Waffles Recipes

How to Make Chicken and Waffles | Simple style Oven Cooking |

I had a good time filming and eating chicken and waffles. How to make chicken and waffles
is a simple tutorial on preparing one of the most well-known brunch dishes out there.
Making the chicken strips in the oven is easier than deep frying and is a little more
on the healthy side.
I hope you enjoyed the video if you loved the waffle content feel free to check my other videos on how to make waffles and pancakes thanks again.

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

yes I’m here is beauty my show you guysexactly how to make this at home onestart with frying up our breadcrumbs[Music]here’s the extra element adding there itis right Larry I want to say 14 chickenstrips or chicken tenders they said nowif you don’t have if you can’t findchicken tenders they’re chicken stripswhat you could do was find chickenbreasts and then like cut them up intolittle slabs like this salt smokedpaprika black pepper 1/2 a teaspoon ofallspice nothing sanitize your handyou’re gonna get into any mrs. Fawleythat’s how you know it’s for seasontotal perfection well this is gonna be acake so we’re gonna do about the eggs soyeah make sure you don’t drop thatshoulder in there like thatcup of flour so black pepper let’s mixit up a little bit or make a mess choiceis yoursguys first we get the pan ready so doesit stick you take a chicken strip goesinto the Egg Bowl into the flour backinto the egg and then into the breadcrumbs then you love tender like thisand then you just go to repeat thatrepeat that same step for the rest ofthe attenders throw these in for about25-30 minutes depending on the cutterhere chicken strip and yeah you’re justgonna watch it but make sure you keeptalking closed no games alrightfirst of all put some oil in there tomake sure the waffle so I’m gonna stickI just save it for a little bit becauseyou have to make the iron sit for alittle bit of warm up so when you putyour mix in it cooks properly sorry Idon’t want oh sorry pancakes we can’tnot pancakes waffles you don’t want tosorry waffles you can’t have thatso hold a lottery of the world lather itupnow we’re gonna take our mix that wemade I got a like a little little spoonof it bring it over I’m gonna pour themin warm in no gangers no no games we getthe other side tooit’s my overflow I don’t carewe’re gonna close them off I’ll let thatcook until it says it’s readywe’re just waiting for the chicken nowall right guys welcome back it took awhile a while to make the chicken tikkalaw to make the waffles to go on to makebut this simplehe’s got trust process I’m hungryI just wanted easy I won’t play no moregamesso what games they play and I see almostforgot the knife no today I’m out of itI made our mother waffles out of yeahsomebody startedlet’s do a combo now to make this like Ihave a knife and I’m using my handscool slide chicken waffle oven friedchicken and wafflesoh yeah what about this my the bestbrunch lunch brunch is lunchthe best thing you can make for that oncooking all morning walk away too longmy video must get methat’s goodhi guys I hope you guys enjoyed thevideo see you guys next time

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