Bread Recipes

How to make easy and tasty bread halwa by D.D.H.B. Amu’s kitchen பிரட்அல்வா 5 நிமிஷத்ல பண்ணிடலாமே.


Bread slices – 5
Sugar – 50 gms
Cashewnuts – 10
Ghee – 3 spoon
Cardamom essence – 4 drops
Water – 75 ml

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Video Transcription

hello vanakkam and welcome to mediateSPEA most kitchen unique individual andBritain we have deep online parklandbritain working on the energy protectorcurrent I will eat just a la carte funnybalance seems funny to pull off bluepowder tan nib name multi-purpose genieboth paths recline illa with the mga mytummy negative nun lassoed willing to gopouring of the Potala nun the calendarthe term bug Ramsey namesake rewardJeanne Nellis re-released all areas atall now when the red indicates warmergonna go to add paneer Quran además athoroughly cfirkus octopus row for thegovernment for the conga gene even in allama candidacy in the saucepan of theAraki listening are at the Harlan comefrom a few drops cardamom yes and socould add Pawnee congaRodimus instead Aquila being roboticallyAlec I found recording ad funny clown ifover pants over later as lemonis Puneloca Navy taxi they in LS Sudan andcopper mom on the riverboat overhead atthe clock are they Naylor readymotivated tomorrowpassionate on the vertical see thebeaver or pocket LaMacchianational cell a8 today are they mainlythe medical should occur a breadingimportant elaborate a little break thewind then and the color change areone-off I the cup Rama nama and the bluecolor tiny muti cones open a movie andlet me expand over the know by the bootya duo or a word in girona Navi waterbroke R&D which e-mail a personaltrainer[Music]Gretel wanna McCready idea if of underfinal line upon an ax or a spoon andopen a nice apron again and limitsfurniture in the story – una mirada -piranha battle one of occurTadhg[Music]okay Britain one of a crazy idea deMadre mía – Aparna week last week uh sayequally over Alvin I didn’t yeahput it in our like coordinate come andput in the share polymer substrateFernanda thank you for watching bye[Music]

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