Pancakes Recipes

How To Make The Best Pancakes

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today we’re gonna be making pancakesokay for pancakes
you’re gonna need pancake mix and I’musing Bisquick because that’s just what
I like and on the back it says you needtwo cups original Bisquick mix 1 cup
of milk and 2 eggs so I have that here Idon’t have the milk poured out
I don’t need to right now and you’llneed like a measuring cup a Bowl and a
well this isn’t necessary but it’s goodfor pouring out the batter when you’re
done mixing it your going to need anonstick pan like pretty big because
unlessyou want really tinypancakes you’re gonna need a big one or
a griddle but I just prefer using anon-stick pan the first step is to pour
the Bisquick into the one cup thingwell you need two cups but just
do this twice obviously you might wantto put it in the sink first and then
pour it in there because it gets like itthe Bisquick mix could get everywhere
and you don’t want that because yourmom’s gonna yell you it’s just gonna be
like ooohh clean it up you don’t wantthat it’s annoying one cup two cupat this moment you can put
away your biscuit because you won’t be needing it anymore
next you want to put your eggs in thebowl with the mix I couldn’t get footage
of me cracking the eggs because that’ssomething that requires two hands to
like open it and whatever you want tomake sure that you don’t get any of the
shell in there cuz when you’re eatingyour pancakes you don’t want to bite on
eggshell that wouldn’t be veryunpleasant lastly for the mix you want
to pour your 1 cup of milk in thereand that’s it for the mix and then I get
a metal whisk and you’re gonna whisk themix with the eggs and the milk until it
is not clumpy but you don’t want to likeover mix it because you might
you’re gonna get too much airand that’s gonna mess up the pancakes so
I’m gonna whisk it and I’ll be backhey as you can see I’ve mixed it and
there this is like a little bit clumpsbut that’s what you kind of want you
don’t want to have there be so manyclumps but you don’t want them to be
like no clumps because you don’t wannayou don’t want there to be so many
clumps because you don’t want to beeating your pancake and there just be a
little bit of mix in there and then itjust tastes like oh I’m eating like raw
flour and whatever else is in the mixthis part is optional as you don’t
need to use it but I will be pouring themix into a little thingy that has a tip
that you can just easily go forward inthere but you don’t have to do this you
couldn’t easily just get a ladle andjust plop it in there you know really
it’s just for it’s just for the sake ofconvenience for myself and what I
personally okaynow that I have the mix in the little
container there I will be waiting forthe pan to heat up to the right
temperature you want to have it prettylow you don’t want to have it like more
than there because if it’s that it’s toohot you’re gonna your pancakes is gonna
burn certainly if it’s all right therethey’re gonna burn so you want it like
in the middle of medium and low that’sgonna be the best temperature for your
pancakes okay now that the pan hasheated up I will be putting butter in
there as that will one make yourpancakes taste better and to help the
pancakes come off of the pan easierI’m gonna get like a nice healthy amount
not too much not too littleput that in there buddy let me just get
in there first there you goand then I like using this little skull
spatula and you want to spread it aroundjust so you get a nice even coating of
butter on the pan okay now that you havethe butter and the pan heat it up you’re
gonna either one use your ladle from thebowl that you had the mix and just pour
it in there or if you’re doing what I’mdoing and you have one of these then you
just straight up pour it in there nottoo much though cuz you don’t filling
the whole pan around there that’s goodcuz it’s gonna expand there you go
perfect now we’re gonna wait until youstart seeing like bubbles in there
and what if they pop and they stay openand that’s when you want to flip this
one the first one to put unfortunatelydidn’t have any bubbles that stayed open
which is weird but it’s lifted and I cantell that the bottom part is cooked so
I’m gonna flip it when you flip it thefirst time you’re not gonna want to wait
that long when it’s like on this side totake it off the pan because otherwise
it’s gonna burn cuz most of the thinkingit’s already cooked okay you might want
to check in with flip it over see that’spretty good put that on a plate and I
forgot to mention that you probably wantto plate to put them on because you know
I want to throw them around your wholekitchen that would just be messy
the bubbles are not just not wanting toshow up in this batch for some reason
but still listen to the advice if thisif okay if it looks like this and
there’s no bubbles and whatever justcheck around the edge to see if it’s
cooked because it’ll pop up and it’llstay solid but if you have the thing
where the bubbles do show up and theycome through and they pop and they stay
open that’s when you want to flip sojust still stick to that advice even
though it’s not showing up here justkeep repeating these steps of flipping
and checking if they’re down not waitingtoo long after you flip it the second
time the first time excuse me and youshould by the end have your pancakes
ready if you so choose and have a bigenough pan you could do one on that side
and one on that so I don’t actually haveto have it directly in the middle even
though that’s where the heat is that’swhen most heat is I like I don’t know
maybe the second third pancake you canstart doing on the outsides because the
whole pan is heated up evenly okay nowyou should be done if you’ve done
everything correctly you have yourpancakes and you can prepare them
however few and you can put butter onthem I don’t like butter on mine I don’t
know why just it’s me or you can putmaple syrup regular so miss Bosworth to
cheap Walmart brand molasses I likemolasses
I’m like powder and sugar reallyanything anything you want to eating but
like I don’t know margarine and Imargarine like the Vegemite you could
have said you mind like I don’t know whywould you want to do that but hey you
know what you want I don’t care and thenand that’s how you make pancakes thank
you for having me guysI’ll see you see you in the next one

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