Waffles Recipes

Making Waffles The Safe Way:A Cinematic Piece Of Art.

Make waffles with me
the safe way ofc

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Video Transcription

hi wow we’re kicking it back to like thefirst video I ever made but welcome tomy kitchenoh we were here last time when I youknow meet Rahm in the Safeway now we’remaking waffles this a flight so you knowpretty fun I guess we’re just mates thevideo right now so I’ve got theingredients out because the only thing Idid was plug in the waffle thing I don’teven turned it on yet and I’ve got mycamera out I was putting my laundry intothe wok the dryer was I productive likethat so I just figured who doesn’t wantto watch me make waffles so I don’t knowhow to do this I’ve never done thisbefore I’ve done it in hotels beforetournament so you know we’re getting thetournament mood competing tomorrowmorning better have a waffle make itthere or M&M update they did not have awaffle maker there let’s get theingredients all right we got theingredients first things first two cupsof baking mix cup one cup two you don’tlike to talk about I have a good topic Igot all my friends kind of shockingright so I’m just gonna continue makingthis me talking um the past few you knowyears I feel like I’ve never had likegood friends you know why don’t I thirdcup of milk just a third of a coffeetough I don’t know how to go about Spainand stop being controversial but likeI’m not trying to be rude so I feel likeI’m just gonna put that out there thatI’m not trying to be rude I’ve alwayshad good friends because I have hadfriends I’m not even gonna start namingnames because I’m super good at namebinding but like my name’s didn’t saidbut I I’ve had good friends my wholeentire life like example pick I’mtalking about school friends solely hereat the moment Nick and Patrick love themwith my whole entire heart like they’vebeen my cow since foreveryou know I mean it always been goodnever like they’re just always the bestthey’re not fake they’re just greatpeople I love them to deathI have to focus while living thisquickly because I very well might spillthis everywhereokay receiving again it’s not just thepeople it’s really like the group so Iwas in just the toxicity the toxicity Idon’t know if that’s a word but the likethe top six toxic friend groups I wasinvolved in just really put like adampener on life like I don’t know howelse to put that like people some peoplethat I was friends with just like andeven just Fred okay like middle schoollike middle school my friend Boop I’mlike good friends it like has peoplethat was in that friend group with lookI like love them to death right like I’mstill friends with them but like thatgroup when we were in middle school howdo you wanna know it was just it wasinteresting like I had a solid steadyfriend group all throughout like seventhgrade all throughout middle school likelike we hung out but like I feel like wejust weren’t close so much it’s allsurface and it was just so toxic like Idon’t even know how else to talk aboutitum and then in eighth grade like it justkind of split off great and then 9thgrade came 9th grade I had no friendslike I don’t know how else to put itno such as last year last year was agood year and a bad year at the sametime cause last year my best friend’s upnow which I love my whole entire part Iremember last year I was so upset lastyear cuz I just didn’t have friends lastyear it was just so sad like every oneof my life I felt like was toxic lastyear was a rough year I lost the archeryrange I was just like a little depressedlittle girl but um I I remember likecrying to family members you mean likeI’m gonna never like people we talk likethey’re best friends in high school likeI feel like I’m never gonna have likethat flips of friends and like I hateschool like I dread going every singleday and they’re like no don’t worryyou’ll you’ll find your friends you’llfind my friends thatand like everyone’s like you normallyfind your good friends in like sophomoreyear and I’m like there’s no freakingway out of a conference with anyone inthis school like I feel like everyonehas their friend groups to already needlike they’re not looking for new friendslittle did I know I met my friends formy friends nano and honestly I love themI actually have fun with them like Icome home from hanging out with them andnot feel upset because I’m wonderinglike oh like they made like a commentabout me today or they they’re mean tome today like in my old friend gift Iwould always come home and I’d be likelike they I don’t know I would only belike these types of jokeswe’re like or would be so toxic whereyou hang out and all you would you wouldtake photos with each I don’t knowthere’s no communication like I feellike we weren’t friends and I don’t knowhow else to put that no it’s sad but nowlike I actually like I came home fromhanging out my friend and I’d be pissedoff or annoyed or I’d be upset been likenow I came home I’m happy you like Idon’t know I just love my friends and Ithought I’d share that because it’s thefirst time I’ve like really sophomoreyears going good so far I’ll just saythat so we finished mixing our mixlow-key wanna become one of those likecinematic youtubers so I think I’m gonnalabel this video making waffles toSafeway cinematic piece of art and watchto see how that goes for us but likethat just came to me and I think that’sa pretty good name so let’s make thiscinematic this is our waffle I don’tsupposed to cook for it’s smoking it’ssmoking I think I did something wrong Idon’t know if you could see this butit’s smoking so bad right nowwhy is making that noise if somethingfreaking blows up this amount of parentsdon’t let me do stuff this is why skipto montage when we make you well youknowhey guys my waffle is mean thank you somuch for watching the video and I reallyhope you come back to watch some moresometime you know you can buy togetheragain you can hear me rant and youngwell thank you to watching thiscinematic cinematic piece of art I wasbored today so I’ve message all myfriends asking them to send me theirfavorite videos of me because there wasa tick tock trend but I say why notimplement that into my outro so thanksfor watching call of the gang and theycomingah

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