Bread Recipes

Bake with me! Let’s make homemade bread!

Hi room 4! Let’s bake some bread today!

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hi it’s miss Cassie today is gonna be avery very fun day we’re gonna makehomemade bread so you guys think you canhelp me okayso here’s all the stuff that we need tomake the bread so these are all theingredients I’ll read to you and then Iwrote down all the steps just let’scount the steps 1 2 3 4 work Sonic 6 7 89 10oh my goodness 10 steps and if you askmaybe a parent at home a lot of you guyshave these ingredients you could try tomake it at home and I’ll post the recipetoo so the first thing we need is 1tablespoon of yeast this is the yeastit’s kind of like magic it makes thebread rise 1/4 cup warm water 1 cup ofhot water and then one and a halftablespoons of sugar so I have my sugarright here what color sugar it’s whiteand then I need one teaspoon of saltsalt is also white we have a lot ofwhite ingredients don’t wesalt looks just like sugar so you haveto be really careful cuz one is sweetand one is saltier and boil so here’s myolive oil 3 cups of flourthese countyís flour to make playdoughand this cast is gonna use flour to makebread so flour can be used for a lot ofthings what color is the flour it’swhite last thing is one egg that we willcrack and then we brush on the top ofthe crust also white ok so those are allthe ingredients so the first step iswe’re gonna dissolve the yeast in warmwater so here’s my water and now we addthe yeast says dissolve the yeast sothat’s kind of a fancy word and itstarts as like a powder and it’s goingto dissolve it’s gonna kind of disappearso there’s my yeast set a timer for 10minutesit almost looks dirty right so we didnumber 1 now we’re gonna do number 2 ina bowl add hot water sugar salt oil andhalf of the flour I’m gonna carefullydump hot water in it member it is hot sohave someoneso with the water cleaning one and ahalf tablespoons of sugar got my sugarand this big one is one tablespoon we’regoing to get a scoop of sugar and put itin a mixer so that’s one tablespoon andthen we need a half of the table stickwhich is this one so now fill this cupof sugar and the water sugar oneteaspoon of saltthere’s my teaspoon of salt next we have2 teaspoons and 2 tablespoons of oilsthat we’re going to do two of these andtwo of these you guys have to help mecount except two tablespoons now alreadyguys it is time to add the flour so wehave three cups of flour so three ofthese but we’re only going to add halfof it at once and stir it up and thenwe’ll add the rest so we’re gonna do oneand a half cuz one and a half is half ofthree right there’s one you see itmixing is starting to kind of changeso that’s one cup now we’re gonna fillthis halfway okay and now it says therest of the flour so we already did oneand a half cups now we’re gonna do oneand a half more fat okay put it in slowwhoa do you see what’s happeningstarting to look kind of like doughright it’s not a liquidity floor that’sout our last pops up it’s starting toform into a dough alrighty we are donemixing the dough and we are supposed tolet it sit for ten and this is what yourdough should look like when you mix allthese ingredients together what do youguys think it feels like it’s kind ofsquishy and sticky it kind of almostfeels like play-doh or slime but we’renot gonna play with it we’re gonna eatit right so make sure your hands areclean already this is the fun part so welet our dough sit for ten minutes yetnow I’m gonna put flour you got to putflour on your hands and on the countertop it otherwise it’s gonna stick toyour fingers make sure your hands arevery very clean for this I’m gonna kindof rub it on my hands don’t go fast oryou’ll make a mess Co nice and slow rubit on your fingers the upstream myfingers white like flour then you’regonna put flour on your counter makesure your counter is very clean okay andwe’re gonna make two loaves of breadmaybe you guys have made cookies andyou’ve done this before okay so have mydough in a ball like I said this is thefun part so this is when you get to playwith a little little but remember it’snot playdough we’re gonna eat it but youcan still kind of shape it with yourhands try to squeeze it right see howkind of pinched in the middle and we’regonna break it in halfokay how many pieces do I have now onetwo that’s right so I’m going to putthis half aside and then this half andit kind of squish and flat with my handsand this is when you make it you’regonna make it look like a loaf of breadright so I kind of want to make it intothe rectangle a little bit and thenafter this we’re gonna let it rise soit’s gonna get a lot bigger and then wewill get to bake and we cut like this tokind of give it a little stripe so didfour one two three four can you guys seemy pan over there so we don’t want it tostick to the pan either right so we’regonna spray it you can use butter flourcooking spray so we’re gonna stick andthen very carefully use both hands toget your bread and put it on your Ohdoes that look good okay so there’s oneand now let’s try to do the other onereally quick one two three four twothree fourwe’ll get this one kind of a differentdesign and made X’s on it two loaves inthe pan okay friends there’s a couplemore things we have to do before we comeup this bread bakes so this is anotherfun part we’re gonna crack an egg andthen we’re gonna spread it on top of thebread this is called an egg wash and itkind of just gives it a nice shiny topand then it has a good flavor so my eggmatches my bowl doesn’t it so I crackedmy egg for it really wellthey have my loaves one two and then I’mgonna kind of spread thecarefully on the top so use your forceand spread this on the top and now wehave to let it rise for 30 to 40 minutesyou don’t have to cover it but just letit sit here and then we’ll come back andthe bread will get even bigger and thenwe can bake it okay see you soonalrighty guys it’s done rising it got alittle bit bigger and now we it isfinally time to bake so on your oven itshould say three seven five that’s howmany degrees we’re gonna heat it up tothough it’s really really hot havesomeone put it in the oven for youbecause we shouldn’t handle ovensourselves right so I’m gonna open up myoven you can fit my pan in and we’regonna bake it for 20 minutes and thenwe’ll check on it and then if you guyshave an oven light and you can evenwatch it bake so it’s on the top shelfwe’ll save in 20 minutes right the timerjust went off so make sure you have someelements on and have someone do this foryou we’ll take it out of the ovenand remember once we take it out of theoven it has to cool but there’s ourbread look at that one tooyeah it’s pretty hot so I’m gonna let itcool and then we’ll slice into it yeahthanks for helping me today guys[Music]

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