Bread Recipes

Bread Pudding | Cocoa Bread Pudding | Milo Bread Pudding | Eggless | Vegetarian | No Bake

This video will show you on how to make “Bread Pudding” easily using the ingredients which are readily available at home.

This is a very simple and delicious dessert that is easy-to-make. You can use agar-agar strips ( agar-agar tali ) instead of agar-agar powder. You can replace cocoa and milo with food colouring if you want a colourful dessert. You can also add more sugar if you are sweet-toothed.

Simple and easy to make, but scrumptious and yummylicious!
Happy Cooking!

*To avoid copyright issues, we have added the following credit.
Video Song
Music: Take Your Time
Musician: Dan Lebowitz

#shanstyle #dessert #pudding #jelly #breadpudding #chocobreadpudding #milobreadpudding #egglessbreadpudding #vegetarianbreadpudding #eggless #vegetarian

Original of the video here

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