Waffles Recipes

How To Make A Croissant Loaf

It’s not just a loaf of bread. This is a loaf made of croissants. As in, we make homemade croissant dough with all of it’s flakey, buttery layers, and we make it into a loaf. If that doesn’t float your boat then I don’t know what will.

Loaf pans: https://amzn.to/2S3Yf5W
French rolling pin: https://amzn.to/2UdmktS

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Ingredients you’ll need:
168g milk
168g water
600g bread flour
10g salt
62g sugar
45g butter
12g INSTANT yeast

Butter Block (also called the Beurrage):
336g unsalted butter

Day 1:
Make dough the night before

Day 2:
Encase butter in dough
rest 30 minutes
rest 30 minutes
rest overnight

Day 3:
Roll and divide
Roll each segment 10×12 rectangle
divide into strips and roll up
place in loaf pan and proof

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

yeah you know what a croissant is andwe’ve all heard of the cronut but haveyou ever seen a croissant loaf or a crow’the if you will in that doesn’t soundgoodthe name needs a work okay so we’remaking a loaf version of the humble walkthat was a Carl reference by the wayevery French person is like Josh I getit all right I’m just gonna saycroissant it’s weird like you’re withfriends you’re like gotta go to thisbakery you guys want to get some so youknow croissants are kind of a difficultthing to make but I’m actually shockedby the amount of people who have made mycroissant recipe my croissants areactually one of our most viewed videosnot even that it’s my rest are you justmore so that people are actuallyinterested in making something thatcomplicated really goes to show thewhole consensus of like oh people onlywant things that are fast and easy is abulk thing and not true but with thatsaid let’s make this shall we so firstthing you need to do is prep your doughI’m gonna start with 168 grams of waterand 168 grams of milk just mix themtogether and yes we’re only doing thisin grams sorry we’re not doing any cupsor anything this needs to be precise nowlook you don’t need to give this hot oranything just take the chill off of itand get it to like room temp if you canwarm it up in the microwave or whateverand then add 12 grams of instant yeastnot activated dry yeast instant yeastgive it a little mix and you don’t needto let that sit you’re ready to useright away then into the bowl of a standmixer you’re gonna add 600 grams ofbread flour 10 grams of fine sea saltand 62 grams of granulated sugar give itsome whiskey business slapping around alittle bit you know you want it nice andincorporated then directly to the flourmix you’re gonna add 45 grams ofroom-temperature butter that’s rightslap it right in there we haven’t evenadded anything yet put that on yourstand mixer mix it on medium-low speedadd in your liquidy yeast mixture thatsounds gross and then let it mix untilit comes together and then continuemixing for about three to four minutesyou just you want low to moderate glutendevelopment you don’t want it to getsuper developed literally three minutesand it’s done as soon as you see it turnsmooth pull it off in there shape itinto a rough sort of square oval shapethen just place it on a lightly greasedbaking sheet or a plate cover withplastic wrap and set it in the fridgeovernight and for this it really turnedout properly you make sure you add thesmiley face and tuckin bed okay you better give him a kisshe needs it day one is done okay soonward to day twonow before we start rolling out ourdough we need to make our butter blockso you’re gonna need 336 grams ofunsalted butter but I found a reallygreat way to make this in a nice welleven square a great way to get it into anice even shape is actually to placeyour butter in the freezer for about 15minutes take it out grate it you knowthe gram weight that I asked for 336grams cover with another sheet of waxpaper and then using a rolling pin beatit down fold in a little bit beat itdown fold a little bit until it’s onesolid mass and you’re gonna place it insome wax paper and fold the wax paperinto a six and a half inch by six and ahalf inch square and roll that butterout into the edges of it so you’re gonnahave a nice even square like this nextReiter take your dough from the fridgeand you’re gonna roll it into a ten inchby ten inch square make sure it sayseven in as square as possible it’s kindof important place your butter squaredirectly in the center that out of dietand also the points are facing you knowthe way that they look here I don’t knowhow else to describe that and then takethe edges of your dough and fold themover the butter overlapping each of themand then pinch them shut this is crucialmake sure that there are no spaces notears you want one solid dough mass withbutter inside of it completely encasednext you’re gonna take that dough andyou’re gonna roll it out into arectangle measuring 20 inches long andthen you gonna fold it letter style foldthe top down to the center and then theother half over like that nice and eventhen just lightly press along the entirelength of it just to kind of adherethose pieces together wrap it in plasticwrap and place it in your refrigeratorfor 30 minutes that is full number onewhat’s that 30 minutes is up take it outof the fridge now you’re gonna repeatthat exact same rolling process but payattention to how you roll this okayalways roll it to where the seams arepointing right so you want to roll thislengthwise if you roll it the other wayyou’re stretching the glute in theopposite direction that you’ve alreadybegun to work it so don’t don’t do thatso roll it the way that you’re seeinghere fold it the same way as before wrapit in plastic wrap again then place itin the refrigerator again for 30 moreminutesand then repeat that fold one more timefor a grand total of three folds wrap itback up and plastic wrap and then thistime we’re gonna place in therefrigerator overnight do not try andrush this and do this in the same dayyou’re gonna tear the dough it reallyneeds to rest overnight one big tipabout this rolling process is make surethat you’re keeping your butter cold butnot too cold if it’s too warm it’s gonnamelt and incorporate with the dough nogood if it’s too cold then it’s gonnabreak apart and turn into little tinypieces because it’s just crumblingwanted to be cold but pliable okay sonow we’re on day three which is theeasiest day of them all so you can takeyour dough back out begin rolllike you were before but only roll itabout 10 inches long then divide thedough in half you’re gonna roll each ofthose halves into 10 by 12 inchrectangles which by the way you may haveto rest these in between if they’rerolling and they won’t seem to roll outvery much and they keep kind of likesuctioning back then let them rest inthe refrigerator for 20 minutes inbetween rolling now once you can rollthem out properly cut each sheet intofour three inch wide segments so grandtotal of eight strips grease some nineby four loaf pans and then gonna takethose strips of dough and then startingfrom the end closest to you you’re gonnatightly roll them all the way up don’tapply too much pressure you just want towrap line them up decently tight andrepeat that with all your strips youshould be able to fit four rolls into apan with the cut side facing out thatlittle tail you got there yeah you wantthat to be touching the bottom becauseif they’re facing the top they’re gonnaunfold and go all over the place youdon’t want them then we’re gonna make anegg wash consisting of one egg and asmall splash of waterwhisk that together and then brush thetop of your loaves nice and evenly andthen let them sit at room temperaturefor two hoursto rise now I would try to keep theseout of a drafted area because thatlacquered on egg wash you don’t want itto dry up so yeah now after the twohours stuff that should be nice andpuffy you’re then gonna give them onemore brushing of egg wash and then placethem in a preheated oven set to 375degrees Fahrenheit or 190 degreesCelsius if you see them browning tooquickly then turn down the temperatureby about 25 degrees and you can alwaystent them with foil after that pull themout let them cool for about a minute andthen immediately try to carefully popthem out of the pan and place them on awire rack to finish cooling and wellthat’s it you’ve got a croissant loaf Imean I say that’s it it’s obviously athree-day process but I’m telling youthis is so unbelievably worth it youcould make the best toast of your lifethe best french toast of your life breadpudding is you where I’m going like thiscan be used for everything you neverneed to have a sandwich bread that’s sadever again but you want to know whatelse will keep you from being sadforever[Music]alright guys and that is it socroissants but in the form of a loaf ifyou don’t see the beauty in that I don’tknow what else I can do for you if youlike loaves of bread and you likecroissants they’ve had their love childthen you are looking at argue one of themost deliciously versatile breads ofyour life that book sums it up you giveto somebody some french toast that wasmade with croissants they’re probablygonna drop to one knee right away andask you to marry them if you werethinking I was gonna say something elseyou have a dirty dirty mind and get thatI’m gonna be in New York in a few daysfrom this upload and I’m gonna be with avery special person and I cannot revealwho that is but you’ll know soon or notwith all that said if you enjoyed thisvideo or you learned something leave alike subscribe and I will see you nexttime[Music]

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