Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
oh hi my name is Crockett this is mykitchenthis kitchen is called cock rocketskitchen where we just cook food and makeyoutube videos I’m going to show you howI make my waffles you see that toasteroven over there a toaster oven you wantto go if you want to approach it youwant to with with your with your toasteroven it’ll probably be close you want toyou want to slowly rub it make sure youjust didn’t cook a waffle because Idon’t want you to burn your hand or gethurt you want to slowly stroke yourtoaster oven till it wants to open upfor you think of it as you got to playwith your girlfriend’s pussy beforeinserting your dick so it actually youcan get sweat you want to get yourwaffle you want to you want to get yourhop you want to get your walk boys whenI get your waffle another piece mightcome out for your waffles but that’sokay wonderful I can go like that youcan’t forget about the piece that felloff you just sent that bad boy a partner50 degrees put it on toast and then putit on an hour thank you have a good day