Pancakes Recipes


Hey my loves,

Today KIKI and me are making pancakes as we all know PANCAKE DAY has just gone and left .
Come and enjoy “ Pancake day : making pancakes with kiki and me l,and also enjoy the moment too.

Hoping you guys don’t make to much of a mess and if you do enjoy it .

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi guys welcome to my channel whilemaking pancake I’m helping my latenesswhy do you sound like a robot guys we’rebasically in the kitchen today if youdidn’t know get to know no but it’s nota short show basically making pancakesbecause today is and somebody’s beenbegging you to make pancakes so what arewe doing what are we doing we’re gonnaput the egg in the flour mix it welltogether so if you know you want towatch us make some pancakes that shouldyou stay thereand let’s get it to live because todayrelease you’re gonna go into astraightaway and make some pancakes sowhat’s the first thing we do we wash ahgo on off you go that’s a daily washinghandsnot too much soap because very liquidyeah look this is too much salt don’t dowhat she did but I hope you keep she’sliterally been begging to make pancakesbut I’ve never actually felt so abusedinto doing something and a bullet intothe black the way that advertisedpancake date is like your child will notmiss it so every parent has to getemployed so yeah drea hands knees andbasically about to meet some pancakesfor this for basically making pancakesfor our dessert because dinners alreadybeen made I didn’t wake up early enoughto make the pancakes this morning but Ipromise this evening would make themwhich we are about to do okay guys soliterally let’s get into it not too muchtoday let’s goeverything’s kind of already been putinto the coz I’m working with Kiki i preprepped my stuff we have thestrawberries we have the flour we havethe milk we have the sugar hot dog eggsand lemonand why don’t we make that thechocolates Martin the best we’re goingto do is we’re going to put thestrawberries on the chocolate after inthe fridge that I’m Tamara done with thepancakes it’s going to be ready yes sowhat’s our next step Aikido we’rebasically going to mix all theingredients together two eggs sugarsugarthat’s our milk and flour I’ve literallymeasured everything prior to I’m comingover herethe details will be below of what youneed to put in here but yeah so can youcan you crack the egg in the flourplease you know one time and the nextone I need to put the butter in therefor me I like to it everything you knowslap the butter in there there you goand put your sugar in there put the pulpall in there push them up first pourhalf of it what we don’t want is to makeit too much we go on order a go on stopthere and he’s just be mixing facing outto be able look at your headembarrassingare you happy that you’re making somepancakesyeah your daddy told me how to makepancakesI do not fire going this is what itlooks like so far I’m probably gonnahave to help her because no Nikki longit’s gonna be a bit nice so yeahbasically starts again mix let me justput the country disgusting[Music]so basically we’re needed we’re nearlydone just make sure that you can mix itand a plant that it can be there’s noclumps because we don’t want cups todayI don’t think people understand thestroke will mean the killer just wentthrough what are you doing you guys lookat her you will taste the when theyshred you in the plate so guys deep theconcentration will finally buddies puton the pan let’s go I will be the oneegg pretty good with the pan becauselike we said it’s basically about to bedone in no time by Ford this pop pleasemake sure you get out out to help youbecause this is very a very dangerous wedon’t need no kids to burn themselvesnope it should be on the stove and cookup looking anything okay but yeahactually unless you know gonna miss yougonna it’s all my packets to be reallybigdon’t worry if your pancakes not round[Music]I’m not good with the flip in trainingguys our pancakes on we are man we aredo not big of a this pancake Goods takethe roofoh my god oh oh good package like yourfavorite dessert tastes good but no onenot go that this is gonna be good yeahit’s gonna have it takeso you’re going through some showbiz inthere slice them off hello you have tomake a packet popular notion if youdon’t make a pocketful finesse is not itI’m gonna get strawberry we’re gonna dois we literally destroy these aregigantic irony here is nearly done oh myis it all know pop on the other side aswellokay come put it in a plate now mommypain this is so cute guys okay your nextone have it so basically this is galaxychocolate mocha you know I have toswitch out from Nutella is a strawberryeven trying to get some chopped look howyour face you just want to slap yourfacehmm let’s see what we made Oh guys rightas well we did well we the world andthese are the strawberries that wefinished they’re nice and dry nice andyou know they cooled down the chocolateis not any there’s no sticky memo andlemon so what happens do you want goneget pancakewhat do you want in your pancake on Ithink she’s getting fat ones because shereally looks like you let’s the factualteasedee dee tell oh my god Sheila look at mydaughter she’s just printing stuff yeahokay not too much you’ll become toyourself with some sugar and there sheis hey guys I hope you liked the videodon’t forget to Like love to see me youcan do more videos cooking videos in thekitchen together with you guys you heardit from the best herself it’s a missionyou don’t subscribe don’t forget towatch my previous videos cuz if you havethem you need to know and if you want tosee Kiki again make sure you give him akiss Vicky

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