Bread Recipes

Pão de Torresmo – Receita Completa

Como fazer Pão de Torresmo. Nessa receita você vai aprender o passo a passo, explicado com uma linguagem bem simples, para fazer o mais delicioso pão que existe: o Pão de Torresmo.
A receita está completa e ensina tudo, desde a preparação do torresmo até a forma de assar o pão.
– ½ k de farinha de trigo
– 600 g de pancetta (barriga de porco)
– 10 g de fermento biológico
– 2 ovos
– 2 colheres de sopa de açúcar
– 1 copo de água morna
– Sal a gosto

#pãodetorresmo #torresmo #pão

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Video Transcription

Hello friends of the Ogros S/A channel. Welcome, everyone.
I am Baco.
Today I am here to make a pork crackling bread.
When I talk about making bread, some people already think: “iiih” the recipe is hard, not for me.
But make no mistake, you will find it very easy to make bread.
And if you follow this walkthrough I’ll do today,
You will realize that there is no mystery to making bread.
So now, follow me on this recipe.
And let’s have fun doing: Pork Crackling Bread
Here are the ingredients for today’s recipe.
Are they:
21 oz of pancetta.
1 glass of warm water.
1 pound of flour.
2 eggs.
2 tbsp of sugar.
0.35 oz of yeast.
And salt to taste.
So let’s get ready.
We’ll start by making the pork crackling.
And for that, we will chop the pancetta into small pieces.
And then let’s fry the pancetta.
Let’s put it in the frying pan without any olive oil. The lard does the job.
We’ll already salt too.
And fry …
until the pancetta turns into pork crackling.
Now we will remove from the fire and separate the lard from the pork crackling.
We will use both.
After the separation of lard and pork crackling,
Now we’ll take 2/3 of the crackling and go through the processor.
And 1/3 we’ll reserve for the end.
And we will also take the lard and refrigerate for half an hour.
At this point let’s start the dough.
Let’s get the flour.
The egg.
The yeast
The sugar.
2 tbsp of lard.
This lard has to go back to the fridge.
And we will put water and mix gradually.
The time the dough starts to take shape, let’s put the salt.
And I’m pounding the dough …
until she gets to the point.
See I didn’t use all the water.
I will put it gradually.
If necessary I add a little more flour if it passes the water point.
And so it goes.
And here is the point of our dough
You squeeze it.
And you can see she got kind of elastic.
You will need to blow it for 5 minutes to reach this state.
So let’s flour the counter.
And open a rectangle with the roll.
Once the dough is wide open:
Let’s get the lard again.
The fridge made her very creamy.
And let’s apply it over now.
The pasta is all covered with lard.
And then let’s put the crackling that we go through the processor.
Let’s spread the crackling well over the dough.
And then we will make 3 folds in the dough.
And let’s open the dough again.
That done, let’s divide the dough into 4 strips.
Then I’ll take each slice and roll it up.
Pulling and rolling.
So that it is very firm.
Let’s take a look at it.
So just join the ends.
Then we will take a shape.
Grease it with its own lard.
And let’s transfer the threads to the shape.
And now just let it grow for an hour.
After an hour, I’ll take a gem and brush the threads.
And then, I’ll get that 1/3 leftover crackling and throw it over.
And then, I’ll take it to the preheated oven at 392º F for 20 minutes.
And our Crackling Bread was ready.
Now I can only try.
That’s it! If you enjoyed today’s video:
give me a LIKE down here.
And until next Thursday.

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