Bread Recipes

How to make a fully automatic Carro/Potato/Beetroot/Bread in Minecraft. 1.15+ PC and Bedrock 1900/h!

I, Lil Pits, show you how to make a fully automatic carrot, bread, beetroot, or potato farm in minecraft

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yo what’s going on guys it’s me littlepits here and today I have a really coolcarrot farm it can also be a red orbeetroot or potato farm with the breadfarm you also get wheat seeds and withthe beetroot for you also get beetrootseeds so that’s the only thing if youjust don’t want those them but so whatyou will need for this is 93 fences onecomposter one stone hoe one bed onebottle water bucket one block any blockyou can choose like stone dirt obviouslyI use dirt right here you will need twovillagers two hopper minecartsone hopper and one chest and that’s thematerial list the villagers obviouslyyou have to like breed them and put themin in survival under squeeze on themokay let me get out material so fence[Music]oh and then you will also need a lot ofyour crop but you only actually need oneof your crop but and then eventuallythey’ll place and the villager will fillthis up by itselfoh you also need a rail right one railthat’s it and then okay so what you’regonna do is go in to a like a ten by tenarea ishand go like right in the center of thatand my ten area and then 11 by 11 andthen place your water bucket and then gofrom each side you want to go out 1 2 34 5 and then place the fence do that onevery sideokay and then you connect all the fencesup except for one side actually you wantto go out six on one side and thenconnect it like this okaynow go out like that with that and thendouble up all the fences except for thisone right here do not place a fence likethat and this form gets you like a lothad this running for not too long maybelike 10 20 ish minutes and it gets you alot unless it takes eventually once it’sall filled up then it gets you like thatmuch in like 10 minutes but you have towait so then you want to take out thesetwo blocks right here place a bedcomposter right there okay so now getyour block and place it right there ontop now what you want to do is destroythat place a hopper right in thereplace a blockthis is just temporary you can use thatblock and rail on top of that and thenbreak it and then what you want to do isthen go you mind an area out like thisand then down here and then break thatblock right there place your chest andthen that is how you will access yourstuff and then what you want to do ishello every spot with this because thenthe villager will eventually make it notif you’re doing this in creative modeit’s best to do it tonight it’s becauseit’s really hard to do itstupid creative mechanics okay now spawnvillager and then[Music]and then this is why it’s easiest to doit do it at night because see howattached to that and then the conquest Igot lucky with a farmer first dry but ifyou don’t in creative and then you wantto just put Roger there it doesn’tmatter what profession they are and thenonce this guy goes to sleep you can putin your I’m actually gonna do week forthis one your it and then you can justput in your one Samueland once they grow up hey we’ll justdestroy them place them back and thenthrow like make it into bread if it’swheat and then throw it right to thisguy and the hop of my cards willintercept that so just to show you whata time-lapse be like that and then hewill eventually that looks and then ifthis guy actually cooperates and I don’thave to kill him then it you never haveto kill them and survival it they alwaysjust cooperate in survival see this iswhat I have to do it it not you becausethen because if you get a farmer on thefirst try it’s like no one you have todo random stuff you canthis guy this guy who’s connecting goodthat’s not good I’m gonna have to killhim because usually you actually do wanta profession here so that if you want tolike stack it and say put this right putanother one right next to it orsomething then you want this guy to havea profession so that he doesn’t takeanybody else’s profession so that guy’sa farmer that’s all good and I can setit back today and that guy will soonstart after they see he’s alreadyfarming it obviously it’s on a thousandtick speed so it’s they end up they’llend up making it into bread throwingboth the seeds in the bread to this guyand then I believe once the new 1.15comes out like the what is currentlybeta right now once that comes out wecan make a filter system and put theseeds right into a composter and thenmake that into bone meal immediatelylike I think that’s how it’ll work andyeah that’s that’s how you make a fullyautomatic bread wheat potato or a breadcarrot potatoes or beetroot farm or ifyou want to get seeds this is alsothank for watching and like if you likedI will definitely do more like how touse like this like more farms and stuffthat are really helpful and useful forsurvival and yeah see you guys in thenext one

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