlet it rise overnight it’s convenient ifyou do this in the evening and then fakeit in the morningthen when you’re ready to bake you’regonna set your oven to 450 degreesforgive me for not knowing that my handwas off screen there you’re gonnayour pop in that oven when you arepreheating it 12 to 18 hours from nowand you’re gonna bring your pot up tothat same 450 Rees 5-4 oh my mistakeyeah pop hopped at 450 degrees oven hotat 450 degrees in 12 to 18 hours nowI’ll see you thenwe’re back our ovens at 450 degrees andour Dutch oven or our oven safe pot isat 450 degrees as well I’m gonna take itout and all we got to do is plop theloaf inside if you look our bread hasrisen it has risen indeed now don’tforget that this pot is hot I can’t tellyou how many times I’ve taken it outstarted working for God it was hot triedto take the lid off later and just burntmy fingers it’s not pleasant so keepyour pot holders close all right as I dothis I’m gonna give you a heads upsometimes I like to sprinkle a littleflour in the bottom of the pan you’llsee me doing that here in just a secondI even sometimes like to sprinkle alittle flour on top of the bread thisisn’t necessary but it helps it keepfrom sticking while I’m doing this it’stime for yet another bread fact thisone’s a little more scientific bread hasa supply of I can’t talk as surprisinglycomplex DNA sequence for comparison erabida posis nope that’s not it era bidtopsis still not sure I’m pronouncingthat correctly it’s an herb plantsrelated to cabbage and it was the firstplan to have its DNA fully sequenced itcontains about a hundred and thirty fivemillion DNA letters whereas the humangenome contains about three billionwhich is a lot more finely bread wheatthe most complex of all of thesehand-chosenexamples has 16 billion DNA lettersabout five times as many as the humangenome that’s incredible but let’s get alittle more scientific modern breadwheat has three pairs of everychromosome each one of these pairs itcomes from one of three differentancestral grasses that have evolvedtogether in technical lingo that’scalled a hexaploid Algeria differenttypes of grasses that have blendedtogether each bringing their own DNAcombined in every single grain of wheatthree in one very Trinitarian if you askmewell now we’re gonna just take our Dutchoven don’t forget it’s hot throw it backin the oven for 30 minutes we’re goingto up my video cut out we’re leaving inthere for 30 minutes and once that’sdone we’re gonna take our lid off andcook it for another 15 it is bread timewell it’s almost break time we’ve justtaken this out of the oven but we needto let it cool first we’re gonna dump itout and let it relax here in themeantime I’m going to offer you one lastbread fact the average American eats 53pounds of bread every year that’s a lotof bread isn’t it but it just goes toshow you how important it is in ourdaily lives as I mentioned earlier youdo need to let this bread cool I knowthat you’re gonna be tempted to eat itup because it’s delicious I don’t knowbut if you rest a little bit of a hubbyto cut it better alright that’s it forus today I hope that you’ve beenentertained informed but mostimportantly fed by the Word of God takethis good news spread to others and helpfeed someone else amen

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