Welcome to VeggiePals and another episode of SWEET SUNDAY. In today’s video, Amelia keeps us entertained in the kitchen while she make waffles and spicy hot chocolate. After the cooking segment, please stay for the mukbang. We also read viewer comments. Happy Sweet Sunday and Happy Mother’s Day to all you beautiful mothers! 💕
Ashlepeno Jalapeño: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnUj-t7lJTuq7NyZK22ugw
Chelle Eats: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUAjCldjIMJCl8wt9Z1UTEA
Dante James: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf-ytS9spfQ9D-sUnAQuYFg
Dee Diets: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOP5YEvUCwlc0dGRpKL4q2w
The Fatboii Show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWYdQ6_cgh7p02b7vExMtQ
Ginger Snap 44: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSJMXnWkMnlCPhkZd_WN1w
H & E Life: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFMjOzEMB2_uTDBe4f4iu-g
Rabbit Tails by Farrah Martis: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6v-Ultwn2grmSi1Zs9VubQ
2 1/2 cups milk ( we used soy milk )
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1=2 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup cinnamon
1/4 cup chili powder
1 pinch of nutmeg
1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract
Add sugar if needed
Song: Urban Lullaby
Artist: Jimmy Fontanez / Doug Maxwell
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
how well it’s Miller your favorite yourfavorite much about here and today onsweet Sunday we’re gonna be makingwaffles in the hot chocolate spicychocolate so first I’m going to bemaking some waffles and I am going tomake all ruffles with this awesomea LOF waffle maker it’s all up here andit makes Olafyeah I mix up so I’m going to be usingthatokay center customer 1 and 1/4 cup yepputting 3 tablespoons vegetable oil and1 egg ok so I got out of it okay so Ithink I need to have my Minnie andMickey brownie pan good to last slicebut doesn’t it so cutewhoa sorry I choked on air um onlygifted people who can do that so I’mgonna pinch you okay so this just madeit click so I’m pretty sure that it’sall heated up and good together some ofthose for this or the bottom in the top[Music]I made pancakes but I don’t think so I’ma person[Music]these are going to look really awfulbecause I have no idea what I’m doingactually I hope any turn out really goodbut I know what I’m doing okay I’m gonnaplay down hmm now me you could checkhello hellookay so just put me of another no leastoh I’m pretty sure that’s only gonna gooh[Music]okay so that didn’t turn out that happenwhat are the arms is kind of bad lookingbut that don’t turn out really bad okayI just came off okayit’s hot in everyone so I just leave thewaffles that I’m gonna make the spicyhot chocolate or cocoa whatever likemedium I’m gonna whisk it together untilI’m gonna whisk it and tell all the pupsyou don’t see the club’s anymore untilyou get all the clumps out or until themixtures all combined together okay sothat looks pretty combined to me 1/2cups of chocolate chips I’m gonna mix ituntil they’re all melted and combinedand mixture okay so that it’s all mixedtogether and the chocolate chips aremeltedthe stop this is here to read this sothis is 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4teaspoon chili powder and a pinch ofnutmegso I’ve chopped spicy I think this willbe good now it’s all incorporated I’mgonna put 1/2 a 1/2 1/2 tablespoon ofvanilla extractand I’m just gonna make some time againthere we went it’s weirdthen you can punch sugar in it gonna behot close here oh hi V peaceoh that’s actually good I don’t think itneeds to be sweetie hey guys welcome toveggie pals and welcome back VP familyit’s Amy and Amelia here with you todayand welcome to another episode of sweetSunday so a meal you want to telleverybody what we have on sweet Sundaytoday though we have hot chocolate andspicy hot chocolate because it has morehot cocoa today is a request from AshleyPino jalapeno hey ash the piña jalapenohi and she requested or suggested aspicy hot cocoa a few Sundays ago and wegot around to making it today so we aregoing to put a little whipped topping onit would you like to go first yesI also have some chocolate as I muchwhipped up and then I can’t get to thecocoa okay so let me try a little bit ofthe whipped it has a little tang to it Ithought I made worst place a little bitof a kick from that much okay but waitthere’s morewhat else do we have miss Amelia down doyou wanna build a waffle snowman youbuild it I’ll eat itthanks for making breakfast sweet girlyou’re welcome happy Mother’s Dayoh thank you[Music]a little bit of syrup I’m using agavenectarI really build up the littles and yeahhow much fun was it to make a lotwaffles really a little bit also smokyand I thought when I put her as I wasputting the spray oil spray on it thatis do it go on with set on fire orsizzle or something but these are goodwhen you have kids visiting because theylike to put the waffles togethermy special powers because he’s holdingsnowballshe shouldn’t mix up her sister wanted toknow she was drinking whiskey I’m gonnaeat my Olaf’s arm these are really goodAmelia thank you you did a good jobthe first one was because I didn’treally know what I was doing but sofrozen to without has anybody seenfrozen to ya go their hand up person inthe audience have you seen frozen – yesI have seen it multiple times and Irather enjoyed it it’s a lovelytheatrical experience know which did youprefer first or second I referred thesecond because the plot was a littlemore rich in the storyline I think wasmore thought-out although I was in abigger fan of the ending of the firstmovie rather than the sequeleven though overall the sequel was myultimate favoriteThank You viewer Thank You audiencemember Abby I like I’m not seeing itI like I’ve watched it I’ve only watchedit once I like the first one but I thinkI like the second one better to know didit follow the storyline like did it pickup where the other left off it didn’texplain in greater detail some thingsand I think people were missing from thefirst movie and brought to life a biggerstory and the music was far lessannoying sometimes my friends and I mycolleagues in college we shall singthese songs when we’re drunk in a logcampusI like really explain about Elsa’sparents orI don’t know what you like betterthey’re cut though okay love do you wantto add it the answer a couple ofcomments my sissy ginger snack 44commented she says hey sissy and Ameliasays Donuts looks so goodgood job young lady Thank You gingersnapsissy she has been doing such a good jobthen we have the H in E life hey guyshow are you it says those doughnuts lookdelicious BAMnow I need to check out the brownievideo because those brownies who I stillhave dreams about those we missed thatone go ahead a million I can see a bigin a gluten free sweet shop in yourfuture keep up the great work like arestaurant because I sometimes cook Abbymeals but I’ve only cooked your pasta somaybe I shouldn’t have a restaurant toobut mama said I really enjoyed watchingyou all this was great and thanks forsharing well thank you for coming up atany momentthank you you know Oh fat boy show hecommented although 2030 times we love mefat boy show and before I forget in ourdonut video I forgot to mention it butthe fat boy show was the one thatrequested the donut so we appreciate youif requesting it and he said I can’tbelieve you actually me in fat boy saysmama Dell is honestly something specialshe truly is we were saying that mamaDell was one of our biggest supportersand she truly is of all the channelsthat she’s subscribed to I don’t knowhow she does it I don’t think she sleepsbut she gets around to everybody and wetruly appreciate you so much mama Dellour girl Ashley PinaPina come in it I would absolutely payfor these donuts well thank you Annadon’t make sure the boxthey are so colorful and pretty and Ilove that they are skinny doughnutsbecause who wants to stop at just onedoughnut right thank you so much for allof the love I appreciate you spreadingthe word about becoming a jalapenopoppers I’m gonna link Ashley’s channelbelow and you head on over and whowouldn’t want to be a jalapeno popperright brother and she said I make sureto go support all the others youmentioned all that’s a sweet hashtagspread the love so in this videoeverybody that we read comments on welink them below and we will do that withthis video as well oh and then the fatboy shows us jalapeno popper I think Ineed to check her channel out you do FatBoy if you haven’t become a jalapenopopper I expect you to be one by the endof the day we have rabbit tails by mygirl Farrell artist how are you sweetFarrahshe says hi cutie Amelia and Amy also acutie thank you thank you I’m impressedwith the donut making I don’t know howyou did it but I’ll never try it at homeI wouldn’t recommend trying it there areso many beautiful donut shops out thereso big thumbs up to you would love tosee you make spicy hot chocolate here wego it is delicious and I’ll also I’llput the recipe down below and great wayof doing shoutouts love you 3 we loveyou right back and you’re too sweetlittle rabbits okay our next comment isfrom Dante James hey Dante we love youso much we have so enjoyed watching yourchannel and all that you’re doing on itone day says the donuts have arrivedyes for weeks we were talking aboutthese donuts but we could not find yeastat the store and I’m kind ofwe do find these because they took allafternoon to make them in shot but youdid a fantastic job I’m so proud of yaand he says love the purple doughnut yesthat was Amelia’s favorite not hittingmy eye on it but had to go for adifferent onehe says purple is my favorite colorthat’s a note for me with the chickenfeet yeah we were talking about achannel eating chicken feet and let’ssee he says oh my family loves them youknow at people that eat them say theylove them and it says my Nana used tocook them this certain way then my auntand mom love well how bad is still whenI see somebody eating chicken feet Ithink I am glad to be vegetarian foronce and he says spicy hot chocolatesounds so interesting it is so goodDante you’re gonna have to make it agreat job Ameliathank you doctor but your fun video staysafe and well friends Thank You Danteyou to you and JB and the doggies and wecould get and see one more fromShelley’s she’ll says I’m here for thedoughnuts purple is my favorite colortoo Amelia and she says I can’t wait tosee the recipe and she also says oh howI love the Homer donut from UniversalStudio isn’t it’s the best we’ve beendoing one more from D diets D says goodmorning ladies I’m catching up fromyesterday I was so busy I hear doughnutsand I’m in deed they were reallydelicious but I don’t recommend makingthem at home they took forever andin junk to the store and to Sciences onshe also says I enjoy sweet Sunday’s weare so glad you came we can see everyone of you stopping by and I think weneed to wrap this video up and let thesepeople get back to their business of theday so guys have a have a wonderfulsweet Sunday we appreciate you stoppingby and we’ll see you in the next video