Bread Recipes

Bread & Peas | Everyday Adventures in Cooking with Rick

Rick is making bread! And a side of peas and onions! In this part of his Sunday meal, our favorite home cook makes the side essentials to his homemade pasta and sauce. To complete the meal check out this playlist:…

Produced by: Wilkidoos Productions
Executive Producer: Wendy S. Wilkins
Director: Wendy S. Wilkins
Director of Photography: Emmy Carreira
Production Designer: Kim McGrath
Edited by: Emmy Carreira
Production Assistants: Kim McGrath, Danielle Wasserman

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[Music]welcome back to everyday adventures incooking with Rick I’m Rick you’veprobably seen some of me now hopefully alot of you have seen our previousepisodes and we’re putting together awhole Sunday meal a traditional of yourtraditional Italian Sunday meal and nomeal is complete without breadfresh-baked bread this is something thata lot of people would never attempt butit actually is very easyagain I have my KitchenAid stand mixerhere that makes it a lot easier but youcan absolutely do this by hand and kneadit by hand it’s just it does make it alot easier if you have your standingmixer with your dough will come there itmakes the job a lot easierrecipe couldn’t be easier and it’s flouryeast warm water and salt that’s it sothe way we’re gonna start this we’regonna take water about 110 degrees rightout of the tap is fine one package ofactive dry yeast we’re gonna put thatyeast right into the warm water we’regonna mix that up just to get that yeastmixed into the warm water it only takesa couple of minutes and you’re gonna seeas that yeast becomes reactivated andthe water starts to bubble and you’llknow that that yeast is alive and it’sgood now we’re gonna take I have threecups of bread flour you can useall-purpose flour but the bread flour isgoing to give you a better result it hasa higher amount of protein and gluten init and it’s gonna make for a much betterbread so we’re gonna put our three cupsof bread flour into the mixer we’regonna put about a teaspoon of salt inthere we’re just gonna mix that togetherreal quickget that salt mixed in there you don’thave to start the yeast in the warmwater you can just put the yeast rightin the dope with the warm water in itwill also work I kind of like to seethat the yeast is starting to move alittle bit as active and your yeast isgood and I can actually already see somefoaming happening in the cup here so wecan start mixing this up now we’re goingto put our mixer on low and we’re justgoing to start adding the water so Ithis is a cup and a half of water andwe’re going to start adding that slowlyinto the mixerand I don’t know if the camera can seethis or not you know but you’re going tosee it start to come together get yourwater inand you’re going to see that the flowerscoming off the edges it’s starting tomix together you can get your scraperyou can always find your utensilsyou can see how it’s all coming togetherI’m just going to stop it real quick I’mgoing to get some of that flour pushedin put this back down[Applause][Music]what you want this to end up with is thesides of the bowl to become clean andthe dough sticking to the bottom just alittle and you can see that’s alreadystarting to happen if the dough is toowet add a little flour if it’s toowatery I think I said that backwards ifit’s too wet add some flour if it’s toodry add some water so we’re gonna letthis mix try about five minutes let thisthe Machine knead the dough for aboutfive minutes and we’ll come back and seewhat that looks likeso our dough has been mixing now on themixer for about five minutes so we’regonna shut this down and actually itcame out you can see I can’t see thesides of the bowl are clean and thedough is on there on the hook which isperfect you’re just going to take thatgo kick this off clean the dough off thehookshoot them right off now we’re gonna putour dough out onto our board a littlebit of flour again so it doesn’t sticksmells fantastic now we’re not gonnawe’ve already needed this so we don’tneed it a lot what we’re gonna do now isjust form it into a ball just kind ofbring it off together and you can seethat though is perfect not to complimentmyself but the dough did come out goodmachine did all the work kitchenaidwe’re just bringing this togetherfolding the bottom underneath and thereisour bread doll now we’re going to take abowl just drop a little bit of olive oilin the bowl we’re doing this other doughdoesn’t stick to the bowl because thisdough is now going to rise up for aboutthree hours we want that to sit andproof so we’re gonna get olive oil andit keeps it from sticking also keeps thetop moist and rather than use saran wrapor cling wrap on top of here we have adamp dish towel put that right over thetop put that somewhere warm in thekitchen or just some spot in the kitchenand we’re gonna let that rise for threehours and it should double in size thenwe’ll come back and get the dough madeinto a loaf and in the other okay so wehave we’ve mixed our dough for the breadand it’s been rising now for three hoursand as you can see and one of the thingsdoes is mentioned you know I’m trying toget out of the habit of using plasticwrap in plastic bags and things and howdid our parents and grandparents do thisthey would always take a dish towel makea damp put over the top and then whenyou don’t waste all that plastic one useplastic and now you can see our doughhas doubled in size and it looks reallygood so we’re going to now form thisinto a loaf once we form it into a loafthat has to rise for another hour beforewe put it in the oven so I’m going toput a little flour onto our board itdoesn’t stickpull that dough out remember we hold thebowl so it comes out pretty easy youwouldhave someone come in and do the disheslater so now we’re just gonna kind ofpush knead this up a little bit not toomuch we don’t work the dough too muchbecause it’s been rising for all thattime but we want to form it into a loafin the shape of a loaf now a couplethings we can do here we’re gonna wewant this to be able to come off theboard later so I put a good dose offlour you can also use parchment paperunderneath there and then you could liftthe parchment paper right off and putthat in the oven I’m going to attempt todo it without that so I’ve got someflour I’m also going to put a littlesemolina flour down there it’s a littlecoarser and it’ll help that this won’tstick to the pan and we can hopefullytake it off later but again you justwant to make this into a loaf shape justlike that nothing fancy we’re going tocover this up with our same dish towelput that off into the side into a warmplace and let it hopefully double inabout an hour okay so our dough has nowbeen resting for an hour about an houron our board let’s see what it lookslikebeautiful now we’ve got it’s doubled insize and it looks really good I can seesome air bubbles in there so what we’vedone will be preheated our oven to 450degrees but also I don’t know if we cansee in there I have a ceramic dish thatI have in there that’s preheated alsothat cooks the bottom of the doughquickly makes it work rust on the bottomI also have a steam Treville tin to thisoven so that steam tray will steam thewhole time the bread is cooking and thatwas really the secret to a hard crust onthe outside if you don’t have this is uhthis KitchenAid range has a built-insteam tray at the bottom which isfantastic but if you don’t have that youjust get a cake pan put a couple inchesof water inch and a half of water put iton the bottom rack right below whereyou’re baking it does the same thing soyou can also that steam really does makea difference so what we’re going to dohere now is we’re gonna make threelittle cuts across the top of our doughthat keeps the dough from exploding ifyou willit’s cooking we’re gonna get our andactually this doll raised a little morethan an hour it’s been a couple hours soit kind of maybe got a little bit biggerthan I thought but we’re gonna get ourpizza peel under there and we’re goingto open our oven we’re gonna put thisonto our hot pan perfect and we’re gonnalet that go for about a half an hourapproximately you’ll be able to see whenit’s done and we’ll have delicioushome-baked bread okay so our bread is inthe oven exam we have about a half anhour for that bread to bake so as longas we have the time why don’t we make aquick vegetable this is something weused to have growing up really simple alot of people I tell it to think wow Inever heard of that it’s crazy but it’sjust so simple so easy and deliciousit’s peas and onions and olive oil rightthat’s itthis is something that we would have onSunday dinner sometime and again itcouldn’t be easier so we’re going tomake this real quick the first thing isyou’re just going to chop it on and Ihappen to be using a sweet onion aVidalia Onion use any kind of onion youwant peal that up and we’re gonna chopthis up into a fine chopnow we’re going to take all our onionpeels and these are going to go rightinto our compost bin on the counter andthat again is going to end up in thegarden to them and helping to fertilizethe garden we’re going to chop our onionthis is a Cutco knife and I do have afew of them they are a little expensivebut this is their vegetable cuttingknife I’ll tell you it isn’t it is areally good knife cut koa is kind of adirect sale company and someone I wascoaching years ago was selling them totry and help pay for collegeI said I’ll buy a couple and it turnedout I really like these knives they’refantastic so we’ve got our onion cut upand we’re going to know we have a we’regoing to put it on medium heat we’regonna put a little bit sorry about thatcamera we’re going to put a little bitof olive oil in the bottom of the panwe’re gonna bring our onions over[Music]throw them right into the olive oilwe’re gonna let this cook for probablyabout five minutes or so till thoseonions start to get translucent start tosoften up a little bit and then we’regonna add our Peas all right so we haveour onions have been cooking out for afew minutes they’re nice and soft ortranslucent all we’re going to do iswe’ve got some frozen peas here and Ialways make that look so easy on TV theyjust go like that real life it doesn’talways look like that we’re just gonnaput those peas right in there now wehave we’ve got a big crowd so we’ll dotwo bags I don’t know how many peopleeat please I know there seems to be alot of people that books don’t likecheese but I love them there’s a few onthe floor there don’t worry about thatwe’re just going to mix of peas andonions together I am going to add justexcuse me excuse my reach we’re gonnaadd just a little more olive oil inthere we’re going to throw a little saltand pepperand that’s it that’s the whole recipe itis so simple to make but for me anyway Ithink it’s just adds a little freshnessto the dinner and I don’t something thatwe grew up eating and I enjoy it so thatis a simple vegetable that you can havewith your pasta dinner our bread shouldbe ready in a couple minutes and we’lltake that out and see how that came outokay so now our bread is been in theoven for about a half an hour it’slooking fantastic so we’re going to getthat bread out of the oven now look atthat so the that was in there for alittle less than a half an hour and youcan see that crust and that crust comesfrom having that steam in the oven don’task me how that works it’s a sciencething that I don’t understand but and itworks and you can hear the bread soundsHollowthat’s another test of how it’s donewe’re gonna let this bread cool we don’twant to cut into it yet you want to letit cool for a little while before youcut into it and this is going to befantastic with our sauce and ourmeatballs and our pasta our peas andonions are done and basically the peasand onions just cook until the peas haveare not frozen anymoreuntil they’re heated up you want them tobe fresh and crisp you don’t want toovercook them so the peas and onions aredone and shut that off so here we are wehave all the pieces ready for our mealand we’re gonna cut together in anotherepisode where we’re gonna get all thesepieces together and have our big Sundaydinner we also are going to go out andget dessert at a local bakery we’regonna meet the Baker and get thatdessert again I hope you enjoyed this Ihope you will make bread this weekendbecause it really is easy anyone can doit and please like the video if you likeit if you don’t like it tell me why andwe’ll try and change it leave commentsleave suggestions leave your foodmemories and you know let’s get togetheron this and have a good time thank youand we’ll see you soon[Music]

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