Bread Recipes

COOK WITH ME | Tomato, Mozzarella & Arugula Naan Bread Pizza! ✨

Welcome to the 3rd episode of “Allison’s Eats”! YAY!🍴”Allison’s Eats” will be a series of “cook with me” videos where I share how to make my favorite recipes with you all. 😋 I hope you enjoy this easy, + vegetarian Tomato, Mozzarella, & Arugula Naan Bread Pizza. Let me know if you end up making it yourself! 💕

♡ Naan bread
♡ 1 Roma tomato
♡ Arugula
♡ Olive oil
♡ Mozzarella cheese
♡ Balsamic glaze

♡ Pre-heat over to 425 degrees
♡ Spread olive oil on both sides of your naan bread
♡ Slice your tomato
♡ Spread cheese and tomatoes on naan bread
♡ Bake for 8-10 minutes (ovens may vary)
♡ Top with arugula and balsamic glaze


Let’s create something incredible!💡 Be truly glad…there is wonderful joy ahead. ♡ 1 Peter 1:6

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Video Transcription

Hello friends its Allison and welcome to
another episode of Allison’s Eats we’realready on our third episode going
strong so today’s recipe is definitelythe most simple recipe that I’ve made so
far and it is one of my favorites I’mpulling in the naan bread again clearly
you can tell I’m a bread lover and naanbread is one of my favorites so today we
are making a naan bread pizza andthere’s tons of different variations of
naan bread pizza and you can do but oneof my top favorites is tomato mozzarella
arugula no I’m bread pizza with a littlebalsamic drizzle so so so magical so
delicious and so easy again you cancustomize this how you want I’ve been
making this for years I made it incollege and I’ve made it for Brandon and
I numerous times and lots of times I’lljust do some like red pizza sauce with a
shredded mozzarella and some bellpeppers and onions and garlic and that’s
the way I’ll make it but this one thatI’m going to show you today is another
one that I absolutely love I’m suchsucker for a balsamic glaze and I’m also
going to pair it with a little sidesalad so I’ll show you that as well and
I’m gonna go put on my apron I got myhair up or ready to go so let’s get
cookingso for this recipe you’ll need some naan
bread a Roma tomato balsamic glaze somefresh mozzarella olive oil and arugula
all right friends I got the apron on I’mjust sipping some kombucha and I’m ready
to make this pizza it sounds so goodright now my stomach is growling so I’m
going to scarf it down after I finishfilling so basically the first thing
we’re gonna do is prepare our naan breadso I actually bought my nan bread from
Trader Joe’s and it is garlic naan so italready has some like beautiful flavors
to it but you can get naan bread atPublix or your local grocery store
depending on where you live I havenoticed that my Walmart doesn’t have
naan bread at least the last time Ichecked they didn’t have it so that was
unfortunate but typically you can findit at your local grocery store but if
you can’t find naan bread another greatbrand that you can use for this is pita
bread or a cauliflower pizza crust whichis in the frozen section of grocery
stores typically so what I’m going to dowith my naan bread is I’m going to
spread my olive oil on both sides justto kind of give it a little oil base and
so it can get nice and crispy in theovenlife is a winding road no telling where
it goesdriving okay now we’re gonna slice our
Tomatoes and this is the only producethat we have to chop which is so rare
for my recipes I feel like because Ionly cook vegetarian and usually that
requires like a ton of chopping ofdifferent veggies and potatoes and all
that good stuff but today all we have todo is slice one little roma tomato so
I’m gonna do that and then I’m justgoing to pull about pull apart some
mozzarella and then all you have to dois sprinkle the mozzarella
I used to the fresh ball with mozzarellabut you can use shredded mozzarella
that’s easier for you and I’m just goingto spread that across our naan bread and
then place the tomatoes on top and thenwe’re gonna make it I slice my tomatoes
super super thinly because I think itjust works really nice on the pizza but
I will have left over a tomato and youcan see I kind of diced the end but the
rest of my leftovers I will just add tomy side salad but we get up in stuff
from the groundeven if I will keep on searching for my
house you could say okay yeah Pizza alltopped and ready to go and I didn’t
include these in the main ingredientsportion at the beginning but I am going
to sprinkle mine with some oregano andsome black pepper for just some
additional seasoning againtotally optional but I think it never
hurts to add a little ground blackpepper and oregano is so so good on
pizza my oven is now perfectly preheatedat 425 so I am going to throw in my
pizza now not literallyI’m gonna gently slide it in the oven
and I’m just gonna cook it for tenminutes but you can kind of maybe set a
timer for eight minutes just to kind ofgive it a look and make sure it’s
looking okay because of courseeverybody’s ovens are different but that
should do the trickwhile the pizza is cooking I am going to
prepare my side salad of course this istotally optional because you will kind
of have a salad on top of your pizza ifyou add arugula like I do but I just
kind of want to show you how I make justquick easy salads that are tasty and I
actually look forward to eating so Ialways keep spinach in the fridge and I
love spinach because if you don’t end upeating it all it’s really great to
freeze and then you can add it tosmoothies that’s what I typically do
because sometimes we’ll buy lettuce andwe just won’t finish it all but it is
really great for smoothies and supereasy to freeze so I’m just going to add
a little spinach and if you just have aRugal up for the pizza you could even do
a little side arugula salad but thatmight be a little too much arugula for
youso I just want that much it doesn’t need
to be too big and then I cut up a littleyellow pepper and then I have my
leftover roma tomato so I’m just gonnaadd that I’ll make it all pretty for you
guys hide these little diced ones andthen I’m just going to add in my peppers
so colorful love a little pop of yellowand then I love a little crunch to my
salads so I always keep sunflower seedsin my pantry
some other great seeds for salad arepine nuts those are actually my favorite
but they are quite expensive sosunflowers are a little cheaper option
but I just sprinkle a few in and I’malso going to add some ground black
pepper and oregano okay YUM so if youwant your pizza to be crispier obviously
just keep it in the oven longer but Ilike a little softness to the bread so I
just kept it in for eight minutes nowthe last two steps is to spread some
arugula on the top I’m not gonna go tootoo heavy on there arugula because I do
have my side salad after all so there wego
and now I’m going to take my balsamicglaze by the way I got this at Trader
Joe’s you should be able to find it atyour local grocery store but I was happy
to find it there and it was superinexpensiveWow
chefs kiss look at this masterpieceokay guys the moment to taste test has
come I’m just so excited to eat even ifthis doesn’t taste that good it probably
still will taste good because I amhungry so you can cut it up obviously
I’m just gonna peel some off a littlearugula so I mean I realize it’s hard to
go wrong with bread and cheese and someveggies but I really hope you guys enjoy
this super quick and easy naan breadpizza and again feel free to get
creative with this recipe add some otherveggies some onions or you could just do
your own version but I really hope youenjoy and I can’t wait to see you soon
back life is a winding road

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