Bread Recipes

Maker Monday Making Bread

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hi kids welcome to maker Monday episode3 and today I’m gonna show you how tomake bread there’s been a lot of peoplearound the world doing a lot of bakingsince we’ve all been home and I thoughtI would share with you a recipe thatI’ve been using that makes fantasticbread it has only four ingredients it’svery simple so let’s get started I’mgonna show you the steps of what to doyou’re gonna need an adult mom or dad orgrandma or grandpa ran to your uncle tohelp you with this oven part of itbecause you will be baking it but itdoes take two days to complete thisbread so we start it today and then webake it tomorrow let’s get going theseare the four ingredients you’re going toflour I just used all-purpose flourthere’s a special kind of flour calledbread flour and you can use that too butthis one works just fine you’re gonnaneed warm water one cup of it it needsto be quite warm it will activate theyeast which is in one of the steps I’lltell you about in a minute so you wantto come from the tap warm not boilingnot super super hot but definitely warmwhen you if you touch it when you’rerunning the water make sure it’s warm asit comes out on top you’re gonna need aregular household salt you can use seasalt too if that’s what your family hason hand that’s fine that works as welland you’re gonna need yeast there’s twokinds of well there’s several kinds ofyeast this one is fast rising instantyeast and that’s fine dry active yeastis also fine what I don’t know how to dois use cake cake type yeast it comes ina like a wet patty so don’t use that usethe one that looks like little granuleslike that okayfor measuring cups and utensils you’regoing to need a 1 cup measure a 1teaspoon measure edible step 1 and Iwill write these instructions both inTwitter and on Instagram so teacher KJohnson on instagram and also that’s mysame username and Twitter in your bowlyou’re going to measure out 3 cups offlour when you’re measuring flourscience you’re combining ingredientsthat will have chemical reactions andactually that’s what Rises the bread isthe combination of yeast consultantwater so it’s very important that you’reaccurate with your measurements so I’llshow you a tip for that I use the dullpart of the knife and when the flour iswhen I’m measuring the flourI just scrape off the top so that’sexactly one cup of flour so I’m gonnaput three cups in my bowl my knife toscrape off the top three cups into thebowl I’m also going to add one teaspoon1 teaspoon of the yeast and again youwant it to be even with the spoon okaynot heaping or just even that goes inthere with the flawyou are going to use 1 teaspoon the saltso again have it level you don’t want itto be over full let me go that’s 1teaspoon in their pan into the ball andthen I think earlier I said 1 cup offlour I was wrongit’s one and a half cups I mean waterone and a half cups of warm water so I’mjust gonna go get this sink running withwarm water right waiting for it to warmup which takes the world the first timeyou get warm water and it’s still notworking yet I’m gonna measure 1 andagain remember this it’s important tohave accurate measurement so I’m gonnaset my water down on the counter and getdown and look at it at eye height tomake sure that it’s exactly on the rightlevel and it is so into my bowl goes myone and a half cups of water now I haveall four ingredients in the bowlremember three cups of flour one and ahalf cups of warm water 1 teaspoon ofyeast and 1 teaspoon of salt now I’mgonna stir it with a big that’s not thatbig but it’ll workit’s her a little bit harder to show youthis part but I’ll try and tip up mybowl so you can see and I’m gonna stirit and it makes a yum bakers call itshaggy dough and what that means is it’snot gonna be nice and smooth like whatyou might think cookie dough looks likeor like even play-doh looks like no it’sgonna have this can you start to see itit’s kind of like getting stringy almostlikemm-hmm you see that yeah oh really gooeyand wet and that’s a good thing that’sexactly what you want stir it until allthe flour from the bowl is included inyour glumpy pile and that’s it I’m gonnaget that off of there by the way ofcourse always begin baking sessions withclean hands I probably should have saidthat at the beginning but make sure yourhands are wash before you get startedbecause eventually you always end uptouching the ingredients now there’s mybread dough it now needs to sit for 12to 18 hours that’s a long time basicallythat’s overnight so I’m gonna let itjust rest but actually the term we useis gonna rest with some plastic wrapover the top to keep the air out okay solet me go get my plastic wrap yeah getmom and dad to help you pull this outbecause he’s got that really reallysharp edge I don’t want you to get hurton that big enough to cover it your bowltear it off and seal your bread into thebowl like so like so now you’re gonnaleave it on the counter overnight rightnow it’s noon so I’m just gonna let mybread sit until tomorrow morning andthen I’m gonna run another video to showyou what to do next okay so there’s whatthe bread looks like now and tomorrowyou’ll see what it looks like after itshad its resting time all right see youin the morning okaythe kids welcome to day two of makingbread I’ve just washed my hands sothey’re nice and clean before I gotstarted with thisand yesterday we put those ingredientsthose was it four ingredients togetherwe put the plastic wrap on it satovernight so this is about 24 hourslater I’m going to take the plastic wrapoff and I want you to see what it lookslike it’s all kind of gooey and stickyand flowers in my flower container soI’m just gonna put a little bit on myhands to keep them from being stickyokay so they kind of look like that nowthis is very very wet and sticky soyou’re gonna pull it away from the sidesof the bowl like so he might get alittle bit more flour on your hand andsort of just put it together like hi i’mmaking a movie that’s my daughter okayso now we’ve got this great big stickyloafi’m gonna get more flour on the outsideof it and i’m gonna put it on thecounter I’m gonna check my there we gonow I’ve got it on the counter with abit of flour spoon fold around it andI’m just gonna give it a little bit of aI’m not really needing itI’m just shaping it and kind ofincorporating that flour into my lookI’m gonna shape it into a sort of around bit I’m gonna put a bit of flourin the bottom back in there at thispoint I need to leave it sit for aboutan hour half an hour or an hour it’sgonna do a second it’s not gonna get itthe first time but it’s gonna rise a bitso I’m gonna set this aside and we’llcontinue this movie after the secondrise in the meantime you could pre-heatyour oven my oven takes a really longtime to get warm and you need to get allthe way to 450 degrees Fahrenheit so Igo ahead and start preheating my ovennow and I’m back in a while to show youwhat to do next okay the next part ofour bet bread baking extravaganza hereis we need to get our dough which youcan see in the last hour has puffed upagainwe’re gonna get that into the oven andbake it so I’m just gonna put my doughover here for a second and show you someof the things that you can use forbaking we tend to use one of these in anold cast-iron pots because we have oneand it does a great job of cooking butyou should use whatever you have in yourkitchen so a pie plate can work a cakepan can work even a cookie sheet couldwork alright so first of all get youroven hot 450 degrees then you’re gonnaput thing you’re gonna bake in so for methat’s going to be this one here you’regonna put it in to let it get hot all byitself nice and hot and don’t touch itthis is where you need an adult to helpyou a bit once it’s hot we’re gonna takeit out let’s just imagine this is my hotpan of course I would haveoven mitts on you’re gonna put a littlebit of olive oil into the bottom of itand then you’re gonna move your doughfrom here into the hot pan being reallycareful not to touch the pan you want toburn your fingers and then we’re gonnapop it in the oven it’s gonna bake at450 with a cover on top of it so what doyou do if you don’t have a cover first apan like this well you can use aluminumfoil let me go get the aluminum foil andshow youthis is aluminum foil it looks like thispull a little bit out and now thisbreads gonna rise a bit in the oven soyou want to leave it wanna leave it alittle bit puffy on top you know rightokay I’m gonna do those steps now andthe final video will show you thefinished product the only thing youwon’t be able to do is smellokay so the breads been in the oven now450 degrees for 30 minutes with a lid onit so I used to foil then you take thelid off peel the tinfoil off or removethe lid and let it go for 15 moreminutes so my buzzer just beeped I’mgonna go pull the bread out of the ovenand joke to you here we go here we go sohere comes your sneak peek there it isinside the pot nicely Brown smellsamazing then I don’t tip it out you cansee how toasty that was because we hadput the olive oil into the bottom of thebaking pan okay I have tough hands fromyears of baking and there we gofresh made bread and I can’t wait toslice into it you need to let it coolfor probably about 15 minutes before youstart slicing into it if you’re tryingto cut it when it’s too hot it just sortof it won’t slice nicely did he wait abit you can slice it and turn it intosandwiches or toast or you can dip it inyour chili hi Kailen I’m videoing that’smy kid um you didn’t have it with salador you can have it with Jam butterbutter is our favorite warm with butterokay maker Monday this is your projectsee if you can make one of these startmixing it today and then bake ittomorrowhappy bakingyou

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