Waffles Recipes


Make Classic waffles as EASY as One Two Three!
Here’s an easy to follow homemade waffle recipe for waffles that are crispy light and delicious!

Note this recipe will make about 5 — 6 Belgian style waffles. For 10 — 12 waffles you’ll need to double the recipe.


Dry Mixture:
1 cup Flour
2 tbsp Sugar
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Salt

Wet Mixture:
2 large Eggs
1 cup Milk
2 tbsp Unsalted Butter (Melted)


1. Heat up your waffle iron while you gather your ingredients. I use a medium setting which gives me a nice lightly browned waffle.

2. In a medium bowl add your flour, sugar, salt, baking powder. Stir together.

3. Add separated egg yolk, milk and butter to flour (dry ingredients). Mix it all together.

4. Add batter to your waffle iron and cook! Once the timer or cooked light comes on your done!

Serve with warm syrup and enjoy!!!

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Video Transcription

you smell it you eat it[Music]what afraid that it today’s a beautifulbasis it it’s a bit of a mix-upwhat was I have my whisker and my wishbe bought but before anything else didyou wash your hands[Music]let’s get all the floor and put it inthe mixing bowl[Music]BuChE BuChE points off survived[Music]one teaspoon of baking powder 1/4teaspoon of salt mix them well now thatit’s finishedlet us set aside the dry ingredients letus make the wet ingredients[Music]we have bought 2 large eggs 1 cup ofmilk[Music]four tablespoons of unsalted butter andit’s melted[Music]let’s make it[Music]it’s time to mix the wet and dryingredients[Music]nah make sure Rosita the waffle ironkids be careful using this it is veryhot ask your parents help now we willput the waffle mixture[Music]Wow put the other oneWowwe’re making the waffles what’s RockFalls Rock Falls Rock was what wafflewaffles waffles waffle we’re making thewaffles[Music]let’s put some butter and some maplesyrup mmm smells yummyI hope you do this video follow me onFacebook Instagram like and subscribemr. inaudibleand don’t forget communication bellow[Music]

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